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Frank kariuki

H. H. Richardson portrait analysis.

The artist of H. H. Richardsons portrait, Hubert Von Herkomer, had a lot in mind while creating
a portrait that would display perhaps the best architect of the 1800s. The oil on canvas portrait has a lot of
elements that work together to make this piece of art look like a masterpiece. At first glance, the thing that
you see is the subject of the portrait. Richardson is focal point of this portrait. He easily occupies most of
the foreground and has his head painted in the middle of the canvas. The use of space is also an important
factor. Because Richardson occupies most of the canvas, there is no other object in the painting that can
catch the observers eye before he notices the subject.The artist also manipulates the use of contrast and
colors to to make him lighter than the background. It also looks like the light is coming the left of him and
from the front. This is noticeable when you look at the far right of his head. This observation of leads us
to infer that his head is at an angle. Also, the very top of the painting is brighter than bottom of the
painting.This leads us to infer that there is only one source of natural light, perhaps a window, and a lamp
of some sort above him. From this, we can conclude the piece of art was maybe painted in the evening
.The use of proportions is noticed in the background. His head is not obscenely large. This helps the
painting look realistic.The globe is larger than his head and the distance of the piece of drawing on the far
right creates a depth of field because it is out of focus. In general the painting is very static. You see this
because Richardson is sitting down on a chair. .When combined, these elements do not dissapoint to
portray Richardson in his might. When you observe the painting from a distance, you see a powerful and
accomplished man who is satisfied with his life. There is no sign of sadness, anger or depression on his
face but there is satisfaction and perhaps joy.

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