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Ts. The Firft Part containeth an eafie Intro- duétion to the whole Art of Alttologie , thew ing the Number and Nature of the 'Signes, Planets, and Afpeéts, Together with feveral Names and Terns of Afzologie. Allo how |! to crett a Figure of the Heavens, and to place the Planets therein s and how the Student cought to proceed in the whole Art. _ ‘The Second Part theweth the Refolution’ ‘of all. manner of Horary Queltions which coh-| cer the Life of Man, -his Bitate, Brethren, or fhort Journeys. Ifthe Querent thall er have} Children. OF Sickneffes, and how to finde the | | Nauite and kinde of the Difeate, ~ Alfo con-| coming, Marriages, Law-iits, Publick Enemas: OF things lof or ftoln 5 with all orher peceary Questions whatfoever. Together vith feveral Examples of Gacleltal Figures exeéted for Horary Queftions, and Judgements therenpon, ‘whereby aity man of an ordinary capacity may foon attainto the whole Art thereof. il i |By JOHN MIDDLETON, Philomath. LICENSED, . May 4, 1678. Rp. LEfraitge | LOND ON: Printed by 7.0. for Ri i Prglonsneas Grays-Dni-gate in Holbowr, FOAM “Prudentia Maj orFato. Vere & Hii Token! Middleton u “ato lomath . . 1166090 In Laudem’ Operis. N this Fantaftick Age, whilftevery Fool T utitps apots's Portne-tlling Stool, Offers to prate at randome Peace or Wart, ‘And Hucktters out Twelve-penny Chops of Stars, "Tis rarea fober Artif fhould appear 5 Butfuch, Kinde Reader, thou art bleft with here. Oncthat Vrania’s Beauties doth expo, And in plain Language all het feerets thews 5 Who chides this freedom, and bidshim give o're, Afham’d he thus thould take up al! before Yetthe bold Lad negleGtful of her Cries, : Spreads her abroad, who huggs the dear furprizes ‘And fporting in thet Sheets, through every Page, Begetsa lafty Artift for next Age. ‘But I'mtoo Airy---- Well, ith’ Book each line, Tm five is folid, except thele of mine, AG: A Table of the Contents of the Book. Hap. 1. The number of the Signes. Planets, and Afpels, together wish their Names and Charailers, r Chap: 2. Of the divifion of the 12 figns. 6 A Table foewing the degrees Mafeuline and Fe- minine, Be: in each igne of the Zodiack, 8 Chap. 3. The Defeription and Signification of the 12 Signes of the Zodiack, rte Chap. 4. Of the Defeription and natural Signi- fication of the 7 Planets. 2d Chap. 5. The Defeription and natural significa tion of the Seven Planets in any of the Twelve ignes of the Zodiack. 31 Chap. 6. Of the Houfes, Antifeions . Friendpbip, ‘and Enmitys, ad of the Orbs and Latitude of the Seven Planets. 52 Chap. 7. Of the Effential and Accidental digni ties of the Planets. 59 ‘A Table foewing what Mersber of the Body every Planet governs by being pofited in any of the Twelve Signet. 64 Of the Kingdomes and Cities under the Telve Signes and Seven Plancts. 65 Chap. 8. Of the Terms of Art that every Sinden ought well to underfland. 68 ‘ Chap. The Contents. Chap. 9. How to erett a Figure of the Heavens for any hour of the day or ‘ee by an phew and Table of Honfes. 4 Chap. 10. How to reduce the planets motions ta any hour of the day or night. or ATable of the honrly motion of the Plancts, wheree by yon may reduce their motions to any bour of the day. 83 Chap. 11. Of the Aftrological fignification of the Twelve Honfes of Heaven. 84. oe quarters of Heaven fignified by the Twelve lonfes. x Chap.12. Hex to compute the Part of Fortune. 2 A Table of the Fortitudes and Debilities of the Part of Fortune. 93 Chap. 13. Of the Significators of the Querent, and of the thing enquired after. 94 Ageneral Rule to know whether a Queftion bera~ dical, or fit to be judged. 95 What Marks,Moles,or Scars the Querent bath? 97 To know if the thing demanded will be brought to perfection or not. 99 Who foall be the furtherance or hindrance of the thing enquired after 2 TOK Of varying the Honfes in your Judgement accor- ding t0 any Queftion propounded, 102 Of the time of receiving a Horary aupfion 164 Chap. 14. Of the Planetary hours, and bow to finde thorn cither day or night. 105 The The Contents. The Second PAR, fhewing the Refolution of all manner of Horary Queftions. Hap. 1. Queftions appertaining to the firft 1 Houfe. Shall the Querents life be long ov ‘fort 2 1Ir 1b what part of the world may the Qyerent dirclt bis courfeto profper ? 113, shall the Querent finde the party at home be would “fpeak withal? 114 aan abfent party be dead or alive? 116 Of a thing Juddenly happening , whether good or evil is iqnified thereby 2 117 Of a foip at Sea, ber fafety or deftrudtion? 118 Chap. 2. Of the fecond Houfe , and Queftions therennto belonging. Shall the Querent berich or poor 2 122 By what means fall the Querent attain riches ? 123 Shall the Querent obtain bis Wages or Stipend hat is due from the King or any Nobleman, &e. 124 ‘A Figure eretled to know if the Querent foould ob- tain his Wages due from bis Mafter. 126 ‘juclgement upon the preceding Figure. ibid. Shall the Querent obtain the ‘Money which be lent, arthe Goods panned 2 127 Chap. 3. Judgensents properly belonging to the third Houfe. of The particular parts and members 0 i the Planets penerally eee nas ‘Ths particular parts of the body governed by the ‘Hvelue Signes of the Zodtack, 184 Ofte Difeafes the Planets fgniffe. 185 Be Die fered shorter Spr 187 art of the body is Tr the difeafe nthe Bodyor Ne beibe a3 To know the nature and quality of the difeay Whether the Difeafe be eeeee Mane 2 Signes of life, or thatthe fick party will recover of 1 the infirmity affidtin : 8 Signes of death, o* that the party will die of ‘he infirmity afflidting. 199 wee Servant al prove. juft or kuavifh to bis after If Servant fall got free from bis Niafler? 202 “ ; 202 Offonll Cattle foll the Rasres gain by theo or Chap. 7. Of the fevemth Hi hn teeta heongig | ths eed Buchione Shall the uerent marry? 20, it oe Hinse fall the Quctent marry 2 208 Shall the Qyerent marry more than once? 205 Whether the Marieg intended fall be fie What fball be the bindran co? 20 What manner of porfon foal the Quorent ‘wairy? 210 Bho 0 both 2191 gama a e Contents. — Iho is the more nobles iage 2 they agree after marriage San leper ‘one fall marty? os If foe bea maid that asks the queftion shall the Quer’ 2 Law-fuit ? ‘Shall two Parknet cand spbich will be Mafir 212 213 : oe ein moarny 2 ine bat time ® A PIgMTE ? t 4 and Judgement. i oe the Worsan defire 2 218 Af mar ha fy eran 8 in thei ip rs agree in their partner{bi ip i 2 233 be Querent any publick Enemies Fe ain tar Safe from the Wart 2 me Shall the Town or Cail beg be taken Of Fugitives, Strays, Theft Re ae etter Cattle be foln, or frayed of themfel ae whether the Beafts loft be dead ox alive? aa : Shall Castle frayed be bad again? | 229 whether Caite be i rome gi Which way are they gon eae Ma Fagitie Pall be fownd come #80 of a Thief, and be Sigeieater 334 : the Thief. { ee oT Nef be alan or Woman? = 236 | Is the Thief 4 Stranger or Familiar é Bis |” Ge the Goods far from the Owner aa, i Shall the Querent continue in the Office or Empl Contents. ~The Which way the Thief is gone ? what Doth the Owner fufpelE the Thief ? If the Goods fioln be recoverable or not 2 In what sire foall the Goods be recovered ? 240 If an abfent Husband were dead or alive? ye live, will he return ? andin what time? A Fix gure and Judgement, 243 Chap. 8. Of the eighth Honfe, and Queftions thereunto belonging. What death the Querent may die, whether watue ral, or violent? 