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Catcher In the Rye Test

1.) Who is Holdens roommate?

a.) Lucas
b.) Stradlater
c.) Ackley
d.) Maurice

2.) Which statement supports the meaning of Catcher In the Rye?

a.) Someone
b.) Someone
c.) Someone
d.) Someone


stops a childs loss of innocence

is a farmer
struggles with depression
helps kids grow up

3.) What can readers infer about Holdens relationship with D.B. from this
passage? Ill just tell you about this madman stuff that happened last
Christmas just before I got pretty run-down and had to come out here and
take it easy. I mean thats all I told D.B. about, and hes my brother and all
a.) They
b.) They
c.) They
d.) They

have an honest and close relationship

have a loving brotherly relationship
have no relationship
talk, but they are not close

4.) What can you say about Holdens feelings towards sex?
a.) He likes it and believes its just something fun to do
b.) He thinks its disturbing
c.) He believes it should only be between two people that love each other
d.) He believes its only okay with a prostitute

Read the following passage and answer the questions.Game, my ass. Some
game. If you get on the side where all the hot-shots are, then its a game, all
right- Ill admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there arent any
hot-shots, then whats a game about? Nothing. No game (11).

5.) What conclusion can you draw about Holden from the passage?
a.) He
b.) He
c.) He
d.) He

has a secret contempt for adults

hates playing games
wishes he was a hot-shot
distrusts anyone who plays this game

6.) Which rhetorical device does Salinger use in the above passage?
a.) ethos
b.) logos
c.) pathos

7.) Compare/contrast Phoebes relationship with Holden and D.B.s

relationship with Holden.



Read the following passage and answer the questions.

At the end of the first act we went out with all the other jerks for a cigarette.
What a deal that was. You never saw so many phonies in all your life,
everybody smoking their ears off and talking about the play so that
everybody could hear and know how sharp they were. Some dopey movie
actor was standing near us, having a cigarette He was with some gorgeous
blonde, and the two of them were trying to be very blas and all, like as if
he didnt even know people were looking at him. Modest as hell. I got a big
bang out of it (140).

8.) What does Holdens language choice reveal about him in the above
a.) He
b.) He
c.) He
d.) He

is tolerant and understanding of people

enjoys going along with the group
is very observant and critical of people
becomes severely angered and hostile toward these people

9.) Based on the passage, how would you describe Holdens tone?
a.) Sarcastic
b.) Furious
c.) Melancholy
d.) Callous

10.) What is the meaning of blas in this passage?

a.) Fancy
b.) Boring
c.) Casual
d.) Rich

11.) Through out the novel, Salinger makes readers feel sorry for Holden,
such as when Holden says, She wouldnt answer me or anything. I sort of
tried to get hold of her old hand, but she wouldnt let me. She kept turning
around on me (228). Which rhetorical device does Salinger use in this
a.) ethos
b.) logos
c.) pathos

12.) What is Holdens tone like in the first sentence? If you really want to
hear about it, the first thing youll probably want to know is where I was born,
and what my lousy childhood was like (1).
a.) Cynical
b.) Obnoxious
c.) Wrathful
d.) Malicious

13.) How would you compare/contrast Holdens thoughts on childhood and

Phoebes thoughts on childhood?



14.) Where does Holden view the football game from?

a.) The bleachers
b.) The field
c.) on a hill
d.) he doesnt go

15.) How would you summarize Holdens visit to Old Spencers house?
a.) Old Spencer
b.) Old Spencer
c.) Old Spencer
d.) Old Spencer

tells Holden that he is not welcome and makes him leave

tells Holden that he is smart and should apply himself
asks why Holden was kicked out of Pencey
tells Holden that he believes Holden is mentally ill

Read the passage and answer the questions.

"All the kids kept trying to grab for the gold ring, and so was old Phoebe, and
I was sort of afraid she'd fall off the goddam horse, but I didn't say anything
or do anything. The thing with kids is, if they want to grab for the gold ring,
you have to let them do it, and not say anything. If they fall off, they fall off,
but it's bad if you say anything to them"

16.) Based on the passage above, if a child fell off the horse reaching for the
gold ring, this symbolizes
a.) loss of interest

b.) loss of innocence

c.) staying young
d.) being clumsy

17.) If a child didnt reach for the gold ring, this child could be classified as
a.) happy
b.) manipulative
c.) mature
d.) innocent

18.) What is the meaning of the word terrific in this sentence? I had this
terrific headache all of a sudden (24).
a.) amazing
b.) massive
c.) spectacular
d.) harmful

19.) Through out the novel, Salinger writes in slang. Why is Holdens word
choice significant in the novel? Explain.

20.) In the last paragraph Holden says, Dont tell anybody anything. If you
do, you start missing everybody (234). How is this contradictory to the
entire book? Explain.

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