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EMOTIONS: These pieces are very whimsical and dance around the elephant in the room. They jmost romanticise the situations through the careful wording and flowing vibe. The perspective ‘of two different minds really allows you to compare and contrast the different emotions of the same situation. HER SIL to take away what they wanted to take away with the piece without my adding of strict nto the other Liried to be vague and very open ended with this piece. I wanted the reader lines and edges. I used you form pronouns so that the reader would ste role in the setting and experience being in the moment. Research for this was done through personal experience, HIS SEDE: I tried to capture the mindset of the abuser by etching out a black and white photo of despair using words. My research of this was my own analytical thinking based off the her side poem I would sit for hours at home always asking myself what did he Want and why he was doing this. Through this I created a small backstory. DEAR FUTURE GIRLFRIEND AND PUNCHING BAG: In this piece I ereated a passive-aggressive tone for the boy friend. The postcard contributed to this @ lot because when ‘you thinking of postcards you think of happy and light messages not of an impending doom set ‘upon you. I hoped to sct a story line with this postcard telling the reader all of which my project ‘will have. I used a combination of all my sources to help create a timeline from warning signs to effects of abuse HOW TO SHOW YOUR PARTNER WHAT SHE IS IN FOR: By using a recipe style I hoped to replicate list format but in a creative way. The ingredients would help show all the warning signs in real life scenarios. Instead of just listing “extreme aggression over minor disputes” as a swaming sign for abuse | listed “loud yelling followed by a slap over who gets the T.V. remote.” | ‘lso included the pomegranate seeds and the having to drink all the mixture based off greck fiythology, When Hades tries to make Persephone his wife, he gave her pomegranate seeds to. ‘eatso she would stay in the underworld forever. She did not eat them all causing her to have fo Siay in the underworld for only a halfa year. This relates to abuse because Persephone did not {Yo stay or marry Hades in the first place. | used a Center For Relationship Abuse Awareness und | rewrote the warning signs I saw as most important and widely.

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