245 Inwhattime the Querent fhall die? 246 Shall the Querent obtain bis Wives Portion 2 248 Chap. 9. Of the Ninth Houfe. Of a long Journey or Sca-voyage, and the fucceff thereof, 249 shall the Voyage be long or foort 2 250 Towards wha part of the world is it beft for the Querent tego? 252 shall the Querent profit by the Science intended 2 2 Shall a Parfom obtain the Beneice enquired afier ¢ 254 Chap. 10. Of the tenth Honfe, and Aftrological Qucftions thereunto belonging. Shall the Querent obtain the place of Proferveent defired 2 ae 25 7 lay ment The Contents. Snent be poffefes 2 258 what Profefion i beft for the Querent to follow 2 260 shall she Querent obtain the place off preferment defred 2 -A Figure, and Gudgemens thereapon. 263 Chap. 11. Of the Eleventh Houft. Shall the Querents Friends prove faithful 2 265 ‘Shall rhe Swerent obtain what he hopes for? 267 Chap. 12. Of the Twelfth Honfe. Hath the Querent private Enemies 2 268 Who arcthe Querents fecret Encnsies ? 269 Of a Cuptie or Prifoner, whem be fall be at tiber- ty? 270 4 Horfe loft, if he were Sirayed or flolen ? if re couerable 2 272 Chap. 13. Some foort Rules for the making of Eleitions upon Jeveral occafions. 273 ‘A Table fewing the Longitude, Latitude, Natures send Magnitude of feveral of the feed Stars. 282 Prattical 4 Practical mes, Planets, and Afpetle, together with their 1 Names and Charaflern, He Zodiack ; ( which is a gay, great Circle in the Hea- ff) vens) is divided into twelve equal parts, called b by Aftrononiers the twelve 5 ASE signes 5 | Thus named and charattered, Y Aries, ‘S Leo, if 1 Aries, 2 Sagittirg, js Tass, Cm virgo, ¢ dw capricorn: Gemini, (a Libra, CY Aquaria & Cancer, \Cm Scorpio, ) (x Pafecr ‘ B Eve: Prattical Aftrologte. Signe is divided into 30 equal Pane Matted Degrees 5 each Degree is Favided into Go Minutes each Minute, into 6o Seconds, Oc. Ha 60 are feven Planets, which have a continual motion through the twelve Signes. Thefe are their N acters = james and Cha- wp saturn, % Jupiter, 3 Mars © Soh 3 Venus, 9 Mercury, > Luna ‘There are alfo two Nodes, oF certain Points of the Heavens. 5 named and Cha- raétered thus : The Dragons Head, 9 The Dragons Tail. lancts have allowed them -every can xcrpt ‘sol and Luna) two of thele Signes for their Houles, "As, to Satin Delongs Capricornus and anit i Jupiter belongs Sagittary:an ri ne ‘hlars, aries and Scorpios €0 Sah, Tee to Venus, the Signe Taurus ast oo : to Mercury belongs Gemini and Virgo? and th Luna, Cancer. 7 ‘oa ‘The Planets by their eoatinal marion Pratlical Aftrolocie. through the twelve Signes do make feve- ral Angles, or Afpetts. I thall onely fpeak of thofe which are moft forcible, which are in number five; thus named and charaétered + & Conjunttion, * Sextile, 0 Quadrate, Te Plae sas 4 Trine, & Oppofition, A Conjundtion is when two Planets are in one and the fame degree and minute of a Signes and this is either good or bad, as the Planets are either Friends or Enemies one to the other. A Sextile Afpeét is whea two Planets are two fignes or 60 degrecs diftant, as Jupiter in ts degrees of Aries, and Sa- furnia. 15 degrees of Gemini. ° Here Ju- piterisina sextile Alpettto Saturn 5 this isan Afpect of Friend(hip. ‘A Suadrate Afpeét is when two Pla- nets are three figaes or go degrees diftant 3 as Marsin 10 degrees of Tanrwe , and Ve- | nwa in to degrees of Leo, Here Mars | and Venus are faid to be in Quadrate A~ fpett, which by Artifts is accounted an Afpett of imperfeét erimity 5 and that the perfons fignified thereby may at fome times have jarrs, but fuch as may be re= conciled again. Ba A Pratlical Aftrologie. Praétical Aftrologit A rine Alpett is when any two PI nets are four. fignes or 120 degrees di lant as Mars in x2 degrees of Aries, and Sol in-12 degrees of Leo. Here Sot and Jars axe (aid to bein Trine Afpects and this is an Afpett of perfeét Love and Frieadlhipe pee San oppofition i when two Planets are ‘diametrically oppofites which is, when they ate fix figaes or 180 degrees (which sone half of the Circle) afunder, And this is an A(peét of perfett hatred. _ But although an Afpedt confift of fo many degrees as we have mentioned, yet Planets are {aid to bein afpeét when they are not exadtly in the fame degrees , but within the moiety of their Orbs: for which, feehereafter Chapter the Sth: and thisis called a Platick A(pest. A Partile ‘Aipeét is when two Planets are in a per fett Afpett-to the very fame degree and prinutes ‘Alpeéts are_alfo termed Dexter and i- nifer. Thole Afpedts are called Dexter, Which are contrary to the fucceffion of Signes 5 a3 a Planet in Aries calts his ‘Seutile dexter to Aquarins, Sinifter,is with the fucceffion of Signes 5 a8 a Pla- net in Aries cafts his Sextile finifter to Geminis Gemini: as you may perceive by thi flowing Table, tees ATable of the Planets Afpetts both Dexter and Sinifter. [Te Radiations of the Planets, [soap OAS HOSE AOE | P72 amy | soit REE EES AS Bele: [Lame Bier (fe a? Saxo de 5 Sirol ae By this Table you may perceive that a Planet in Aries cafts his Sextile dexter to Agnarine, and his Sextile finifter to Ge- mini : alfo he calts his Quadrate dexter to Capricorn, and his Quadrate finifker to Ganecr. | Likewile a Plnctin drier eatts is Trine dexter to Sagittary, and his Trine finitertoLen Underftind the like in the reft. Th Tables 0 eafie, that it needs no {pr ther explanation, ” - B3 CHAP. Tra&bical Aftrologie. CHAP. IL. Of the divifion of the twelve Signs. T* twelve Signes of the Zodiack are divided into four Triplicities, according to the four Elements 5 Fire, Earth, air, and Water. Fir 19 BC hncanddy. : : sei rid and dr 3 MX Ceoldand mein. Signes are alfo Moveable, Fixed, and ‘Common 5 as, Om & Fixed 4 & ew Moveable } sre. Tm FX common Sines are faid to be Mafculine and Feminine; as, YW & wy sy aremaculine Sienes, WG Mm ZX fae Feminine signer. Double bodied Signes are 1 and x, and the beginning of #. Signes Pratlical Affrologie. Signes are alfo Fruitful and Barrens as, 5 Mh ye LE” SM 3h are {Sat Sige All the reft are faid to be indifferent. Signes are alfo termed Mure fs finane 83 Northern Signes Commanding, Southern Sines obeying, are Signes Drosl, TEL & Poo, Soer NoGurtal, WS MM w Xe Befides the Divifions of the Signes, there are alfofeveral degrees of the Signes which are termed Mafculine and Femi- nine, Dark, Light,Smoaky, and Void 3 as are thewed in the following Table. @ Prablical Afirologie. Prattical Aftrologie. A Table thewing the degrees Maculine, Femi- nine, dre. in each Signe of the Zodiack. The Ufe and Explanation of the Table. N the firft Column towards the left hand,againft Aries,you finde 8, 15,303 and in the fecond Column, againft Aries, you finde 9,22: which intimates , that the firlt 8 degrees of aries are Mafculine, the gth Feminine 3 from 9 to 15 Mafcur line, from 15 to 22 Feminine; from 22 to 3 Mafeuline. Underftand the like in the relt. In the fourth Columa, under Degrees Light, againtt aries, you finde 8, 20,29. And in the fifth Column, againit Aries, you finde 3, 16: which thews that the finlt3 degrees of Aries are dark from 3 to 8 are light 5 from 8 to 16 are darks and feom 16 to 20 are light. And fo of the reft, The cighth, ninth, and tenth Columns exhibit the degrees of the Ecliptick that are Deep or pitted, Lame or deficient;and thofedegrees which Increafe Fortune, as the Title direéts, The Table is fo ealie, that it needs no farther Explanation ? The UG whereof followeth. : When Fraghical Aftrologie, ‘When a Queftion is propoted concerning ‘Theft, whether the Thiet be Man or Wo- man 3’ of if a woman with Childe, whe- ther the be conceived of a Boy ora Girl : When the teltimonies in your Figure are equal, then confider the degrees. of the Calpe of your Houles relating to the Queltion, and the degrees wherein you finde the principal fignificators 5 and if the major part of them be in degrees Mat cline, it isa Male 5. if Feminine, a Female, eo. Ifthe degrees afcending in a Nativity or Queftion ferioully propounded , be thofe which are termed Light, the perfon fignified thereby will be