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Islam is a religion with 1.6 billion followers and is the
second largest religion in the world. Islam was founded
in Saudi Arabia and the God is Allah. Started about 600
C.E. the one who also found it was Mohammed. The
Islamic countries are the following: Middle East, North
Africa, Indonesia, Turkey and Albania. In addition Islam
is a Monostatic religion, (only 1 God) also a Semitic
religion. The followers are called muslims.
Beliefs and worship
Muslims have a book that they use to guide them called
Koran. This book has 114 parts. Muslims have 1 God,
his name is Allah, but the prophet who chose Allah was
Muhammad. A prophet is a messenger from God. The
place where Muslims pray which is called the mosque.
One of the most sacred places for Muslims is Mecca
one of the biggest pilgrimage sites in the world. Hajj is
another name for mecca. Muslims have to do it at least
1 time in their lives, but it depends how religious you
The five pillars of faith are things that Muslims have to
do. The first one is the shahada. The shahada is a
statement that there is no god except for Allah. The
second one Salat. This is a prayer five times per day
facing mecca.
The third is the Zakat. Muslims have to give money to
the poor another word for this is alms. The fourth one is
sawm. In this pillar Muslims have to fast in Ramadan
(the ninth months . the fifth one is hajj. Hajj is a
pilgrimage Muslims have to do at least once in their life.
Holy books and clothing

Muslims Usually wear white cotton clothing for their

appearance before allah, for women they cover their
heads because they don't want man to get attracted to
them. there are about 3 million Muslims come to there
once a year. When they pray they say allahu akbar that
means our God is great. (Allah)
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