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Nick Musick

Professor Sarah Hughes

English 1102-071
19 April 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Slater, Lauren. "Wild obsession: the perilous attraction of owning exotic pets." National
Geographic Apr. 2014: 96+. Environmental Studies and Policy. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
In this article author Lauren Slater retells some of her experiences with exotic pet owners.
The article is a cautionary tale about the inexperienced owners exotic pets and why it is such a
danger to not only the owner but also the animal itself. Lauren also covers successful exotic pet
owners and the steps taken to safely own an exotic animal. This article will be helpful in my
mediation paper because it sets up the view point for anyone against owning exotic animals as
pets. This article also sets up view points from the opposite side and allows for logical sound
reasons why it is still a bad idea to own exotic pets.
Rowley, Barbara. "Born caged." Sierra Jan.-Feb. 1992: 14. Environmental Studies and Policy.
Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
In this article author Barbara Rowley explains the difficulty of owning an exotic animal
as a pet. She talks about how many of the wildlife rescue facilities are already full and how many
of the exotic animals end up being killed especially birds. This article covers why the exotic pet
market is crippling the populations of rare or endangered birds. I will be able to use this article
for the opposing side to the argument should it be illegal to own exotic pets. This article covers
one very important topic that is commonly found when discussing exotic pets and that is

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