more clear and far: IFtho® accouated Dark, or Smoa- ky, his complexion is more obfeure and cloudy, cee If the degrees afcending be thofe which aretermed Void, it thews that the perfon figaifed thereby’ is but of a mean under~ flanding, and very defeétive in his Judge- ment. Ifthe degrees acending, or the princi- pal fignifiatory, be in thole degee's re- puted Deep or Pitted, it thews that the Niriveor Querent is imperfect either in body ot minde, or boths ~ When Pratlical Aftrologie When you finde any of thot degrees Cafeending, or the principal fignifestors Pofited therein) which are termed Lame or deficient, it’is an argument that the pevfon tiga hereby defttive in fame part of the body, either Crooked, Lame, or Blind, oe. If you finde the Culp of the fecond Houle, or the Lord of the fecond, orthe Part of Fortune, pofited in any of tho degrees which ar id to Incte‘e For tune, it mightily augments the good pro- mifed thereby. And thus: muchimay rve for the uleofthe Table, CHAP. UT The Defeription and Signification of the rmelve Signes of she Zo- diack, 1. Of ARIES. Kiesis a Mafculine, Diurnal, Cardi- Nene GA nal, Equinndal Bate Signe, e ficty Triplicity, hot and dry : day-houle of rn ies The perfons fignified thereby, are but pyre. of oe nna an eS pe Pratlical Affrologie. ‘of a mean Stature, lean Body, of a lon; or oval Vitige, the Hair-curling , an: oftentimes of a white or fandy colour. Te igaifieth places where theep or fall cattle are kept: fandy moorifh grounds, hilly or uinffequented plates, oe. In houles, it fignifies the upper part ot cover- ing thereof , or fables where fmall beatts are kept. 2 Of TAURUS. Teurwsis a Feminine, Notturnal, Me- lancholy, Domeftical, Beaftial, and Furi- cous Signe, cold and dry 5 the firlt of the earthy Triplicity. Te reprefents one of a fhort Stature, broad Forehead, great Eyesa large Mouth, fhort fat Hands, a well-fet per(on, his Hair black, his Complexion brown, or fwar- thy. ‘ "Te fignties Stables, Gow-houfes, Cellars, and fach kinde of places where furniture belonging to horles and cattle are kept. ‘Andin the Fields, it reprefents Pattures, and plain Corn-fields. 3 OF { u i ‘ Pratlical. Aftrologie. 3 3. Of GEMINI Gemini is a Mafculine figne, hot and Nas. moift, Diurnal, Aereal, Humane, double- bodied 5 the firlt of the airy Triplicity. Te perfonates an upright, tall, ftraight, nyc well-compofed body, of a fanguine com- plexion, but not very clear: long Arms, Fre Hords and Feet thore and fleby : the Hair black, or of a dark brown: a pier- cing hazle Eye 5 of an ingenious “fancy, and a good under(tanding. Te fignifies curious Rooms that are Pl. hung or waincoted 5 Play-hou(es, Halls, ‘or Dining-rooms 5 Chefts, Trunks, and Store-houfes ; and high places. In the Fics, it Gigoifies Hills and Mountains, ce 4. Of CANCER. Canceris a Feminine, NoGturnal, Phleg yaure matick fignes by nature cold and moilt 5 of the watry Triplicity : the onely houfe of Luna. “Ttdenotesa perfon of a middle Stature, pyr, his Complexion white and fickly , his Vifage oval , his Hair of a dark browns i = PraGlical Aftrologie. ‘generally the upper part of the body big- ger than the lower. Te fignifies moift watry placess alfo the Sea, and all navigable Rivers, Brooks, Springs, Marth grounds, And in Houtes, ie Gignifies Sinks, Cellars, Wath-houles, de. ; 5. Of LEO. Leo isa figne Mafenline, Diurnal, Bea ffial, Cholerick, and Barrens a commane ding Wingly and dry 5 the fecond figne of the fiery Triplicity 5 the onely houfe of the Sun. Perfoas that are born under Leo, are generally of a full large body, coura- ious. and (tout-hearted 5 their Hair of a aiek Gaxen, or yellowith and curlings 9 great Head, with large gogale Eyes 5 a Peifon of a generous difpotition, an afpi- Fing Brain, and an active Body. Woods, Forrelts, and Defert places 5 Rocks, Caftles, Forts, and all inacceflible places 5 Kings Palaces, And in Houtes, Pit fach places that are near the fire, as O- vens, Furnaces, Oe. a 6 Of | Frafiial Aftrologie. 6& Of VIRGO. Virgo is a Feminine, Noéturnal , Me+ awe lancholy, and Barren figne 5 and the (@ cond of the earthy Tiiplicity. It generally denotes one of a flender erin: body, and ofa middle ftature, a lovely a brown Complexion , great Eyes, thick black Hair, one of an ingenious wit, and much given to learning. i‘ It fignifies Clofts or Studies where ras. Books are laid up, or other Writings, 3s Maps, ee, Italfo denotes Corn-fields, Malt-houfes , Dairy-houfes , and places where Corn tslaid up, de. s yp Of LIBRA Libra is a figne Ma(culine, Cardia, Equinodial, Diurnal, Sanguine, and Ha manes hot and moitt Welterns and of the airy Trplcty, Perfons fignified by this figne, are ge- nefrip erally well ompofed » comely, Maighe bodied, of a round and beautiful Vitae, the Hair of a flaxen ot yellowith colour, grey Eyes, and in age they common- Iy have pimplesin the Face, and a very high 16 Plas. Nature, Diait. Placs. Prattical Afirologie. both courteous and impar- tial, and juttin all cheir aétions. Tefigotfies findy gravelly places, and where Hawking and Hunting is ufed. In high colour 5 the Hout, it fignifies uppet Rooms, as Ghambers and Garrets5 alfo it fignifies Out-houtes, Barns, ee. 8 of SCORPIO. Scorpio is a Feminine, Noéturnal, Cold and Phlegmatick Nortgern figne, of the watry Triplicity. Tedenotes a {trong corpulent body, of a Short ftature , big limbed, ftrong and a- ive; fad brown Hair, érifping, or cur- Ting 5 a dufkith muddy Complexion, 4 Body hairy, hort thick Neck, _ It repre; fonts one of fubtile and of referved thoughts, naturally wif, malicious, fale, deceitful. Te fignifies all muddy and moorith Grounds, Orchards, Gardens, Vineyards, ‘and Ditches sruinous Houfesnecr the wa- ter 5 places where creeping bealts fie- | eat. In Houfes, the lower Rooms, the Ritchins; Wath. houte, oF Sink. Pratical Afirologic. 9 Of SAGITTARIVS. Sagittarins is a figne i letick, and. Diurnal, by feeree hae ar dey, ofthe fry Teg. "Te generally ‘denotes one of right, fraighe, fell peoeeaneties toe an oval Vilage, a ruddy. fanguine Com, plesion, broad Forehead, his Hair of a rown or chefnut colour, quick-fighted, and gery good Horlemen, i fignifies Stables, or great Cattle and Horfés arene: feet notes high places, Hills, and Mountains. In Houfes, it fignifie: and placesocurthe fe, '* PPEF Rooms, 10. Of CAPRICORN. Capricorn is a Feminine, Nog chy, alia Morea Cac therm ign, of the earchy Triplicity, elt, nattaly prefens one of'a Title oe ature, a diy lean Body , of a whitely Nawe. , Complexion, thin Face, long Neck, a narrow Ghin , black Hair, but lit the Bean Hair , but little on the ae, a many times of a good un c Ie 18 Pls. Diep. Place. Delript. Prailical Aftrologie. Te fignifes places where Cattle are put, ‘as Cow-houles, Sheep-pens 5 or where implements of hufbandry are laid up 5 alfo barren, thorny , and fallow Fields. In Houfes, low Rooms near the carth, ine Of AQUART. Aguary isa Ma(euline, Diurnal, Fixed, Sanguine, and Humane ligne, of the airy Triplicity. Tr denotes one of a ftrong well-com- pofed Body, not very tall, but flefhy, the Vitage oval , or fomething logs of @ clear Skin, and fanguine Complexion, generally fandy flaxen Hair. Te figiifes hilly Grounds, Mines, and Quarries of Stone, and places lately dig- dup. In Houtes, it fignifies the up- pet part, as Roofi, Eaves, Ge, 12, Of PISCES. Pifees iva Feminine, Nodurnal, Phleg- matick, Nottherly, double-bodied figne, the laft of the twelve, and of the watry Triplicity. ‘The perfons fignified thereby are gene~ rally of a low Stature, aot very decent, * broad 6 "Pratlical Aftrologis. broad Face, the Complexion pale, and a flcthy Body, the Hair of a Tight brown, not going very freight. 