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Audrey Glander

David 4th hour

15 May 2016
Catcher in the Rye test creation

1.) How does Holden describe the museum?

A.) Gross and worn down
B.) The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always
stayed right where it was. Nobodyd move. Nobodyd be different (pg.
C.) new and modern
D.) small and smelly
2.) Which is the best answer on what Holden thinks of Pencey?
A.) It was one of the worst schools I ever went to. It was full of phonies.
And mean guys (pg. 167).
B.) Then something happened. I dont even like to talk about it (pg. 191).
C.) In the first place, that stuff bores me, and in the second place, my
parents would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything pretty
personal about them (pg. 1).
D.) Sometimes I cant even look at them, especially if theyre with some
dopey guy thats telling them all about a goddam football game (pg. 85).
3.) Which element describes the following quote?
Its different with her anyway, because she can dance. She can follow anything
you do. I mean if you hold her in close as hell so that it doesnt matter that your

legs are so much longer. She stays right with you. You can cross over, or do some
corny dips or even jitterbug a little, and she stays right with you. You can even
tango for gods sake (pg. 175).
A.) ethos
B.) pathos
C.) logos
D.) none of the above
4.) What character is Holden talking about in the following quote?
I wouldnt exactly describe her as strictly beautiful. She knocked me out though.
She was sort of muckle-mouthed. I mean when she was talking and she got excited
about something, her mouth sort of went in fifty directions, her lips and all (pg.
A.) an old friend
B.) Phoebe
C.) Sally Hayes
D.) Jane Gallagher
5.) What is the relationship between Holden and Mr. Antolini?
A.) They are not friends
B.) Mr. Antolini was Holdens favorite teacher and they were close
C.) They dont know each other
D.) They fight a lot
6.) What evidence can you find to support Holdens goodness?

A.) Holden drops Phoebes record

B.) Holden agrees to a prostitute
C.) I thought if you were taking up a collection, I could make a small
contribution. You could keep the money for when you do take up a
collection (pg. 109).
D.) Holden gets very drunk at a bar
7.) What would have most likely happened if Holden had NOT insulted Sally
Hayes when they were on a date?
A.) They wouldve had more time together
B.) They wouldve ended on a good note to see each other again soon
C.) Sally would have been nicer
D.) All of the above
8.) What can you infer about Holden when he says The thing was, I couldnt think
of a room or a house or anything to describe the way Stradlater said he had to have.
Im not too crazy about describing rooms and houses anyways. So what I did, I
wrote about my brother Allies baseball mitt (pg. 38).
A.) he is dumb
B.) He is lazy
C.) Holden does things his way
D.) he follows the rules
9.) Where does Holdens brother D.B. live?
A.) Los Angeles
B.) Iowa
C.) Hollywood
D.) Kansas

10.) How would you summarize Holdens childhood?

A.) very happy, playful, involved parents
B.) poor, depressing, no parents
C.) very wealthy, isolated, noninvolved parents
D.) only child, smart, content
11.) Which word could you replace with the underlined word in the following
We got to the Edmond Hotel, and I checked in. Id put on my red hunting cap
when I was in the cab, just for the hell of it, but I took it off before I checked in. I
didnt want to look like a screwball or something (pg. 61).
A.) crazy person
B.) a pitched ball
C.) businessman
D.) tired person
12.) What would result if Holden didnt get really drunk at the bar?
A.) he would not have called Sally Hayes
B.) he wouldve stayed at the bar all night
C.) he wouldve thrown up
D.) he wouldve blacked out
13.) Which quote beast describes Holdens phoniness?
A.) Then a funny thing happened. When I got to the museum, all of a
sudden I wouldnt have gone inside for a million bucks. It just didnt appeal

to me- and here id walked through the whole goddam park and looked
forward to it and all (pg. 122).
B.) After I put my bags in one of those strong boxes at the station, I went
into this little sandwich bar and had breakfast (pg. 107).
C.) I told her Pencey, and shed heard of it. She said it was a very good
school. I let it pass, though (pg. 111).
D.) I got excited as hell thinking about it. I really did (pg. 199).
14.) What is the relationship between Holden and his parents?
A.) Holdens parents are both dead
B.) they are always helping Holden when in need
C.) they are close to Holden, they visit him every weekend
D.) they are very distant, Holden worries about them, but doesnt put in
effort, and neither do they
15.) What inference can you make about phoebe from the following quote?
She wouldnt answer me. all she did was, she took off my red hunting hat- the one
I gave her- and practically chucked it right in my face (pg. 207).
A.) She wants Holden to leave
B.) She is immature and doesnt know how to behave
C.) She hates Holden
D.) She is always happy
16.) which rhetorical element is used in the following quote?
Then all of a sudden, I started to cry. I couldnt help it. I did it so nobody
laughed (pg. 179).
A.) Pathos

B.) Logos
C.) Ethos
D.) None of the above
17.) If you suffered from loneliness, how would you solve this using what you
learned from Holden?
A.)I would surround myself with friends and family
B.) I would go to more social events
C.) I would do things I enjoy, with other people
D.) All of the above
18.) What conclusions can you draw from Holden ordering the prostitute, but not
following through?
After old sunny was gone, I sat in the chair for a while and smoked a couple of
cigarettes. It was getting day light outside. Boy, I felt miserable. I felt so depressed
you couldnt imagine (pg. 98).
A.) Holden is always broke
B.) Holden hates women
C.) Holden is very sexual
D.) Holden wants to be treated like an adult
Essay Question:
19.) Assess the values of importance of friends and family in teenagers as they
become adults.
20.) Explain the impact and results of loneliness and isolation from society.

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