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1. What are the most important events in the section you read?

There are three important events that happen, the first is when Timothy starts calling Phillip, Phill-eep instead of
young bass, second is Phillip ask Timothy if they can be friends, and Timothy explains that they were always
friends, and lastly when Phillip finally climbs the palm tree to receive the coconuts.
2. What is the main conflict in the section? Is it internal or external?
The main conflict in the section is that Phillip has become blind, because there are many conflicts. Reading
through the book you can see that Timothy has malaria and cant control his action, because of Phillip blindness
he race down to follow down he has to take his time. Also because Timothy is older (in his seventies) and might
parish soon, knowing this is showing to prepare for the worst and practice living alone and with no sight that might
be harder than it has to be for Phillip.This is a internal problem.
3. Who is the most affected by the conflict?
I think the most affected by the conflict is Timothy, even though it doesnt have a result on him. Knowing that he
older and is sick with malaria, he might die soon. He teaches Phillip survival skills in case one day he doesnt
make it. He has Phillip stronger than he already is, and because of Phillips blindness it is harder than what it
could be.
4. Is there a resolution of the conflict?
There is two possible resolution to this conflict. The first is if Phillip is cured or the blindness magically goes away
as if it had never had it. Those things dont really happen in real life, yes people can have blindness that goes
away soon after or even after years of having it, but sadly there is no cure for blindness except if Timothy is a
helpful eye donor or an amazing medication that can cure any physical feature.
5. Based on the plot so far, what predictions can be made about characters and events in the story?
Predictions that can be made of Timothy, is that because of his age and he having malaria might show that he
might die soon or may not be able to support both Phillip and himself. Predictions based on Phillp is, know he had
climbed the coconut tree and has experienced fishing and hunting for food he might be more supportive because
he also knows the layout of the island.
Part 1: by Carolina Part 2: by Joe

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