7 Te figaifics watry_ places, Fith-ponds, Water-(prings, and Water-tolls, moorith moilt Grounds, Caves, or places where Hermitages have been.” In Houtes , the Pomps, Well, or any places near Wa- Of the Colours fignificd by the Twelve Signes, Aries giveth a white mixed with red: Taurus, white tnixed with citern. Gemi= ni, white mixed with red. Cancer, green orruflet. Leo, red, or green. "Virgo, black fpeckled With blue. Libra, black, or dark crimfon, or taway colour, ‘Scor- pio, brown. Sdgittary, yellow, or green. Capricorn, black , or rullet. ‘Aquary, & fky-colour with’ blue, Pifeer ; white’ sliltering colours 19 Plas. Poticel Names. frp. Pratlical Afirologie. CHAP. IV. Of the Defeription and natural Signification of the [even Pla- nets. 1. Of SATURN. Catenin by store cold and dry,the au- thor of Melancholy 5 Mafeuline,Diur- Sal the greater Infortunes and appearsto our fight of a leaden pale colour: he is the highett..of the feven, and therefore flow ia motion, near 30 years in finith- ing his circular Revolution through the twelve Signes. He is called Chronos, Phenon,and Fal- for. . : ie naturally reprefents one of a middle Stature, black {warthy Complexion, lit- tle Eyes, lowring Eye-brows, flat Note, thick Lips, goes forward with his Head, ftooping, great Ears, black or very dark Hair, thin Beard, and fometimes none at all. When he is well dignified, the perfons figni- 5 + Practical Aftrologie. figuiied thereby are grave and (ober, that perform all their actions with ks - raat ork Difeetion they have alearch. ing fancy, being much given toftudy.But whenhe is ill dignified, then the Native or Cuerene fignifed thereby is malicious, envious, eoverous, jealous, lying, diffleme bling » thievith pevlon, not regarding his Word or Reputation. He fignifies Old men, as Grandfathers, Baal oe eli. and Fathers 5 alfo all perfons that dig the Earth, Hufbandmen, Day-labourers, Glowns, and Beggars, Brick-makets, Col- Tiers, Gardiners, Sextons, Miners , Tan- ners, and Gurriers of Leather, Sedaris, Monks and Jefuites. 2. of JUPITER. Jupiter is a Planet Mafeuline and Di- veut. urnal, temperate, hot and moift the greater Fortunes the Author of jultice, temperance, and fobriety : he appears to our fight of a clear bright Azure colour, and finitheth his courfe through the twelve Signes in 12 years. He is fometimes called Joue, Phaéton, sons, and Zew. He reprefents one of a tall Stature, of pyc C3 ruddy Qualities Re Fre Hians Matures Pratlical Aftrologie. ruddy pleatant Complexion , of an oval Vitage, high Forehéad,comely grey Eyes 's the Flair foft and gentle, of a light brown, ynuch Beard, and his Body every way handfoniely compofed3 of a good car- Tine, fOber and grave in his (peech, jutt and upright in his aétions. But when this Planet is ill dignified, he reprefents the perfon fignified thereby to bea mere Prodigal, a Hypocrite in matters of Faith and Religion ,'a dif- fembling’ perfon, ignorant and catclel, and of a dujl capacity. He fignifies Clergy-inen and Civilians, Bithops Prietts 5 allo Princes, Judges, and Senators 5 young Scholars, and Stu- dents in the Law 5 Clothiers,and Woollen- drapers, See 3. Of MARS. Mars is a Planet Mafculine and No- Gurnal, by nature hot and dry, cholerick and fery , the le(fer Inforvine 5 he ap- pears to our fight of a fiery red fparkling Polours he is near two years in finithing his cour through’ the twelve Signes: he is the Author of Strife, War, Quat- rels, and Contentions. ~~” ae ‘ le i Pratlical Affrologic. He is fometimes called Atavors, Pyrois, Aris, Gradivws. He reprefents a perfon of a middle fta- ture, big-boned, and a ftrong able Body, of a ruddy brown Complexion, round Vitage, his Hair for the moft part red, or of a fandy flaxen, often curling; a pier- cing tharp hazle Eyes of a bold, lofty fpirit, and a confident countenance. When he is well dignified, the perfon fignified by him is of a prudent be- haviour, confident and bold, excellent in. Warfare, challenging all honour to him- felf, and a large reposter of his own aéts5 heis valiant, and {coms to be overcome by any. But when he is ill dignified, then he delights in Quarrels, Murder, Thievery, andall evil aétionss he is as wavering as the wind, a Traytor, of a rath, inhumane, and turbulent fpirit, neither fearing God nor Man, Names. Dif He fignifies Generals of Armies, CO gualitis onels and Captains, Conqueroursor U- farpers ruling by wlarpation and oppret-/ fion 5 alfo all Souldiers in general. He all fignifies Phyficians, Apothe- caries, Chirurgeons, Alchymifts, Gun= ners, Serjeants, Bayliffs, Marthals, But- C4 ‘chers, id Po 24 Mate. Nemes. Dfeript Pratlical: Afirologic. hers, Smiths, Bakers, Watch-makers, Ar- mourers, Cutlers, Thicves,Cooks, and Car- enters. & Of SOL. The sun is a Planet Mafculine and Di- urnal, of nature hotand dry, but tempe- rate; he finitheth his circuit through the Twelve Signes of the Zodiack in 365 days and fome hours. He is called sof, Titan, Ilios, Phebus, Apollo, Ofyris, Diefpiter. He reprefents a perfon of a large cor- pulent Body of a large Face, and a broad high Forehead , a yellow faffron Complexion, large goggle Eyes, tharp and piercing; the Hair yellow, or light flaxen , much hair on the Beard 5 the are generally of a great Spirit, honeft, humane, and courteous,and of a healthful conititution, : When sol is well dignified, and Signi- ficator either in a Queltion or Nativity; he reprefents one of an incomparable judgement, very prudent, and defirous of Rule and ‘Soveraigaty ; of a very noble and majeftical fpirit, yet ufing much gra~ vity in his fpeeches: he is very faithful to Pratlical Aftrologie. to his friends, and courteous to all men, keeping his promifés with much fidelity 3 alover. of honourable aGtions, and an ab- folute hater of all fordid things. But when he is ill dignified, the perfons fignified by him are arrogant and proud, reltlef and troublefome, ufing neither gravity in cheir words, ot {obriety in their ations; fpendehifts, carelef of their Families or Eftates, and often weak» fighted, of purblinde, cracking of their Pedigree, and foolith in all their aétions. He reprefents Kings , Princes, Dukes, aueity Marquefies, Earls, Barons, Courtiers, and #4 ?- Gentlemen of ali forts; Jultices of the“™*"* Peace, Mayors, Gc. the principal Officers of a City or Town. In Profeffions, he fignifies Goldfmiths, Brafiers, Pewterers, Minters of money, Copper-{miths, ee. 35 5. Of VENUS. Venus is a Planet Femitiine, and No- urnal, temperately cold and ‘moift ; the is called the leffer Fortune, Author of watere, mirthand jollity : Sheisa Starof a bright fhining colour ; when the is (en after the Sun is fet, the is called the Even fier 5 when fhe is feen before the Sun 5 ia Pratlical Aftrolagie. jaa morning, the is then called the Mor- vning-fler. She is near 2 year a fini hing hersevolution through the Twelve fignes. ‘She is fometimes called Cytherea, Apbro- dite, Vefperugo, Ericana. ‘Venus deleribes one ofa comely mid- dle Stature, with a round Vifage, of a white brown Complexion , fair ‘lovely Eyes, fair fmooth Hair, often of a light beowns red Lips, and cherry Cheeks, with litele dimples in them the Face pretty fle(hy 5 the perfon every | way Fandfomely compofed, very delightful, and exceeding well (haped, defirous to go neatly in every part, both in clothes and pevfon, ‘When fhe is well dignified, the per fons fignified thereby are of a pleafant difpofition, of an honett and good be- haviour, delighting in neat Apparel, often entangled in Love-matters, zealous in their Affeétions 5 they are quiet, not gi- ven to quarrels or wrangling, but lovers of all vertuousaétions. But when the is ill dignified , the fig- nifies a petfon nothing regarding bis Re- putation 5 he is riotous, expentive, a lo- eee of lewd Women, a haunter of Ta- Yerns and Ale-boutes, carcle(ly wafting his Pratlical