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Nathan Foxworthy

Wilson 2
10 May, 2016

Epigraph essay

Honeybees are social insects and live in colonies. Each colony is a family unit,
comprising a single, egg-laying female or queen and her many sterile daughters called workers.
The workers co-operate
in the food-gathering, nest-building, and rearing the off-spring. Males are reared only at the
times of year when their presence is required. Bees of the World

This epigraph actually explains my life in scary close detail. My parents are divorced and
since then we have moved around a lot. My mom, sister and I just moved into a town home not
super long ago and my dad lives in an apartment by northwest. My dad is out of town almost
every week till Thursday so I am always with my mom and sister. So my life is completely
dominated by women since I live in a house with two of them and it is sometimes hell. My sister
and I actually get along pretty well, but sometimes she will become hostile towards me for no
reason. At my moms my room is in the basement and its like my man cave, with a huge
projector screen in everything. Since my room is in the basement, I am down there all the time. I
only come upstairs when I am needed or when I have to go to school or work. My job is a very

social job since I am a host, I work at a restaurant called Teds. As a host I have to be social with
the guests that come in and make sure they are happy and enjoying the restaurant.

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