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Online Strangers
Primary 3

Cyberwellness Framework

Cyberwellness Framework


Identify the possible dangers

Learn to protect oneself


Analyse, evaluate and reflect

on the online situation


Act safely

Online danger
Watch the video:

Video discussion
What did Little Red Riding Hood do?
Sense She did not sense for danger.
Think She thought she met a friend.

She gave the friend her grandmothers


Video discussion
What should Little Red Riding Hood have done?
Sense She should identify any possible danger.
Think Why would a stranger want her
grandmothers address?

She should not have given the address and

logged off or blocked the person from
messaging her.

Stay Safe in the

Cyberworld rules
1. CHECK with a trusted adult before you visit new websites.
2. CHAT only with people you know and trust in real life. Do not
chat with stranger.
3. KEEP all personal information private. Never send your
photograph, name, age, address or telephone number to people
whom you do not know in real life.
4. IGNORE friend request from strangers and inform a
trusted adult. Block the person if there is such a function on
the site.

Stay Safe in the

Cyberworld rules
5. DELETE emails or messages containing links or attachments
that you do not recognise.
6. DELETE SMSes from numbers that you do not recognise. Do
not reply.
7. AVOID meeting up with anyone you do not know in reallife. Do
not arrange to meet strangers face-to-face

Group work
What should I do?
Each group will be given a worksheet for discussion.
-Read the scenario given.
-Discuss as a group the actions that the person
should or should not have taken.
- Write the cyberwellness rule.
- Pin up your responses

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