Aftrologie. hiseflate therein + he is a mere Atheitt fing neither Faith nor Confcience in his Converfation. ete She reprefénts Linnen-drapers , Mer- cers, Silkmen, Painters, Jewellers, Play- Susi ers, Muficians, Gamefters, Embroiderers, ion.” Rerfuners: She hth Sgnfication of wos men in general, as Virgins, Wi Bitlet and fh pertns 3b make ol thofe commodities which adorn or beau- tifie women, 6. Of MERCURT. Mercury is the lealt of all the Planets, sau andis {aid to be by nature cold and dry 3 asia he is either Ma(culine, or Feminine, ace cording a5 he is in configuration with Planets Mazuline or Feminine 5 he is feldome tobe feen, by reafon he is always fo near to Sof, never above 27 degrees diftants he appears of a duikie filver colours he fet his cour through 1¢ Twelve Signes in fomething le the Twelve igen fomething Ie than “plied Hermes, sillon, eerie, eit He reprefents a perfon indifferent tall : ern. and flaight, oa long Vitae, high Fore- " head, 28 PraGical Aftrologic. ead, dong Note, brown or black Hair, peek, on the Head, but little on the Beards of a dark or fwarthy Gomple- xion, Jong Atms and Hands. But inde- Teribing the perCon figaified by him, you ine carefully to confider what Planets he Brn configuration withal, and according- Jy moderate your judgement. Tehe be well dignified in a Quettion ox Nativity, then the perfon fignified by fim is of 2 pregnant Wit, defirous of Learning, which he will attain. with much Tae s heljva fearcher of occult Learning 5 fe isan excellent Logician and Difputant, loquene in. his {peeches , ambitious of eitg exquiGite in every Sciences he of- Cenk Gres Travel,and féeing forein Coun- tries. When he is ill dignified, he figaifies a perfon fall of Kknavith inventions a liar Beater, and full of many (trifes and con- tentions she hath a troublefome Wit, which he employs both with Tongue and Pen again(t all men, purpofely to caule quarrels and mi(chiels a conceited Fook a ery Ideot, pretending to Learning and Knowledge, but not capable of any folid Learning; 2 thievith and cheating per~ fon. He Prattical Aftrologie. 29 He hath fignification of all ita men, as Philofophers , Mathemiticians, oe” Altrologers, Poets, School-matters, Secre~ taries, Orators, Advocates, Accomptants, Merchants, Attorneys, Sollicitors, Clerks, Stationers, Printers, Taylors, Carriers, Meffeagers, and Footmen. : 7 Of LUNA. The Moon is a Planet Feminine and Nawe. Nofturnal, by nature cold and ats Re fit ‘her Revolution through the Twelve Siges in 28 day, waning fone She is called Lacing, Cyntbia, Di ane adhieea rotten ne Ma She’ denoter one of a large Stature, ojo round Face, pale or whitely coloured, sa grey Eyes, and oftentimes the one a lie: tle bigger than the other 5 the Hair of a bright brown, and much of it both on the Head and Beard thort Hands, the whole Body inclining to fatnels, ‘When the is well dignified, the denotes one a lover of all ingenious and honeft Sciencés 5 he delights in novelties , and nnayurally inclined to flit his habitation, and remove from one place to another 3 he cap. 13. page 83. Pratlical Aftrologie. hols afole, tender , well-difpofed crea ture , yet timorous, and eafily fright ed. When fhe is ill dignified, then the re- piefents an idle, lazie, drunken , fottith Pecfon, that lives eareelly and begly 5 F Vagabond, and a hater of labour 5 he 4, of no pirit, mutable, and incon(tant. She fignifies Queens, Dutcheffes, La- dies, and all forts of women in_ generals and’ the common inferiour forts of peo- ple Pilgrims, Travellers, Sailors, Fither- Fen, and fuch as travel oF trade upon Water, Brewers, Vintners, Coachmen, Letter“carriers , Meffengers , Mariners, Millets, Alewives, Maltiers, Midwives, Norfes, Hackney-men, and Water-bear ors. Of the Head and ‘Tail of the DRAGON. The Dragons bead is by nature Mafeu- Tine he is faid to be a Fortune of the na- ure of Jupiter and Ventas ¢ Some fay that he is good when joyned with good Planets, and evil when joyned with evil ’s but Mr, Lily faith, ehat when heis joyned with évil Planets, he leffens theit? malevolent fighification 5 _ whent joyned Pratlical Affrologie. 3 joyned with good, he increales the good promifed by them. The Tail of the Dragon is Feminine, of a of the nature of the Infortunes: Mr. Lil- + Jy faith, when he is joyned with evil Pla nets, ther evils are doubled 5 and whent joyned with good, the good promifed is much abated. The Defeription and natural fignie fication of the Seven Planets in any of the Twelve Signes of the Zodiack, Of Saturn iw the Twelve Signer. Aturni. Avies,reprefents one of a mean S'stature, ruddy Complexion, but fomewhat ob(cure 5 high Forehead, great fall Eyes, dark Hair, but little on the Beard 5 a fpare lean perfon, a great boa- fter of his aétions, an ill-natured quarrel- fome contentions perfon. In Tanras, he reprefents one of 2 mean Stature, alean Body, a heavy lumpith per- fon, Pratlical Aftrologie. fon, dark Hair, and no comely perfon 5 he js inclined to vitious and fordid aéti- ‘ons, delights in letchery , whoring, and all beaftial actions. In Gemini, he reprefents one of an ine different all Stature, an oval Vilage, the Hair black, or a fad brown, a well ‘pro- jortioned Body, humane, and ingenious 5 Bacof'a perverfe nature, TaCancer, he fignifies one of an in- different Stature, of fickly conftitution of body, thin Face,fad brown Hair 5 fome- times the perfon is crooked, ill-fhaped, and ill-conditioned , inclined to malice and hatred. In Leo, he reprefents one fomethin; tall, big-boned, not very’ mach inclined to fatnefs the Hair of a light brown 5 his conditions are indifferent good, but fomething paffionate and revengeful. in Virgo, he fignifies a tall (pare body, fwvarthy Complexion, fad brown or black Hair a melancholy. perfon, fomething inclined to Study ; malicious and whea angry, it will be long before he be plea- fed again: he is inclined fometimes to * theft, and a perfon of re(érved thoughts. Tn Libra, he reprefents a perfon of a lange Stature, a well-compofed Body, an ‘oval ~ Pradlical Aftrologie. ‘oval Vilage, a large Forehead he hath fad brown Hair, he is high fpirited , + well conceited of his own attions, fome- what peodigal and expenfive, fon mo- ved to anger In Scorpio, he figaifies a perfon of a Jow Stature, broad Shoulders, fad brown or black Hairs he is quarrelfome , and miuch given to debate and contentions, and all fordid attions. In Sagittary, he reprefents a well-com~ poled perfon, of an indifferent large Sta- ture, brown Flair, courteous in his beha+ viour to all perfons, but will not take a- ny abufes he is cholerick, but foon res conciled. In Capricorn, he reprefents one of a middle Stature, not very tall, alean {pare perfon, long Vilage, little Eyes, fad brown or black Hair, a duikith Complexion she is covetous of worldly goods, a melan- choly perfon ufing but few wordss he is peevith , and will retain anger a long time, In Aquerivs, he ‘gives a middle Stature, brown or black Hair, rather inclined to fatnefi than otherwife 5 he is of a cour- teous difpofition, of an ingenious fancy 5 alover of Arts, yet conceited of his own | ingenuity. D in 33. 