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Level of



1. Who does Holden meet in New York in Chp. 17?

a. Jane
b. Sally
c. Phoebe
d. Allie
2. Knowing the meaning of the word putrid, select the correct synonym
a. Rancid
b. sweet
c. crazy
d. fiend


1. Interpret Holdens dream sequence and select which best describes it

a. He pictures kids being free and living as though they wish to desire
b. He sees kids playing in the rye field and no ones around except him.
Hes standing on the edge of this crazy cliff catching the kids as they
fall off
c. His dream is about saving kids from the mistakes theyve made
hence them falling off the cliff, Holden is the hero ready to save
theyre innocence
d. its about goats
2. Recalling the Holdens conversation with the taxi driver about the
ducks select the best restatement below?
a. Holden sees the ducks as him in a way. The ducks had to move due to
a non-movable force which were the seasons similar to Holden
situation because he was forced to move.
b. The ducks represent innocence and how Holdens wants to save
everyone from becoming mature.
c. ducks I mean am I right
d. they are an important symbol for representing Holdens journey
towards maturity
3. Put these events in order ; getting kicked out of Pencey, Holden
getting beat up by Stradler , Visiting Phoebe , his dream sequence, and
his date with Sally?
a Holdens date with Sally, Visiting Phoebe, his dream sequence,
getting beat up by stardler, and getting kicked out of Pencey
b. Dream sequence, Visiting Phoebe , Holdens date with Sally, Getting
beat up by Stradler, & Getting kicked out of Pencey
c. What is this
d. . Getting kicked out of Pencey, Getting beat up by Stradler, Holdens
with Sally, Visiting Phoebe, Dream sequence



1. Why is Allies glove significant to the story?

a. Its the only piece of Allie he has left. The glove shows how much
Holden his now deceased brother , Also hes only shared this with Jane
so its special
b. its Allies reminder of Holden
c. Allies glove is significant because its Holdens last piece of Allie and
it also holds writings of poem from Allie making it something Holden
can remember all the good times.
d. The glove is significant to the family helping Phoebe and Holden
remember the amazing presence of their brother.
2.Can you think of times when Holdens yellow in the book? (there are
2 possible answers)
a. Holden when someone stole his gloves
b. Allies glove
c. When Holden gets beat up by Maurice
d. His talk with Sunny
3. How is Holden experience with Sunny related to the underlying
message of the novel?
a. It relates to the theme of innocence in the novel and how Holden
cant partake in the act of love
b. the theme of death
c. the theme of authentic vs artificial
D.none of the above
4.How Holdens red hunting cap significant?
a. it symbolizes isolation and lowliness
b. it symbolizes pride and excellence
c. it symbolizes Safety and protection
d. it represent his mind and well being
5. Determine the factors that make Holden mentally ill?
a. He has ptsd due to his constant nightmares of ally
b. Holdens depression with his constant episodes
c. Holden is suffering from borderline personality disorder with his
constant back in forth in attitudes
d. All of the above

Analysis questions

1. Examine why Janes involvement to Holdens life played a big part in

the story?
a. it sparked Holdens tendency to be in love with jane
b. its sparks Holden yellow nature
c. it makes him fall in love
d. it sparks Holdens jealousy towards Stradler
2. Contrast Holdens mental journey with his psychical journey?
a. his mental state went downhill and his psychical went uphill
b. his mental journey went uphill and his psychical went downhill
c. his mental and psychical journeys were the same
d. none of above
3. Analyze what muckle-mouthed means?
a. someone who is quiet
b. loud mouth
c. a person glistening vocabulary
d. Someone who talks excessively to no end and about many things at
4. Evaluate why Holden Chp 22 wants to catch the bodies of type
children falling of the cliff in his dream?
a. He wanted to save them from the cliff
b. he wanted to save them from society
c. He wanted to catch the bodies to save the children from, losing their
d. b&c
5. What is the rule Holden uses when state someone is phony? Pg 118
a. faking their way to success
b. He can tell if someone is phony if they dont always act the same
c. a&b
d. none of the above

Synthesis Questions

1."I'm quite illiterate, but I read a lot." Chapter 3, pg. 18 , What

rhetorical device is being used in this quote?
a. Alliteration
b. Anaphora
c. Antithesis
d. Oxymoron
2. "Then I started reading this timetable I had in my pocket. Just to stop
lying. Once I get started, I can go on for hours if I feel like it. No
kidding. Hours." Chapter 8, pg. 58, what sentence could be taken out of
the paragraph to make it flow better?
a.sentence 1
b. sentence 2

c. sentence 3
d. none of the above apply
3. "'If a body catches a body coming through the rye.'" Chapter 16, pg.
115, Recognize the tavern song this line is from?
a. Comin through the Rye
b. A Body to Hold
c. idk
d. A Catcher in the Rye
Evaluation Questions

1. Does Salinger allow the reader to have complex, conflicted feelings

about Holden or does he allow us to see Holden as detached, cynical,
and self-centered? Essay question use back of paper
2. "I kept walking and walking up Fifth Avenue, without any tie on or
anything. Then all of a sudden, something very spooky started
happening. Every time I came to the end of a block and stepped off the
goddam curb, I had this feeling that I'd never get to the other side of the
street. I thought I'd just go down, down, down, and nobody'd ever see
me again." Chapter 25, pg. 197 , Using the quote infer what Holden is
trying to say about his life?( Essay question use back of paper or sheet

Essay question paper ;

Answer key;
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A OR D
5. D

6. A
7. A OR C
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. D
13. D
14. C
15. C
16. C
17. C
18. A
19 & 20 ; essay questions

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