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Kohlbergs Stages of Moral Development

Although I recognize that people have differing beliefs and opinions, I

still cannot identify myself on the post-conventional stage of Kohlbergs levels
of development. At 28, I am still at Stage 4. I cannot recall an experience
where I rationalized an action not based on its legality or social acceptability.
I define right from wrong based solely on its legal and social
implications. I assess actions based on existing laws, rules, culture, and
tradition. For me, what is legally wrong in the rule of law is morally wrong,
whatever the reason of action is. The end does not justify the means simply
because I believe that there will always be another solution to a problem that
will not require a person to do an unlawful act or sacrifice the interest of
others. To me, at least right now, someone who steals for the poor is still a
thief and his action is still immoral. Likewise, I cannot see myself stealing,
however poor I become, so I can feed my starving family or treat a dying
loved one. Ive never really given it a thought to neither question the existing
norms and laws nor fathom the possibility that obeying one may result to a
violation of someone elses human right. For me, existing laws are already
logically and rationally crafted while social norms, although may change
through time, shall always be considered in making moral decisions. I believe
that we have to adhere to existing laws and social norms in order to achieve
and maintain an effective society.
Personally, right now, I dont recognize the need for me to change my
own perception of morality. But I guess, when faced with an experience that

Kohlbergs Stages of Moral Development

will require me to go beyond what law and society dictates, perhaps an actual
or real life and death decision, I will be transcended to a higher stage. Maybe,
when this transforming experience hit me, I will be a changed man, someone
who will not be restricted to the rules of law or the existing society or
someone who will believe that there may be other deeds that may be
unlawful but can still be morally justified. I suppose that I also have to
immerse myself in other culture to widen my understanding of the world and
allow myself to at least open up to the possibility that there may be
something that needs to be corrected on my current society.

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