34 Pratlical Aftrologie. Tn Pifeer, he figaifies one of a middle Stature, of a pale Complexion, fad or Diack air, fall Eyes, and a great Head 5 iat: conditioned, malicious, contentious, didfembling per“on. of Jupiter in the Twelve signer. Jupiter in Aries denotes one of amide sedate, of a ruddy Gomplexion, an oval Vitage, the Hair ‘oka light brown or flax- Yneclour, 2 quick piercing Eye, a very Sbliging perfon, of a free and noble dif pofition, 2 lover of friendfhip, peace and; tranquillity. In Tanrws, he teprefents one ofa mean Stature, not very decent, his Gomplexion ° fwarthy, the Hair of a fid brown 5 his ‘condityons are indifferent good 5 9 léver ce Women, yet of a good carriage, and a ° wie difcreet perfon. Ta Geminis he denotesa large tall per~ fon, fomething above the middle fature, evn Hair, and a well-compoted Body 5 courteous in’ his behaviour, and obliging to all perfonss he delights in womens Company, and is a lover of Arts and Sci- ences. Th Cancer, he Cignifieth a perfon of @ middle Prailical Affrologie. middle Stature, a pale ickly Complexi an oval Vifiges Fe hath dark brown of black Hhir, no very pleafant perfon 5 he hath alpiring thoughts, and aiming at great things 3 abulie-body, that loves to Soncern himfelf with other mens affairs, and a great lover of women. 2 Tn Leo, ke reptefents one of a tall {tax ture, and of a well-compofed Body, light coloured Hai, or fometimes yellow fomething curling comely Eyes,of a rud- dy Complexion, and of a very good Biotin, bold and out heady de ighting in’ manly valiant actions, mich deious of eee in Virgo, he figuifies a well- perfon, of'a fid brown orc Bes hee is much given to ftudy feveral Arts and Sciences} of choeik dipfitin, retous 5 iti d snd sovetons ambitions of honour, and Ta Libra, he reprefents a perfon of neat well-compoted Body of apleafane Sountenance, an oval Vilage light browa ot flaxen Hair , of a very” good difpofi- tion delighting in al lesan exerci nd reations; and by his good behavi top teeeadoretnes TTT Till In Scorpio, he denotes one of a middle Da ftacure, 36 Prathical. Afirologie. Tatare, omething inclined to fatnel, of Marie Complexion, the Hairof a fd frown colours he is highly conceited of Pisown agtions, and of an ill nature, 60° bis ots of worlaly goods, and ehinks bim- Gif above his betters. { apongitany, he reprezents one Of 4 alt anege, a naddy Complexion, an oval Vitage, the Hair of a chefanescolonrs © Wane rellcompofed perfon «of Yery good behaviour, jutt in hisattions 5 he 1s Booey of Hors, and naturally 2 good Horféman. ; Tn capricorn, he Goifies one of 2 Very ieee frare, of a thin Face, and pale Complexion, fad Hair, a very weakly perfon, yet peevith and fickle, and not Fery well natured. Da agnarins, We fgaifes a perfon oF a middleitature, and of a good Comple- Migs, brown Hair, and, a well (et perions Of a pleafant merry difposition » delight- ing in good company , and Very juft in his aétions. in Pifoer, he reprefents one of a mean Aature, but inclined to fatnels, the Hair Tey Tight brown 5 heis a lover of mirth, ord mafical Tnftruments he is ftudious aM everal Arts and Sciences, and very ingenious, Pratlical Afirologic. ingenious, delighting in good company and pleafint recreations. Of Mats iit the Twelve Signer. Mars in Aries, fignifies one of a middle ftature, big-boned, and a well-fet per- foa,ofa fivarthy Complexion 3 fomerimes the Phir is red, of of a light colour, and curling 5 a (harp hazle Eye, of a bold Confident countenance, ambitious of rule a lover of war and contetts. f “In Tawra, he repsefents a perfon of & middle feature, bat not tall, a dull Com- plexion, a broad Face, great wide Mouth, Black Hsir, and no very pleafant perfon 5 he has often a mark with fome weapon oon the Faces he fignifies a treachetous, falle diffembling perfon, gluttonous, Inxu- rious, and a lover of lewd womens com- pany. In Gemini, he denotes one of a tall ftature, a well-proportioned Body, his Hair black, or of a fad browns he’ fig nifies one of a wandring unfetled minde, Ofa cholerick difpofition, of a rafh tur bulent fpirit. In Cancer, he deferibes a perfon o hove atres an illeompottion of body, D3 fome 37 Pratlical Affrologic. Tometimes deformed by crookednels, ce. the Hair is brown, the Complexion is for the moft part whites he fignifies a fot- tith dulle(pirited perfoa, lover of Wine, anda promoter of Quarrels. Tin Leo, he reprefents one of a tall, ftrong, able Body, his Hair of a dark flanen colour, a large Face, and great Eyes 5 a very hafty cholerick perfon, of fixe-bearted generous fpirit , delighting in fhooting, and all warlike exercifes. In Virgo, he deferibes a well-propor- tioned petion, of a middle fature, of @ Fivarthy Complexion, of a fad brown or black Hairs foon angry, but long before he be pleated agains a perton faficiently jll-conditioned, ‘and unfortunate in mol of his aétions. In Libra, he defcribes a perfon_fome- thing tall’, and a very well-compoted Body, an oval Vitage, the Hair of a Tight brown} 2 perfon of a finguine Comple- yion,and a pleafaat chearful Countenance, a over of womens company , and am- bitious of his own praite. Tn Scorpio, he reprefents one ofa middle ftature, 2 {warthy Complexion , broad Face, black Hair, and curling s an un- gratefl, revengeful, quarrelfome perfov, F at aa PraGlical Aftrologie.. bue yet very ingenious in feveral Arts and Sciences. In Sagittarius, he defcribes one of a tall ature, and in every part well pro- portioned, an oval Vilage, brown Hatr, a Yery good Complexion he delights in good merry company 5 he is of a cholerick Sifpofition, delighting in warand warlike cexercifes, In Crapricorn, he reprefents one of a mean ftature , 4 fpare lean Body, thin Face, little Head, black Hair, but an in- differeut Complexion 5 a perfon of good fpirit, ingenious, and quick-witted, and of a good difpoftion, and fortunate in his aétions. In Aquarius, he reprefents one of a middle ftature, a well-proportioncd Bo- dy, agood Complexion, the Hair red, ovof a fandy flaxen 5 he is very quarrel- fome, and much given to att mifchievous debates, which many times prove to his ‘owa prejudice. In Pifeer, he deferibes one of a fhort ftature, but flefhy, the Hair of a light brown or flaxen colour, the Body not very handfomely compoted ; he often de- Tights ia the company of lewd women 5 heis a diflembling perfon, and of a dull and-ftupid underftanding. = D4 Of 39 Pralical Aftrologic. ‘PraGlical Aftrologie- ofthe Sun in the Twelve Signes. Sol in Aries reprefents one of a mid- dle ftature, a ftrong and well-compofed Body, a good Complexion, the Hair of Jight flaxen or yellow colour 5 he is of a noble difpofition, delighting in warfare, and is very ingenious therein, and by his valoar heisa terrour to his Ener In Tanrus, he -deleribes 9 well fet per- fon; of afhort ftature, but not yery come ly 3 abroad Face,wide Mouth,great Notes of a dull Complexion, brown Hair, a bold confident perfon, delighting in war- fare,and is often vitorious. Tq Gemini, he defctibes one of a large fault, of a fanguine Coniplexion, brown. Hairs and a well-compofed Body 5 he is conrteous irthis actions, and of 'a good difpofition , yet not very fortunate in hisaffaits, but yet content, and will pa by flight abutes, In Cancer, he denotes one of a lit- teftature, of an unhealthful difpofition of body, an ill complexion, with fome defeét in the Faces he hath brown Hair, and isa well nacured perfon, of a plea fant difpotition, delighting in meiry come pany, 4 pany, Sports, and Paltimes he is a lover ‘of womens company, and afree-humoured jovial perfon. In Leo, he reprefents a ftrong well- proportioned perfon he hath a full Face, large Eyes, light or yellow Hair, a fan- guine Complexion 5 he is faithful and jut to his friend , and courteous to all men 5 he performs his promifés fully, and is defirous of honour 5 he hath fometimes a Scar in his Faces he delights ia good pleafant company. In Virgo, he reprefents a well-propor- tioned Body, but of a very large ftature, not very fat, the Hair of a fid brown of black, and much of its he is of a good Complexion, and of a good Difpofition 5 one that delights in all civil recreations, and a very pleafant ingenious perfon, In Libra, he deferibes one of an up- right (traight Bady, a good Complexion, an oval Vilage, a full Eye, light-coloured Hair, yet unfortunate in his adtions, efpe- cially in warlike affairs he lofeth his