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Hogwarts. The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The architecture creates the image of

a castle fit for royalty, yet no royalty occupies the structure. Professors and pupils inhabit this
place and learn the arts of dark magic and spells, along with potions and magical creatures,
invisible to the outside world of the muggles. Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster, drafts potential
pupils throughout England to Hogwarts. Each of these pupils possess unusual and extraordinary
abilities. Some are able to speak to snakes, while others have the capability to levitate objects.
Upon arrival, the potential pupils receive placement into one of four houses: Gryffindor,
Hippogriff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. Each of the four houses represent the different individuals
personality traits. Once placed in a house, all the members of a given house follow their prefects,
members of the house who are in charge of the lower class members, to their new dormitories.
Inside Hogwarts, ghosts, talking paintings, and other creatures roam around at night,
including an enormous Basilisk snake lying in the depths of the school. The stairways shift
constantly, groaning as they glide across to a new connector. During the school day, the aroma of
potions permeated throughout the hallway while clattering and racket from the pupils learning
spells, and students chattering and communicating in the luncheon transpire, creating a
commotion of the school.
Outside the school, Quidditch teams practice strategies together while Hagrid
demonstrates a class to his students upon the subject of magical creatures varying between
hippogriffs and thestrals within the proximity of the forbidden forest. In the forbidden forest
lurks appalling creatures yet beautiful creatures. Giant arachnids nest within the forest while
centaurs and unicorns prance around. Trees moan, groan, and seem to sway from side to side on
their own as if they are animated and living. In the light of the moon, werewolves howl in the
distance from a mysterious forbidden house looming in the darkness of the horizon far away
from the town. Sometimes in the distance, a cadence of footsteps resonate, vibrating and shaking
the ground beneath the students feet. A cadence sounding from the footsteps of giants. In
faraway places, dragons sound off their mighty roars as they breathe scorching hot fire out of
their throats.
An essence of butterbeer lingers along the outside perimeter of Hogwarts and hoi polloi
of pupils conjugate towards the village to purchase the buttery and sweet beverage. The village is
abundant with students and other adults gifted with magical capabilities looking to buy many
souvenirs from mini shops and other magical gags in other gift shops.
At the end of the day, the students all pile into their given dormitories for their individual
houses where they lounge around or finally decide to end the day and go into a slumber in which
they begin the next day.

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