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London suit

So you want to know how the date you set me up with went. /
Like a curse. You cant wait to go and you cant wait to get back.
We drove to the national Theatre on the other side of the Thames
he said it was normally a fifteen to twenty-minute drive. We made it in
six minutes.
Then when he pulled me out of his car/ I hit my head on the
metal bar. I think he was apologizing but I couldnt hear it because of
the ringing in my ears. It didnt hurt because my hair was so stiff, it
took most of the blow.
Anyway, we went to the Mamet play. /He started snorting
because of his allergies. He kept excusing himself and going to the
mens room. You could hear him snorting in there I felt badly for
him. / Yes I know I have allergies but mine are the silent kind. /
Then Dennis couldnt stop coughing so he held his hand over his
mouth but that made his face twitch/ you know like a tic. (She
twitches her face twice)/ well, we got though the play.
He said his allergies werent from trees or grass or cats. They
were mostly from emotional things. Fear, anger, confusion,
embarrassment. He was embarrassed to tell me this so he started to
twitch again. (She twitches again) So I asked him if he wanted me to
drive/ because every time he twitched the car swerved. Every few
blocks he would scrap against a parked car. He had to stop several
times/ to put his personal card in their windshield so he could pay for
the damages. It probably cost him twelve thousand dollars just to get
me home.
Coming home I thought, heres an attractive, intelligent, worldly
man who probably wants to get married but found a way to stop
himself. By wheezing and snorting and twitching. Like some sort of
psychological block that keeps him safe at home in Scotland with his
mother. Do you know what I mean?
Oh I see Thank you for the innuendo. Im going to bed But
thank you for trying goodnight

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