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By Reid FitzHugh
One day, when I was browsing around the internet, I found an odd website.
It was titled: Windows to the World.
Click to get a view through the windows of people around the globe! Anyones open, and no
one is too shy!
Yes, in retrospect, it was rather stupid of me to click on it.
It was after midnight, and I was bored and couldnt sleep.
I wrote down what I saw every time I clicked the window as I did, so I can share it to you.
Each one had an eerily accurate label under it, which I also wrote down.
I will not tell you how I found the website. Youre better off not seeing it, now matter how jaded
you think you are.
Some high school-looking kid working on homework. He looks particularly bored.
A family sitting around the table, having dinner over a roast turkey.
A view into a bathroom, with some old guy taking a shower. His singing is quite awful.
Some person sleeping in a bed. Nothing else special here.
A little girl laying face down on the floor. I waited for a few minutes, but she didnt move. Weird.
A guy sitting in a chair, holding a knife. He looks really depressed about something. Again, I
waited, but nothing happened.
Take a wild guess. I stayed on this page way longer than I should have. Go ahead, make all the
jokes you want.
I couldnt see anything except a black screen. After a few minutes, I started to hear moaning
and thumping sounds. I quit after that.
Its a middle-aged man sitting in front of a computer screen. Hes just mindlessly clicking away
at random articles. I cant see what they are.
Oh, come on. Really? Windows to the World, did I really need to see that?

Yes. Yes I did.

A guy is carrying a box down the stairs, and he trips. I can see him take quite a fall, and he
doesnt move afterwards.
What the heck is up with this site?

A woman goes into her room, and opens her closet. She screams, and runs out of the room.
The closets dark, and I cant see whats in it.
Upon looking more closely, I could see something reddish.
I can see into an old, abandoned house. Theres dust everywhere, and an old, rotting dresser. I
thought I saw a mans shadow in the doorway, but it was probably just me.
A little girl crying profusely. I waited for a while, but the sobbing only got worse. I switched
because I couldnt take the noise.
A little boy is playing around in the kitchen, with nobody else there. Theres a pot full of
obviously boiling water on the stove. The boy bumped into the pot, which caused it to spill all
over him. Those screams ugh. Thats something I definitely didnt need to hear.
A man sitting on a chair in a completely bare room, with the door boarded up from the inside.
Hes looking right at me with a huge grin on his face, completely motionless.
Its a little girl banging her head against the wall repeatedly. I didnt watch this one for very long.
A man making out for a mannequin.
I have no words to describe that. What?
Its just a guy repeatedly spinning around in circles. After he does this for a while, he falls over
and retches violently. Thankfully, I couldnt see it.
Unfortunately, I could hear it, and thats not much better.
A guy in what looks like a bootleg Mickey Mouse costume is putting on a show for a little boy.
The guy is trying his hardest to do some funny tricks, but the boy is crying, obviously scared out
of his wits. Eventually, the guy gets angry and drags the kid out of the room wailing.
I can hear crunching sounds.
A woman sitting in front of a mirror, painting on her own face. I cant see what shes painting,
and personally Id rather not find out.
Some guy doing push-ups repeatedly. I can hear him making grunts of obvious pain, and he
eventually collapses, presumably from exhaustion.
A bunch of people with odd masks on, trying to maintain a pose for a presumably offscreen
cameraman that I can hear. One kid is constantly fidgeting, and messing up the picture. The
cameraman gets more and more outraged. Eventually, the rest of the people in the room shove
the fidgety boy to the ground and start beating up on him, silent the entire time.

