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72 Name for Sustenance

#45 The Power of Prosperity

Think about your life. What difficult situation confronts you? What negative patterns are you repeating?
What do you wish to change? Pick one thing and focus on it. Why is this situation/issue/person in your
life? What lesson is there for you to learn? There is ALWAYS a lesson.
Now ask the Light: Please show me the way.
The Name below will help you transform your situation.
Let the letters occupy your mind as completely as possible.
Be aware that the letters are no longer on the page they are within you.
In fact, they have always existed within you. Now they have been reawakened.
Just one more step. The most important step. Do an act of sharing. No matter how small it may be, do
something selfless. This will activate the 72 Name within you to its fullest power.

Scanning Direction
I transcend my financial burdens and allow the Light to provide for me.
As prosperity grows, I continue to share, to give back more to others.
I will not obsess about money. I distance myself from my money issues,
acknowledging that in my desire for it, perhaps I have lost out on other parts of my life.
And as I open up the channel for actual prosperity, I feel even greater abundance,
an endless supply of Light. Infinite fulfillment awaits me.

For more about the 72 Names, see

The 72 Names of God: Technology for the Soul by Yehuda Berg
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PDF created 2012-03-27
2000-2012 Kabbalah Centre International. All rights in all media reserved

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