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Resting Heart Rate

A good indicator of your cardiovascular health is your Resting Heart Rate (RHR).
Your resting heart rate is the number of times your heart beats in 1 minute, when
your body is at rest. You can take your pulse at you radial artery (wrist) or
carotid artery (neck), counting each pulse/beat for 1 min. The most accurate
time to do this is before rising from bed in the morning. A healthy RHR should be
below 90 beats/min.

Your resting heart rate is an indicator of what's called your Stoke Volume, the
amount of blood the left ventricle of the heart fills up with before it pumps that
blood through your system. An increase in stroke volume means the heart does
not need to pump as often, hence a decrease in RHR.

Regular cardiovascular or endurance exercise (walking, running, cycling,

swimming, etc.) can assist in lowering your RHR and improving your heart
health. As you become more fit, your RHR should decrease.

Get Out and Move

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