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Essays are not fun.

Basically the entire time youre writing one, you have no idea what to
write about. This essay being an example. When you sit at your computer bored out of your
mind, you just sit and think. Then you think some more, and some more, and some more, until
you have completely run out of options and begin to write about essays in general. The time to
write an essay takes forever, and ever, and doesnt go anywhere when you arent passionate
about the topic or arent given a specific topic to write about in the first place; thus creating this
very long essay about the time it takes to write an essay such as this. The first part of this essay is
supposed to include a polysyndeton, which defines as using conjunctions over, and over, and
over, and over again, and usually causes repetition within the phrases. The second part of this
essay, which will occur in approximately fifty words, will use the term asyndeton. Asyndetons
are the complete opposite of polysyndetons, also known as foils in the world of literature. One
term repeats conjunctions while the other terms uses shorter sentences sometimes using
rhetorical fragments. Such as now.
Asyndetons are short, fast-paced sentences. No repeating conjunctions. It indicates a
shift. A change from Point A to point B. As the modern philosopher Drake would say, Zero to a
hundred real quick. The change is usually rapid. Very unsubtle and drastic. Occurs faster than
the interchanging verses in Chop Suey! by System of a Down. It is a complete tonal shift.
Polysyndeton uses suspense to drive the essay forward. Asyndeton uses tension to drive it. Using
both of them together, and you create a perfect scene in a horror movie. The killer chases the
helpless victim. The victim momentarily gets away and thinks they are completely safe, normally
catching their breath. Then BOOM! Jumpscare. The killer is right behind them. They scream in
terror although the audience knew it was coming. And then the system repeats. Creating a
harmony between tension and suspense. Keeping the audience on their toes at all times. Causing
the girlfriends to bury their face into their boyfriends, or the other way around. Dont worry, we
wont judge. Using asyndetons and polysyndetons in essay have the same effect. They both
create that same tension and suspense as they use in the movies. They also both indicate a shift
between two separate ideas or events. But like all essays, there must be an end. Such as now.

426 words

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