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Brady Foradori

Mr. Bash
Academic English 11
18 May 2015

Career Goal:
After high school I plan on getting a degree in aerospace engineering.
Aerospace engineering is the field of the advancement of aircraft and
spacecraft technology. A typical day for an aerospace engineer consists of
designing models, and testing them to find the most efficient and most
practical design possible. A typical jobsite consists of a lab for testing, a
highly advanced computer technology department, and an entire wing of
construction rooms. An aerospace engineer must be extremely proficient in
math, physics, and arithmetic. I have chosen this field because I have been
greatly infatuated by airplanes and anything that leaves the earth since I
was very young. My fascination for airplanes and spacecraft began when I
received a game for Christmas that was centered around the construction
and testing of homemade aircrafts.
Personal Inventory:

In this field having an advanced understanding of mathematics is critical. I

have been a math wiz from a young age and I believe that this skill will
greatly influence my success in this field. The field requires a minimum of 4
years at a recognized college with an aerospace program. Another major
requirement for this field is understanding how things move and interact and
having the ability to recognize where and when a problem arises and coming
up with a reasonable way to correct the issue. Computer skills are one of the
most important factors when looking into this field, since the majority of the
time, an aerospace engineer spends upwards of 80% of his career on a
computer designing and building models.

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