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Dear My Next English Teacher,

Over the course of this compelling year of American Literature, I have surprisingly
learned that I am captivated by the course. Because of my fascination for literary movements
such as Modernism and Dark Romanticism, it has allowed me to be wholeheartedly invested in
every assignment. While travelling through the literary movements and exploring brilliant
authors and works, I realized how much I enjoy sharing my ideas and that I excel in this area.
After writing journals on the marvelous The Great Gatsby and The Yellow Wallpaper, works I
was intrigued by, I could veer away from focusing on formulating my ideas and analysis. Instead,
I began to improve the writing aspect that would help convey my message to the reader in an
interesting, appropriate manner. I learned that my greatest challenges are organization in formal
assignments and being too artistic in analytical responses. I struggle with effective organization
of paragraphs as they seem misplaced, random, and hinder the overall fluency of my essay. On
the contrary, I learned how to balance including my creative perspective in analytical prompts of
literary works by using my creativity to further my analysis of a piece. By extracting my energy
and attention from my concentration of creative writing, I powered my energy to make my ideas
multifaceted and to better explain my now three-dimensional concepts.
This year has allowed me to realize that I am a leader in the English classroom through
Harkness Discussions and how my peers often ask me questions about assignments. From their
praise and acceptance, my confidence has surpassed that of my former insecure freshman self
and as a writer. I am now poised and motivated entering new assignments, and I am secure in my

ideas after analyzing various and multitudes of writing this year. I believe that I have taught my
peers that in English, you are always right, as long as you have the evidence and support. I have
demonstrated this in Harkness Discussions as I express my points with two or three quotations
and thorough reasoning. I am eager to display this strength in your class next year, revealing my
confidence with each assignment and endeavor.
Louise Andreeff

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