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Movses Tokadgian
Professor Makarosyan
12 May 2016
Dear incoming student,
When I had first enrolled into English 114B, I really was not sure what I would expect. I
knew that this course would be more vigorous and difficult as opposed to 114A. I was definitely
correct on that notion. The writing in this course was very extensive and in depth. The professor
gave a rubric for every assignment with a clear grading criteria to follow. In total we have done
three academic essays and two group projects throughout the course.
Essay writing was a strong aspect of the course. I personally love to write, but I was
never too familiar with proper MLA formatting before I had taken this course. Every essay we
wrote was about a different topic. The professor liked us to incorporate views from our own
backgrounds and cultures into our topics in order to make it more readable for every reader. My
personal favorite was our essay #2 because there was a variety of material to work with. The
topic of family dynamics could have a broad setting of definitions. That is what made the topic
more enjoyable to explore and challenge myself with.
Reading was another important element in this class. We have done several readings from
Maxine Hong-Kingstons The Woman Warrior and Gary Goshgarians The Contemporary
Reader. Every week we would have a discussion regarding the text we read for the days prior to

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that. I feel that our professor gave us a voice in the classroom because we were always able to
debate several different topics and hear different view points. In addition, we would have a
weekly moodle post answering a set of questions based upon the text to ensure we are on track
and keeping up with the readings.
Overall I would say I have gained a lot of knowledge from this course. My writing has
definitely changed for the better. I have gained many different perspectives on various topics. I
have learned how to format in MLA and use proper writing styles. Before this course, I was
never the biggest fan of group work. The professor challenged my views by incorporating several
group assignments including two large projects. I believe that the group projects such as project
space and project web were my favorite portions of this course.
The course offers a fair grading critique that combines all the elements needed to make an
exceptional assignment. Take advantage of all the recourses you are exposed to for assistance.
Always revise your drafts, you can always make your writing better than it was before. I can
personally say that I have grown academically and as a person in general. This is not a general
course where you are lectured and take notes to follow. This is the type of course that always
keeps the student engaged and involved. English 114B was a very enjoyable aspect of my
freshman year in college. I am sure you will feel the same way when concluding the course
yourself. Wishing you all the best in your college career.

All the best,

Movses Tokadgian

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