ho- nou, and isexpofed to much danger. In Scorpio, he reprefents one of a mid- dle ftature, a'well-fet perfon, a dull Com plexions te hath a full lethy Face, and rown Hair, the whole body inclined to fatnel 5 Prattical Aftrologie. fatnef 3 he is of a rugged nature, but very ingenious, and defirous of honour 5 he is expert in Warfare, alfo in Phyfick and Chymittry. In Sagittary , he defcribes a comely, tall, well-compoled perfon, of a fangaine Complexion, aa oval Vifige, the Hair of a light brown 3a high-fpitited proud per- fon, ambitious of honour, delighting in Wars, he is adive and pleafant,and {corns totake abules of any. In Capricorn , he deferibes one of a Jittle ftature, of a white Complexion, a Jean fpare Body , not very well-propor- tioned, an oval Vifage, and brown Hairs he is of agood dilpofition, very inge- nious and victorious in War 5 he is of an undaunted fpirit, and delights in womens company. In Aquarius, he reprefents one of a well-compofed corpulent Body, of a mid- dle ftature , of a good Complexion, of afull round Face, and light brown hair,and defirons to bear rule over others. In Pifees, he defcribes a perfon of a Jow ftature, a ceafonable good Gomple- xion, a.round Face, and light brown or flaxen Hair, a corpulent Body 5 he de- lights in merriment, and in keeping wo- ‘mens Pratlical Afirolog imen company s in Sports and is expenfiveand prodigal. ames 5 he Of Venusin the Twelve Signer. Venus in. Aries reprefents a flender Bo- dy, of a middle ftature, of a good Com- plexion , light Hair, and an indifferent well-proportioned Body, but very un- fortanate in his ations he is fometimes a Company-keepes, and very wale al, Tn Taurus, the reprefents one ofa mid- dle ftature, a comely well-proportioned perfon, of @ good Complexion, fad brown Hair, and one of a very good Difpofition, for which he is beloved of every one; heis fortunate in his ations, and obliging toall perfons. In Gemini, the reprefents a lender, tall, well-proportioned perfon, brown Hair, and of a good Complexion 5 he isloving and free-hearted, and hates all unjutt a Gtions 5 he is merciful and pitiful to the poor, and honeft in all his aétions. In Cancer, the deferibes one of a thort ftature, a Body fomething inclined to fatne®, a pale Complexion, round Face, light-coloured Hair: he is mutable and incon- 43 Practical Aftrologie. Faconitant s he is gluttonous,idle,a lover of good fellowthip and vain recreations. Th Zeo, fhe reprefents one of a mode- sate tall tature, and a well-proportioned Body, of a good Complexion, a round Face, afull Eye, the Hatrof a light brown or findy flaxcn, fometimes freckles im the Face his conditions are indifferent good; he is paflionate, but his anger is ison over zhe is of a generous free humour, fomething proud, and fickly. InVirgo, {he deferibes one moderately tall, and a well-compofed Body, aa ob- feure dulkith Complexion, an. oval Vi- fige, and a fad brown or black Hair a very ingentous perfor, but often croft in his undertakings he is tile perfon , and of a ve cy. in Libre, he deferibes a well-propor- tioned, tall, upright perfoa, a finguine Complexion, an oval Vifage, and dim- plesin the Checks, fomerimes freckles in the Face, with comely brown Hairs a courteons, civil, refpettive perloa, who delights in good and vertuous compa- ny, In Scorpio, fhe reprefents one of amid~ die (tature, and a well fet perfon, fome~ what Pratlical Affrologic. what fits a broad Face, fad browa or black Hair, a dufkith Complexion : the denotes a quarrelfome perfon,, hateful, envious , a lover of contentions and un- worthy ations. In Sagittary , the reprefents one of a tall (ature, a clear Complexion, an oval Vifage, light brown Hair, and a well- compofed perfon,, of a good Difpofition, of a noble {pirit, delighting in pleafane recreations, but a little proud and paflio- nate, yet he will not continue long in anger. Ta Capricorn , the deferibes one of a middle ftaturc, & lean fpare perlon, of a fickly Complexion, thin Face, fad brown or black Hair, a lover of women 5 he is much given to drinking and taking, his pleafure, but not very fortunate ia his aétions, In Aguerins, the deferibes a handfome, decent, well-compofed Body, avery good Complexion, the Hair of alight brown or flaxen colour, a perfon of a very good Difpofition, very courteous and obli to all men, ‘and an hater of evil attions 5 a lover of Peace and quietnels, and takes delight in civil recreations, In Pifeer, the denotes a perfon of a middle 45 Prattical Aftrologie. middle ature, of a good Complexion, found Face, fometimes a dimple in the Chin, the Hair of a light brown or fla- yen colour, and one of a very good dif- pofition : he hath an ingenious wit, isjult Fy his aétions, a lover of Peace and Tran- quillity. of Mercury in the Tirelve Signes. Mercery in Aries deferibes one of a fhort ftature, lean fpare Body, an oval Vitige, no clear Complexion, light brown Hair, 2 quarrelfome difcontented perfon, given to lying, Mtealing, and breeding of {trife and contentions. i Tn Tenres, he reprefents one of a mid- dle ftature, a well-ft corpulent Body, a fwarthy Complexion, fad brown Hair 5 he isa great Company-keeper, and a lover of womens he isa flothful’ perfon, and ‘one that loves his own eafe. Tn Gemini, he deferibes a well-compo- fed Body, reafonable tall of ftature, of @ good Complexion, the Hair of a light Browns he reprefents a very ingenious perfon, alover of Arts and Sciences, and {rill eafily actain them without a tea- cher. In Pratlical Aftrologie. In Cancer, he reprefents a perfon of a mean ftature , of an ill Complexion, a thin Face, tharp No@ , little Eyes, fad brown Hair, a malicious, knavifh, fottith perfon, given to lying, fealing, and dit fembling. In Leo, he deferibes one of a large fta- ture, of a fivarthy Complexion, a round Face, large Eyes, and of a light brown Hair, a cholerick proud perfon, delight- ing in quarrels and contention, and a lo- ver of mifchief. In Virgo, he reprefents a tall , flender, well-compfed perfon, an obfeure Com- plexion, a long Vilage, the Hair of a fad brown or black, but a perfon fafliciently ingenious, delighting to goin good ap- parel, according to the capacity of his birth and quality. If aercury be not af- flied, he makes a good Orator, Ge. In Libra, he reprefents one of a mude- rate tall ftature, a well-proportioned Bo- dy, of a fanguine Complexion, the Hair of a light brown ; a wife ingenious per- fon, of a very good difpofition , jult in all his ations, and a hater of Vices 5 he is alover of learning, and a vertuous per- fon. In Scorpio, he de(cribes a perfon of a mid- 47 Prattical Aftrologie. middie Mature, and a well-fet , ttrong, wile Body, a fwarthy Complexion, fad brown Hair, and curling she is a great Company-keeper, and a Tover of women, and of an ingenious wit, Tin sagittary, he deferibes one of a tall ature va ruddy Complexion an oval Vige, large Not, and browa Bains he Jeguarvelfome and contentious, and theres py fometimes proves an enemy £0 himfelf. Tn Capricorn, he reprefents, one of a fieele ftature, thin Face, a muddy Com- plexion , Tight brown Hair » fometini® Bow legged afickly perfon of a peevith Difpotition, and unfortunate io. many of his aétions. Tn aguaring, he deteribes a perfon of a middle Qaeure,a corpulent Hethy Body, aril Face, brown Hair, and of a good he is very ingenious in fe- Sciences, an obliging well beloved of his Complexion 5 veral Arts and perfon, one that is fiend In ifees, he reprefents one of a Tittle ature, of 2 ficksly pale Complexion, thin Free, and brown Hair, one much given fodyinking, and to womens companys wed often wattes much of ‘his eftate there- by. y of Prablical Aftrologie. Of the Moon in the Twelve Signes. The Moon in drier, repre(ea a anal Race eels Reb 4 rouid