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Ehren Kruger Initial Draft: November 24th, 2009 Ref# 251419201514 FADE IN: EXT. TIMES SQUARE NEW YORK - DAY A POLICE OFFICER is maneuvering his way down a crowded sidewalk at a brisk pace. Some pedestrians seeing him, tense up, others hurry away. The officer comes to a group of THREE PARKED CARS and removes an INSPECTION MIRROR from his jacket pocket. Using the mirror he NERVOUSLY looks under the first car. He sees nothing unusual. The second car also passes inspection. He peers under the third car, a WHITE LAMBORGHINI. RELIEF begins to sweep over his face, but then he notices something is out of place. CABLES and WIRES --are attached to the car running gown a manhole. Fearful, he grabs for his RADIO. EXT. TIMES SQUARE - ar Before the officer can make a call the car rapidly TRANSFORMS. The officer is forced to the ground, people scream and scatter. ‘The DECEPTICON, BRAKEDOWN begins to reek havoc in Times Square. He FIRES randomly into the crowd, and the surrounding buildings, taking out several LARGE BILLBOARDS and the JUMBOTRON TELEVISION. Chaos erupts. BRAKEDOWN (to officer) Keep your optical sensors to yourself! Brakedown TRANSFORMS and speeds out of sight. OPTIMUS PRIME’S voice resonates over the scene. OPTIMUS PRIME (V.0.) Our war has become your war, and we all have suffered. Our existence is no longer a secret. We can no longer hide in plain site. our disguises breed suspicion and fear as humans struggle with the uncertain world the Decepticons have thrust upon them, Earth is now a battleground, teetering on the edge of chaos... 2. In a matter of seconde Times Square has been crippled. As emergency responders begin to sweep in from all sides the severity of the attack becomes apparent. An AUTOBOT fire engine named INFERNO, TRANSFORMS and begins to put out the fires. A group of DAZED SURVIVORS seeing this throws rubble at him in anger, despite his good deeds. Fire rages, smoke billows, the scene turns grey, dark. CUT TO: EXT. RACE TRACK - DAY Television footage, a STOCK CAR takes the CHECKERED FLAG at a NASCAR event. It has a giant AUTOBO] SYMBOL on the hood. In Victory Lane it TRANSFORMS amid *€ ation~— EXPLOSIONS! iN rock the infield as a CON swoops down from the sky, the television coverage abruptly ends. OPTIMUS PRIME (V.0.) ++.The Autobots have acted as ambassadors of goodwill during this trying time, but continued Decepticon interference has proven costly. The price has become too high for our knowledge or our friendship... CUT TO: INT. AEROSPACE RESEARCH HANGAR - DAY Security cam footage. An AUTOBOT is helping a group of AEROSPACE ENGINEERS with an EXPERIMENTAL JET ENGINE. A successful test fire has just completed, and as the group examines the engine... ‘A DECEPTICON TEARS through the roof of the facility and drops through crushing the engine and knocking everyone to the ground. The DECEPTICON fires twice. Footage ends. cur TO:

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