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by M.T. Harrte
Sure, I was already planning on changing a few things around here.
For starters I would like to add more guards from different colonies as long as
yall dont oppose, I said.
I scanned the room for any type of disagreement. Ethan was twirling
his hair around his finger, Konrad was digging in his nose, and Liam was
staring back at me.
Alright, so just let me know who you think should ser A sneeze
stopped me midsentence.
Fuck, I peed again. Wait . No not pee.
No one said anything or seemed to notice but I could feel the liquid
gushing out and no amount of Kegels or anything else was stopping it.
I motioned for Palo to come closer so I could make a discrete exit and
officially check on things. Thadius invited himself over, and stooped down
beside me.
I think my water just broke, I whispered.
What! shouted Thadius.
What is it? Whats wrong, said Liam, taking several steps closer.
Everythings fi
Alexis water broke! yelled Thadius.
So much for being discrete.

Everyone rushed to my side with the exception of Konrad who was

desperately attempting to fish out whatever was lodged in his nasal cavity.
Girl, I just had that chair reupholstered, said Ethan. Get cha ass up
so we can get this baby out of you.
Call the humans! yelled Liam, pacing the room.
No, I hissed. I dont need the humans. I turned to Palo and
breathed through a contraction. Call Rachel.
He nodded and ran off in the opposite direction as everyone else closed
in on me.
If it dies, can I eat it? asked Konrad leaning forward in his seat.
My eyes flashed yellow as our glares fell on him.
What? he asked. Its goblin custom.
Ethan shook his head in disgust as I motioned for my other guards.
Get him the fuck out of here, I growled. In fact, everybody leave with the
exception of Thadius and Ethan, I need yall to help me to my room.
We shuffled down the hall pausing long enough for the freight train
disguised as a contraction continued to slam into me over and over again.
Thadius took the initiative to go ahead and pick me up and carry me the
rest of the way. Wasting no time, he kicked my bedroom door open and
gently placed me in the middle of the bed.
Ethan shook his head again. Those sheets cost a fortune, he muttered.
Really, Ethan! I shrieked. Make yourself useful or get out!
He rolled his eyes and snatched off my leggings. Lets just see whats
going on down here.

His head disappeared for a moment and I immediately felt the urge to
Oh hell nall, girl whatever you are doing, STOP. Something is
peeking out, he said, and his ghostly face paled to a nearly transparent hue.
You know what, Im going to go see whats going on with your midwife
wolf lady.
I looked over at Thadius and attempted to smile to lighten the mood.
The panicked looked on his face made me wonder if he needed more medical
attention than I did.

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