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Karina Martinez
Professor Griffith
English 113B- 11:00 AM MW
28 March 2016
My Personal Space
The space that I chose was my house but not my whole interiorly house but just one
specific room which is my room. The place that I chose is located on 5 th street and Brand in San
Fernando. My room is a place that I can be me and be able to relax in and do what I feel
comfortable on doing. I call it My Personal Space because of the fact that I can set up my room
how I want it with out anybody telling what should I do or not do. I get to put in the colors in my
room that I like and that I can say that these colors can represent the person I am. I set up my
room different ways, but ways that I like how my room would look and would let me to have
some space to move around. My room is a pretty comfy space not to big or not to small, also I
like to be neat I dont like everything to be scattered around. My room is the perfect space that
could represent my personality and take me to other places.
My room is set up many different ways, it all just depends on my mood when I start to
move things around my room. Theres days where Im okay with how my room is set up, but
then theres days where I get annoyed and irritated when I walk in my room and see how I have
it set up. Im a person where I have to change and move things often I get bored of things I see
everyday. but the other major factor involved is one that affects the process from creation to
recording to mixing and beyond: your room (Traba). Organizing my room is like making music,
I need to have the creativity to be able to change and move my room around. Once I have my
creativity set I can go to the recording by imagining how my room would look. Then I can move

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to mixing once I picture my room with the new set up, I can start moving my room around and
organize it how I want it. From beyond that I can get use to how I have the new set up and get
comfortable and enjoy the new look I gave my room. Its good that I can relate on setting up my
room different ways with music, cause in music theres different sounds that can be put into it.
Since I constantly change my room around a lot, its hard for my family members and
friends to come in my room and find things easily. This past month I recently changed my room
around. Just how music has a rhythm, my room also has a rhythm. Once you walk in my room
the first thing you can see is my bed which is in the center of my room. To the left side of my bed
toward the corner I have my T.V and my speaker set up on top of a draw. On the left side of my
room, on my wall I have a frame of pictures hung up. Where I have my bed set up I have another
frame of a painting hung up as well. In front of my bed near my T.V I have stickers that are for
the wall which are branches blooming out and music notes coming out of the branches. Then, on
the right side of my room its my closet with double sliding mirror doors. Next to my regular
closet I have a smaller closet with one single door. This was my new creation of changing my
room on how I wanted to be.
The way I set up my bedroom reflects on how I feel and to make others and myself
comfortable. The reason why I set up my room the way I have described it, is because I like to
feel free and roomy in my personal space. My room doesnt have to much furniture because I
dont like my room to look crowed and messy. I like to have room to move around and able to
have space to walk from one side to the other side of the room. Also, when people come in to my
room I want them to feel comfortable. I wouldnt want them to feel like there in a room that is to
crowded and feel like if their trapped in a room. Theres times where I feel like Im trapped in
my own life, like if I dont have enough air to breath. Thats why having enough space in my

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room is important because since I feel trapped I wouldnt want to have the same feeling in my
own room, where I have the ability to be who I am in my personal space.
My room has a color scheme that can represent my personality, my moods, and my
thoughts. Theres days that I can be in the dark side, theres days that can be in the
bright/energetic side, and theres days that Im just neutral. My room is the only place that I can
put in the colors that can analyze who I am. The people who live in a home make it beautiful by
choosing colors that reflect their preferences and personalities. The trick is to blend the colors
you like into pleasing combination (Mihai). The colors in my room represent who I am, which
makes my room look pretty/beautiful. Just by combining the colors I have for my room makes
my personality look beautiful as well. By people looking at the color scheme can realize the
person I am. Its good to combine colors that can represent you, because even though theres
many colors out there that we like, some cant conflict on who we are. Thats just the way it
works in many different ways.
The person that Im truly am is splattered all over my room which can be a replica of
myself. The color scheme that I have picked for my personal space is Black, Red, and White. I
picked Black to represent my dark side, theres some days where Im not myself meaning that
Im put in the dark shadows to hide my feelings form everyone else. I dont like showing my
feelings to everyone because I dont want to be put in the center of attention and have people to
feel bad for whats going on with me. The Red represents being energetic and bright, I always try
to be happy and show people the smile that I sometimes hide from them. Letting myself shine
and make others who are around me shine makes me be the happiest person and brightens my
day. Being energetic helps me stay away from continuing to be in the dark, not letting myself
hide under the shadow. The White represents the neutral part of myself, there are times where

