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Delaney Bredehoeft

Block 4
Catcher In The Rye Test Questions
Knowledge Questions:
1. The word yellow used in the following passage most likely means
a. Small
b. Cowardly
c. Tired
d. Happy
I wished I knew whod swiped my gloves at Pency, because my hands
are freezing. Not that Id have done much about it even if I had known.
Im one of these very yellow guys. I try not to show it, but I am.
2. The word nonchalant, found in the passage, is synonymous to the
word (Word choice)
a. Sad
b. Angry
c. Crazy
d. Calm
He got stinking, but I hardly didnt even show it. I just got very cool
and nonchalant. (Salinger)
3. Which character from the novel does the following passage most
accurately describe? (Compare and contrast)
a. Phoebe Caulfield
b. Holden Caulfield
c. Jane Gallagher
d. Ackley
She knows exactly what the hell you're talking about. I mean you can even take her
anywhere with you. If you take her to a lousy movie, for instance, she knows it's a lousy
movie. If you take her to a pretty good movie, she knows it's a pretty good movie.
4. Interpret the meaning of the word Phony in the following passage
a. Depressed
b. Lonely
c. Pretentious
d. Lazy
The ones they've had at every school I've gone to, they all have these Holy Joe
voices when they start giving their sermons. God, I hate that. I don't see why the hell
they can't talk in their natural voice. They sound so phony when they talk.
Comprehension Questions:

Delaney Bredehoeft
Block 4
5. The tone of the following passage can be most accurately be
described as (Tone)
a. Gloomy
b. Passionate
c. Kind
d. Sorrowful
Youve been more than generous, she said. Youre a very sweet
boy. She certainly was nice. She reminded me a little bit of old Ernest
Morrows mother, the one I met on the train. When she smiled, mostly.
Weve enjoyed talking to you so much, she said. (Salinger)
6. Which of the following phrases most accurately paraphrase the following passage
from the novel.
a. Holden wants to be the one going out on a date with Jane
b. Holden is happy that Stradlater is going on a date with Jane
c. Holden is shocked and excited at who Stradlater is going on a date with
d. Holden has no interest in who Stradlater is going on a date with
Yeah? I said. Whats her name? I was pretty interested.
Im thinkingUh Jean Gallagher.
Boy, I nearly dropped dead when he said that.
Jane Gallagher, I said. I even got up from the washbowl when he said that. I damn
near dropped dead. Youre damn right I know her. She practically lived right next
door to me, the summer before last. (Salinger)
7. Summarize Holdens feeling about the ducks in the pond based on his thoughts in the
following passage. (Rhetorical elements)
a. He is scared of the ducks because he was attacked by a duck when he was
b. He hates the ducks because they stay in the pond all year long
c. He is very curious about the ducks
d. The ducks make him sad because he wanted one as a pet when he was young
The ducks. Do you know, by any chance? I mean does somebody come around in a
truck or something and take them away, or do they fly away by themselves-go south or
something? (Salinger)
Application Questions:
8. When Holden says, No, Ill just watch ya. I think Ill just watch, I said. I gave her
some more of her dough. Here. Get some more tickets. he is demonstrating his
desire to preserve Phoebes childhood. Another instance when Holden expresses his
fascination with childhood innocence is when (Compare and contrast)
a. He watches with the little boy singing on the street
b. He has a conversation with Carl Luce
c. He hires a prostitute at the hotel
d. He talks to the nuns at the diner

Delaney Bredehoeft
Block 4
9. Applying your knowledge of rhetorical elements, which element is most clearly
expressed in the underline portion of the following passage? (Rhetorical devices)
a. Irony
b. Illusion
c. Simile
d. Metaphor
And my brother Allie, the one that died, that I told you about, was a wizard.
10. Why is Holdens accusation that adults are phony and he wont be like them is an
example of irony with Holdens behavior?
a. Holden doesnt know any adults that are phony
b. Holden tells lies and adapts different personalities around other people, just
like the phony adults
c. In the book, the children are the ones that are phony, not the adults
d. Holden likes when the adults are phony because it is funny to him
11. Determine how the Central Park duck pond is a metaphorical example of Holdens
a. It describes to the reader why Holden likes to swim
b. The half frozen water represents Holden; he is between childhood and
c. The ducks represent Holdens love of animals
d. His interest in the ducks represents his interest in childhood and innocence
12. How is Holdens date with Sally an example of his lack of social skills?
a. It shows that Holden cant carry on a conversation with anyone
b. It shows that Holden only likes little kids, not people his own age
c. It shows that he is not able to be nice to other people
d. It shows that Holden is lonely and desperate for a friend to talk to but he
doesnt know how to make personal connections
Analysis Questions:
13. Differentiate between Holdens contrasting moods in the following passages
describing memories from his childhood. (Compare and contrast)
a. In the first passage, Holdens mood is guilty; in the second passage his mood
is happy
b. In the first passage, Holdens mood is angry; In the second passage, his mood
is excited
c. In the first passage Holdens mood is excited and surprised; In the second
paragraph his mood is depressing and sad
d. The mood is the same for both of the passages

