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Nyemiah Jackson

English 113B
March.23, 2016
Professor Santosh
How snapchat and schools are connected to the third space
Most people think dont think of snapchat or schools as a third
space, but it is. A third space is a place away from home or a place you
use to get away. How would you use snapchat or school as a third space
you may ask? Snapchat is an app located on any smart phone that you could use in your home or
school. It makes it a third space because that app helps people get away from the world for a
moment and just relax looking at peoples stories seeing what theyre up too and how everything
is. Now for schools they are places where people go to learn but its also a home away from
home, where you can hang out with friends and make memories.
In the video, Snapchat and caf connecting to the third space (In the picture to the left
is the snapchat Logo) my friend Monique states I use snapchat to get away from the world. I
found this interesting because most people use it to keep up with what some of their friends are
doing or keep other people updated with them. I asked my friend to explain more on what she
meant by getting away from the world. She said, that in school yeah its all fun and games in
high school but then when it comes down to the work I feel overstressed like the work consumes
me and I just dont want to deal with it so I just go on snapchat to tune out the world, I then
asked her does she find school a third space, she stated yes I understand that school is a home
away from home but it still like work who wants to come to place where you have to work all
day. Its like I work all day and I get no fun out of it so no I dont find it as a third space. For me
I always found school a third space I would hang out there when it was a weekend because I

didnt have anything better to do but I was also homeless so maybe

school isnt a third space for everyone.
Finding ways how school is connected to the third space is very
different in many (In the picture to the left is a school) peoples eyes
for me it was different because I was homeless but, for other people it was different because they
had a home or the place they call home was too crowded and they needed somewhere to escape.
I was homeless for about all of my senior year of high school and half of my freshmen year of
college, so for me I loved school it was somewhere I could go to forget about what was going on
in my life. I asked my friend Jonathan why he considers school a third space he states I live in a
crowded mobile home with my 4 sisters their 2 kids each and my 3 brothers with their girlfriends
can you understand why I like hanging out at the school more than being at home I use to live in
a house with a lot more space but we lost it all and had to move in to a smaller space which
makes it harder to move around and I just have no space so I spend most of my time at school its
a free space. We could always relate on things how we needed space and time to ourselves so
we just stayed at the school for hours, which was our third space.
In the journal Family Literacy: A third space where homes and schools come together
by Elizabeth M. Pichardo, she states This idea of bridging the gap between the home and school
is closely related to the third space theory, I find this interesting because I never thought home
was a third space because thats where you want to get away from but school on the other hand is
a place where you go to see your friends, but in Elizabeth journal she also states, Moje et al.
describe third space in schools as a bridge from the often marginalized voices to the traditional
academic knowledge and learning, My friends all talk about how they miss high school and
how it was so much fun and they miss all the good times and I asked them do you miss learning

in high school like the education and they all said no why would I miss learning I miss all the
friends I had when I was there not so much of the classes but just the people that made it fun.
Most people wouldnt think of school as a third space they would think of it more as a
place of work but you have to remember that some people have different view points on a third
space. Like example for me I thought of school as third space because it was always a place I
could go to and forget bout everything that is going on with the world. Once I reached middle
school the only escape for me was snapchat because in middle school you find where you stand
and I really didnt stand anywhere but using snapchat a lot just helped me forget, but in all honest
all you really need is friends and some free space and you could find yourself in a third space
which is what all students or people are looking for in life any place away from home or work a
place where you can tune out the world and just be with yourself is a third space to me.

Work cited page

Pichardo, Elizabeth M. "A Third Space Where Home and School Come Together:
Family Literacy." A Capstone Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements of the Degree of Master of Arts in ESL. N.p., Feb. 2012. Web.
Finding ways Cafes and Snapchat connect, Video 2016 Amarbir, Guadalupe,

"Snapchat." Snapchat. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2016.
"Bell, Jana." / Teacher Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2016.

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