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Elias Hernandez

Sarah Hughes
English 1101-COD
March 3-2016

Photographic Memory

The sun was fading away just like my hope; I was disappointed with
myself that day. Watching my soccer team play the final without me, the
look on my coach was the kind of expression a UFC fighter would have
before confronting his enemy. My teammates were pouring stress out of
their pores, anger was eating their mind. They played like if the bottom
of the cleats had no grip and as if there was no coach yelling
instructions. I was supposed to be playing scoring like a champ as I
would always do. Well the reason I couldnt play was because of my
broken ankle. My older sister Sara had jumped over my foot and it
turned out be a fracture on my left ankle. Well before that happened my
family and I had gone to Puerto Vallarta probably the best beach I have
ever been to. Where the water is crystal clear and the bottom of beach is

greener than a golf field. I have three sisters, two older Sara and
Stephanie and my youngest is Evelyn. Well the three of them would
always get away with anything theyd do against me.

I was playing soccer on the beach with some friends I had made the day
we got there. As I said my sisters were bullies at any time and
everywhere. Sara and Stephanie kept throwing at me ice from their pink
juicy, fancy beverage Pantera Rosa. When I looked at Sara her smile
was bigger than jokers smile and her eyes could express the joy of
bullying me. I immediately went and told my parents but as always they
never yelled or took any action on whatever theyd do. The last day was
actually the worst out of all I believe; these evil siblings of mine woke me
up around 1 am, I was knocked out exhausted from running around the
hotel that was bigger than a kings palace, and plating soccer all day.
Well what they did after waking me up they poured a bucket full of water
colder than the Lake Michigan on winter season. You may ask yourself
how they would get away with this one, when I clearly had a bed full of
ice and water. Well bad news, my parents had gone out that night to the
nearest nightclub. They were very clever about the situation. Once my
parents came to the Hotel room they said guero peed on himself yes,
my nickname is guero I go by that since I was born, supposedly I was
the whites looking kid in the family. My parents ended up grounding me

because they didnt believe me and as always till today they keep
getting away with everything.

We were heading back to Zamora, our hometown located on the south of

Michoacn Mexico. The drive was 4 hours long, four long hours I had to
deal with them. I didnt say one word to any of them. The whole trip I
was just thinking on how to take revenge. Since my bigger sister was
the head of the evil-annoying squad I planned on focusing on her. Sara
had a very expensive doll witch my dad had bought for her 15th birthday.
Well I gave her some of her own medicine and shaved her doll which
ended up looking like my elbow. This was too funny so when she yielded
I heard from all the way outside the house, I was playing soccer with my
friends in the street. She came down running towards me and jumped on
me; she also punched me in the face. Well in front of my friends she
broke my ankle and gave me bloody nose. She was that bad of a bully.

It was a Monday when we got home and this incident happened.

Because of my broken foot it was going to take me approximately 2-3
months for me to play again. The upcoming Friday was the final Club
Campestre vs Jacona. My team Club Campestre had history with Jacona
for being the toughest rivals in town. I was the seasons top striker with

ahead of 9 points. I worked hard for the number #10 on my jersey. My

coach Checo had a rule in the team since there were 4 forwards.
Whoever trains and plays the best gets to rock the number 10 like my
idol Messi. Not being able to play the final was like a stab on my back. I
knew it wasnt my sisters intension to hurt that bad, she felt really
ashamed and sorry when she found out about my ankle.

So there I was, with my uniform standing in front of the field cheering

and getting aggravated. I was mad at myself because if had let that
anger of mine go Id be playing the final I always worked and dreamed
for. The first half started bad my team was loose on the bottom left all of
our mid players werent communicating at all. I was trying to give advice
from the outside as a coach pretty much. But right away Checo my
coach said to be quite because I was confusing them. The second half
started and the opposite team scored again with only 20 minutes left of
the second half. There was nothing more that I could do other than
yelling out what I thought was right, Jaime the kid who was playing on
my position Left forward finally scored on the last minute. The game
ended 2-1, the field had benches which were packed of family members
from my team and people were also standing around the whole field
watching how Jacona defeated us at our home 2-1. My dad didnt get

mad at me or anything even though he was the type of person that

would yell in the middle of the game if I missed a shot.

What I learned was that sometimes not getting revenge is good, if I

wouldve conduct my anger, shed stop bothering me and thought to
herself that it was enough. We both wouldve been happy, she would
stop bullying me and mind her own business and I would be enjoying my
final and probably wouldve changed that final score.

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