Delaney Bredehoeft
Block 4
First Passage: Jane Gallagher, I said. I even got up from the washbowl when he
said that. I damn near dropped dead. Youre damn right I know her. She practically
lived right next door to me, the summer before last. She had this big damn
Doberman pinscher. Thats how I met her. Her dog used to keep coming over in our
Second Passage: I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddam
windows with my fist, just for the hell of it. I even tried to break all the windows on
the station wagon we had that summer, but my hand was already broken and
everything by that time, and I couldnt do it. (Salinger)
14. Analyze the significance of Holdens red hunting cap. Which statement is most
accurate according to the passage? (Meaning)
a. Shows the reader that Holden remembers his brother by his hat
b. Symbolizes Holdens desire to stand out and be unique
c. Show the reader that Holden likes hunting
d. Symbolizes Holdens desire to remain innocent
I took my red hunting hat out of my pocket and put it on. I didnt give a damn how I
looked. (Salinger)
15. Examine the tones used in the following passages and differentiate between them.
a. Passage 1 has an ominous tone; passage 2 has a cheery tone
b. Passage 1 has an encouraging tone; passage 2 has a critical tone
c. Passage 1 has an ominous tone; passage 2 has a bitter tone
d. Passage 1 has an apologetic tone; passage 2 has a hopeless tone
Passage 1: Hes dead now. He got leukemia and died when we were up in Maine, on
July 18th, 1946. Youd have liked him.
Passage 2: Youd like her. I mean if you tell old Phoebe something, she knows exactly
what the hell youre talking about. I mean you can even take her anywhere with you.
16. How does childhood contrast with adulthood in Holdens eyes?
a. Childhood is long and sad, adulthood is upbeat and interesting
b. Childhood doesnt contain any sadness, adulthood doesnt contain any
c. Childhood is a time of innocence and happiness; adulthood is a time of
phoniness and lying
d. Children want to help other people, adults only want to help themselves
17. Determine the factors in Holdens life that led him to constantly flunk out of schools.
a. Constant pressure to succeed from his peers
b. His parents lack of effort to get him into a good school
c. His depression and lack of motivation due to his brothers death
d. His teachers unwillingness to help him succeed

Delaney Bredehoeft
Block 4
Synthesis Questions:
18. A logical inference that could be made about Sunny based on the following passage is
a. Sunny had a rough childhood and is a prostitute because she desperately
needs money, even though she is very young
b. Sunny was very experienced and intimidated Holden
c. Sunny was angry at Holden because he lied about his age
d. Sunny comes from a well-off family and chose to be a prostitute for fun
She was very nervous, for a prostitute. I think it was because she was young as hell.
She was around my age.
19. Change the underlined words from the passage to one of the following choices that
makes the most sense (Word Choice)
a. Interested
b. Annoyed
c. Sleepy
d. Anxious
Listen. How long you been going around with her, this sculpture babe? I asked him. I
was really tired. Did you know her when you were at Whooton?
20. What could you predict about Holden based on the conversation he had with Carl
Luce in the book?
a. Holden is upset because he doesnt like the girl that Carl is dating
b. Holden is immature but tried to overcompensate for his immaturity by
talking about mature topics
c. Holden is sad that he and Carl arent better friends and wants to meet again to
get to know him
d. Holden hates Carl because he is annoying and wont stop pestering him
Evaluation Questions:
21. Give and explain your opinion on the claim that Holden suffers
from an extreme lack of motivation and is therefore unable to be
successful in life. Do you agree or disagree?

22. Give your opinion of Holdens desire to be the catcher in the rye. What do you
think is says about him as a person?

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