A guy frantically writing something on a wall. I cant see what it is since hes in front of it. When
hes finished, he backs away from it, and I can see it. It says:
A woman preparing what looks to be a casserole in a large baking pan. It looked particularly
boring, until a few minutes in, when she picked up a knife and sliced off her own hand with
some effort. She then placed it in the pan, with absolutely no reaction, then into the oven.
A guy is cowering in the corner of his room, looking very scared. There is a loud knocking sound
coming from the door that gets increasingly louder as it goes on. Eventually, the door breaks
down, and a man in an expressionless mask walks in. The screen then goes blank.
A young boy sitting in a room, eating from a large soup bowl. I cant tell the contents, but its
colored black with red chunks in it. The boy is making a sound I cant identify, and can be heard
choking repeatedly.
A girl who hung herself. Not much else to say.
A magician putting on a magic show for some children says hes going to saw a mannequin in
half. As he starts, loud screams reverbate throughout the room, but no one is paying attention.
A man is in a barren, dirty room wearing nothing but the tattered remains of a shirt. Hes
repeatedly banging on the wall, begging to be let out.
A woman is attempting to set up a mirror on the wall, but it falls off and smashes on her body.
Whats interesting about this one is that I swear I saw a shadowy figure in the mirror right before
it fell off.
A man is reading a book quietly, not moving from his chair. Nothing at all happens.
A couple is getting into quite a loud argument, then come to blows. Eventually the woman starts
strangling the man, and he falls limp.
A rather fat man is in front of a table, eating vast quantities of food. No matter what, he doesnt
stop eating. Someone offscreen continues putting food on the table for him to eat.
A woman picks up a large bottle, and ingests the contents. She does the same to a nearby
bottle of pills. She begins to spasm uncontrollably, then drops to the floor.
A man is sitting in a bed, and he doesnt have any arms or legs. People repeatedly come into
the room to bring him water, food, or various other things. He has an expression of constant
sadness on his face.

A man is moving around the room in odd, stilted movements. His expression is completely
blank. Its as if hes not in control of his own body.
A boy is digging through a large pile of trash, tossing away several things before finding what
looks to be an animal skull. He then proceeds to talk to the skull as if its alive.
A woman in a rather revealing outfit is speaking directly to the camera, making lewd remarks.
She proceeds to grin rather widely while licking her lips.
A little girl, is crawling around the room on all fours. A woman comes in with a bowl of food and
water, and sets them down. She then proceeds to pet and talk to the girl as she would a dog or
other pet.
A little girl is sitting in a room, when a man with blood on his clothes comes in. The girl proceeds
to laugh and comment on the fruit punch on his clothes while he approaches silently.
The room is completely silent, but the man inside is reacting as if there is a very loud sound. He
curls up into a ball, covering his ears, begging for it to stop.
A woman is tied to a table, wearing nothing. A large dog comes into view, covered in bruises and
cuts, growling loudly. The woman is obviously terrified, and the screen goes black. Loud
screams and growls can be heard.
Three people are sitting at a table, staring at a computer screen, answering questions. One
accuses the others of cheating, which starts an argument. This quickly escalates into an all-out
brawl between the three of them.
The screen is entirely white. There are loud grunts and moans coming from within. These slowly
turn into bloodcurdling screams of pain and wet-sounding thuds.
A man is in a room, surrounded by mirrors. He talks to his various reflections as if they are real
people, and is clearly quite invested in whatever imaginary conversation he is having.
A woman is frantically running around a kitchen, ranting about needing to get clean. She
washes her hands repeatedly, but does not seem satisfied. She does not stop until she is
literally scalding her hands.
A little girl is sleeping in a bed. A tall person in a robe comes into the room, carrying a large
pillow. He then proceeds to put it over the girls face, while singing a lullaby in a soothing voice.
A man is watching a large television, with nothing on it but static. Despite this, he is laughing
and playing along as if something was. He repeatedly mentions a Mr. Monkey.

A woman is holding a flower, with a pistol next to her on the table. She is playing she loves me,
she loves me not with it. She happens to end with she loves me not and picks up the pistol.
The screen cuts out as a gunshot is heard.
A man is cutting off parts of his body and eating them. He has an expression of glee as he does
this, and appears to show no pain whatsoever.
Nothing is in the room at all. We get to hear someone screaming for help repeatedly. His voice
gets softer and softer until nothing can be heard at all.
An obviously emaciated woman is laying on a bed, with a sandwich on the table next to her.
Despite her obviously being hungry, and it being within easy reach, she completely ignored it.
A woman is sitting on a plush armchair, playing with a rather large snake, and referring to it by
various affectionate nicknames. It suddenly lunges and bites her neck, and begins to constrict
and devour her. She continues to reprimand the snake as though it was just an unruly pet.
A man is standing in a burning room, not moving. He has an expression of complete enrapture
on his face, and he is laughing maniacally. He eventually collapses, and the flames rise high
enough to block the view.
A man is lying in a dingy cell, chained to the wall. A door is heard opening, and he visibly recoils
in fear. A loud, guttural growling sound is heard, and he begins screaming. The screen goes
black, and the noises of tearing flesh are heard, along with screams. The image comes back,
but the man is gone, and in his place is a pile of body parts strewn about, with no sign of the
thing that came in through the door.
Oh god.
Thats my window.
Im looking at myself on the computer right now.
Im looking out the window and I see an eye.
Im getting off this website. Im done. Im out of here.

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