Face, light’ brown Hair , and one of a good Complexion, of a cholerick, churlith Difpofition, ambitious of Honour, but not very fortunate in hisaéions. —” 7 Tn Tawrws, the defcribes one of a mid- leftature, and a well-compofed, ftrong, corpulent Body, black Halt, or ‘of afad browns one of a good behaviour, a fo bet obliging pefon, and juft in al i aGions, whereby Ie fometinis obtsiae referent, and fs eloved of amen jemini, fhe reprefents on fare, but very Se re tet browa Hair, and of a good Coniplexion ; ut one ofan ill nacure, crafty, and dee ceitful an ingenious fubtile perfon, bué not very forcate inhis affairs. _ In Cancer, fhe deferibes a well toned perio, of a middle eeu ea ned to fatrief, but of a pale Comple- Xion, round Face, and fd brown of black Hair, and one of a good Difpof- ion, and of a wifeand pradent behaviour, ere julia his adtions, and fortunate in all hb E in go Prattical Aftrologie. Fo Leo, the reprefents a well-propor~ tioned Body , of a large ftature, a fan- fguine Complexion, 2fll Face, and large Byes, andlight brown Hlairs a proud am- Luicus perfon, domineering over others, and hates to be under fabjedtion toany 5 heisbeloved by few, and feldom proves a fortunate perfon, . Tn Virgo » the deferibes a perfon of a large ftacure, of an indifferent good Come plexion, an oval Vitage 5 the Hat pea fad brown 3 a covetous .pentive, Srelancholy perfon 3 ingenious,but unfor- tunate in his aétions. In Libra, fhe deleribes one moderate ly tall, and a well-compofed perfon» 2 fanguine Gomplexion, the Hair ‘of alight brown, anda perfon of a very good Dit pottion, and delighting in all pleafsnt Prereations , as Mulick, Dancing , oe ecch delightingin womens company, but ot very fortunate in hisaffairs. iin Scorpio, fhe reprefents one of @ fhort ature, but oftentimes very fat, and of paobtcure Complexion, black Hair, or of aad brown , and one of an i! Difpoti- ions 2 malicious , treacherous , fort perfon3 one that gains very litele Love by fort delighting i ~ foddelighting it no good aon nid In his Neighbours. fair black, : Prattical Aftrologie. “In Sagittery , the deferibe iniddte ature, and a well proportionca parfon, 7 a foge Complexion » an 1 Vifage, and light brown Hairs fignfes onea little cholerick, atts ace lerick, fed, but (oon pleated agains ambitions Gf Honour , and a very obliging’ per In Capricorn, the te + the reprefent fare len Body, and alte ture. fd brown orblec Hair, and offen they hav fome defet in the Kneess one given to inking, and to womens company a rd anidle petfon, delighting in no good es excites, Peete In Aguadrine, the a midi fant and a wellcompored Corpulen Body, fnguine ‘Complexion, Dithofition, and of sn ingenons ache ingfincy, delighing in moderate reer. tion aid hater ofall evil ations hereby he is Beloved of ll perons 7 alt Pets the ceprelets one ofa lo fatre, and pale Complexion, the Body fomewhat inlined to fet, the Hair of ight browns the thes anil pet vafortimate in: mot of his undbrtakings: Ba Bue 2 Prattical Aftrologie. 5 it how the rein you are to confider Planet are Aipede for if the Moon nbe faa good Alpedt of the Fortunes, it 2 i + evil figoification: and fo a tener ofthe relt of the Planets in like ‘manner. CHAP. VI ; tei av be Houfes, Antifcions, Prien o wip, onl amity» and of tbe Orbs and Latitude of the Seven Planets. Planets by experience ate “Tiers to delghe fa ome of the ‘Tivelve Signes more than in others, 28 ieing more agreable to their natures, an therefore they are termed theit Fouls Beesulethey aremoreforunstely Paced in, than in the relt of ach of the Seven Planet, except sland Tiana, have two of the Signes allowed for i : Capricorn their Hous: As to Saturn , C and Aquarian 5 tp Jupiter, sagtion? eo i oe ie Cort Pifees; to Mars, Aries an ari 5 to “Mercury, Sol, Leo 5,to.Yenws, Tawrus and Praflical Aftrologie. 53 Mercury , Gemini and Virgo; to Luna, Cancer + and in thele Signes they are the belt fortified. But although allthe Planets except the Luminaries have two Signesallowed them for thei Houfes, yet they are found to take more delight in one of the Houfes than in the other 5 viz. Satura delights molt in Aquarint, Jupiter in Sagittary, Mars delights molt in Scorpio, Venus delights moft in Taurus, and “Mercury delights mottin Virgo. The Artift ought chiefly to underftand the Houfes of the Planets, their Charaéters, and the Cha- ratters of the Signes,before he proceed to any Judgements to which I leave him, and proceed to the Antifcions and Con- tran(eions of the Planets. Of the Antifeions and Contrantifcions of the Planets. The Antifeions of the Planets are no more than when two Planets are equal- ly diftant from the firlt of either of the two Tropical fignes Cancer or Capricorn : As fappofe Saturn in the roth degree of Taurus, and Fpiter in the 20th degree of Leos hete Saturn calts his Antifcion to E3 Jupiter, oe 54 Prathical Afirologie. ie. they being both equally diftane Fer the fit Pangum of Caxcer? the Gounteranti(cions are found by the op- ppotite Ggnes and degrees: the AntifGions Fesllowed to be of the nature of Sextile oe Trine Mfpedts: the Contrantiteions cf the Planets are equivalent to 2 Quadrate fot Oppaftion. But that the Learner may fade them with more cafe, be pleafed to confider the following Table. A Table of the Antifcions im Signess ST 1% ‘rhe pniifcioms Jme 7), Planers in ‘of the = signes- m t Here you may (ee, a Planet in Cancer fends his Antifcion to Gensini in Leo, to Taurus, and (0 of the reft ofthe fignes. ‘A Planet in Leo fends his Gontrantilcion to Aquaries, that Beingthe oppofite figne to Leo, And to’ finde the degree and minute, you are to fubltract the degree and minute your Planet is in from 30) and the femainder {hall thew the degree aad minute of Antifeion: or you may know by the following Table. . rire 4 Praflical Aftrologie. A Table foewing the Antifcion in Degrees and Minutes. _ When you have found the Planets in Signes, enter the Degrees in. the firt Co- Tumnon the left hand: and in the fecond Column you have the Antifeions in de- grees. The like in the Table of Minutes. Asfor Example: if Jupiter be in 10 de~ grees 20 minutes of Libra, by the firlt ‘able I finde his Antifcion fallsin Pifces. Then in the fecond Golumn I eater the E4 Table 55 Pratlical Aftrologic. Fable with degrees, and againft 10 de- es in the fit Column, I finde, 20 de; Brees in the fecond Column. Thea 1 erter the Table of minutes , and againft So I finde 4o mintites which fhows that. Gopirer in 10. degrees 20, minutes of Fire, calts his. Antiion to 20 degrees a iminates of Pifeer. And fo 1 proceed 48 che Friendfhip and Enmity of the Pla- nets, A Table of the Friendfip and Enmity of the Planets. laneu, rien’, emis ym [ES EB | $5 fairs |e 8 h¥or? are” \Ga oa Q\h yor, EE Sa Sle ‘paren wer \eOe eo lhe By this Table you may perceive that the Friends of Saturn are ‘Jupiter, Sel, ‘Mercury and Lyne. His Enemies are ‘Mare end Venus. The Table is (0 eafie, that it needs no farther explanation. of i Of the Planets Orbs. am sare lo Sauer m8 Se Sonn aredty * Fea : trea Le tne 199 ‘The Ufe of the Table is this: When youfindetwo Planets applying to A(pett, yet wanting {everal degrees of their Par- tile Alpedt, they are faid tobe in Platick Afpeét, when they are within the moiety of their Orbs, As for Example : Sup- pote Saturn be in 15 degrees of aries, and Ferm in 10 degrees of Comin they are in Platick Afpetts for the Orbs of Saturn (as you may perceive by the Ta ble) are 10 degrees the bal of which is 5 degrees: The Orbs of Venss are 85 take half of that, which is 4, which ad- ded to half the Orbs of Saturn makes 5 fothey are within the Orbs of a Sextile Afpedt when they are 9 degrees diftane from their Partile Afpett.

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