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Im calm where nothing that happens around me bothers me or bugs me. Its another side when
Im relaxed and stressed free.
My personal space is like another land that puts me in another place to get away from
everything that is around me. When people come in my room they always tell me that my room
is pretty because of how I have it decorated. Not just that I have it nice, but Im also told that I
always have my room nice and neat, meaning clean never messy. Just by what people tell me
about my room I take it as a good compliment because it shows what kind of person I am. My
room just self describes the person I am. Im a person that gets annoyed fast just because of how
much I move my things around in my room. Also, Im very organized because I have my things
put where there suppose to be at. Just by being organized shows a lot because thats a good
representation of me for the future. Another thing that my room can say about me is that Im
creative, I can visualize how things could look. Thats also a good image of myself because if
someone needs help with creative for anything, they know that they could count on me to help
them. My room shows that I like music because, of the music notes that I have on my wall and
because right when you walk in my room you can see my speaker, also because or the painting
that I have its a painting of Marilyn Monroe, we all know that shes an actress and a singer. My
room is a place that I could calm down, relax, and escape from everything.
As I describe my personal space you can tell that I come from a family that isnt rich nor
poor but from the middle class. My house in general isnt big its a good average size house that
can fit up to six people. But as the looks from my room, it isnt big its a good size for me as you
could say. Its a good size where my room and some other stuff can fit well. The things that I
have in my room arent things that are very pricey and over anybodys budget from buying
things. Normally some peoples room shows from where they come from and what ethnicity they

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are. But my room doesnt show any of those two just by looking how I look should be enough, I
dont think I should but more of those details into my own room. My room physically could
show that Im a well put woman, in terms of conditions.
In my room theres a painting of an actress/singer hanging on my wall, not just cause I
like music but also because I liked the person that is painted. Seeing a poster or a painting is
important on how you see it everyday. The posters were hung at eye-level and every day the
location of each poster was randomly determined (Linden). In my room I was very picky on
how I wanted my painting; the reason why is because every time I walk in my room I would like
to see my painting to brighten my day up if its not going good. Also, because the perspective of
my view is different on how other people see it. The painting that I have hanged up isnt just eyelevel but its also noticeable when I walk in my room. But one thing is that my painting isnt
moved often because of the place that I chose to hang it was randomly picked.
In conclusion my personal space is basically another person that has the same similarities
as myself. As of the words that I have shown so far is that I like to move things around very often
and sometimes while Im cleaning up my room I take my time to move my stuff around, I can
take hours cleaning my room. When I move my room around I dont have any help from anyone
to move my bed around. The reason why I dont have help is because I dont like to ask for it,
and another reason why is because I dont want the person that helps me to tell me I should do it
different from how I want it to be. Im very picky on how I want things to be and I get inpatient
when I dont do things how I want it when it comes to my room. The fact that Im very picky
when it comes to my own room is because thats the only space that I can be who I am and
because thats the way that I can express myself. The image of my room is important to me
because whats in my room and how its set up represents who I am in different ways.

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Works Cited
Linden, Sander Van Der. "How the Illusion of Being Observed Can Make You a Better Person."
Scientific American. N.p., 3 May 2011. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
Mihai. "Room Color and How It Affects Your Mood." Freshome. N.p., 11 Nov. 2015. Web. 25
Mar. 2016.
Traba, Jaime. "Your Mix Is in Your Room: How to Set up Your Mixing Environment." Explora.
N.p., 25 July 2015. Web. 26 Mar. 2016.

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