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Nick Musick

Professor Sarah Hughes

English 1102-071
4 April 2016
Reflective Essay
As some of you may know already, I wrote an essay titled Identity Narrative and in that
I reflect on my development as a writer and how each grade has helped hone my writing to what
it is now. I like to think of my writing process as tidal waves crashing onto the shore. In that the
waves represent my thoughts and ideas, and the shore represents my mind. Just like a wave,
ideas flood my brain groups at a time and if I like an idea it stays and if I dont it gets washed
back out to sea. Some days I might have a hard time generating ideas since none come to mind
just like a calm day on the ocean, and other days I might get overloaded with ideas generating
too many loose and unconnected thoughts and ideas. I thought it would be fitting if the theme of
my website would be waves since it most accurately represents my writing process. Recently I
was asked the question how has my composing, argumentative, and analytical skills improved so
far in my current class of English 1102. To be completely honest I dont feel that I have done
enough writing in this class to judge how my skills have changed, at least in my writing that is.
At the time of writing the reflection I have only written two major essays one being the Identity
essay and the other being an evaluation of PeTA, and of the two the only one that could be
considered critical would be the evaluation of PeTA. That essay did teach me how to properly
evaluate different things in the world, because of that paper I have an easier time finding the
good and the bad in everything I come upon and because of that I guess that is one way my skills
in writing have changed, and thats about all there was. Personally I feel that this would have

been a better project for the end of the semester. That way I wouldve had more experience with
writing in this class and I would have more examples of how my writing has developed.

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