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SAMPLE WELCOME LETTER Dear students and parents, Thope you had an enjoyable summer with your family. My name is Matthew Safi, I am a new English teacher here at X private school and I have the privilege of teaching your child this year. This year, in your child’s grade five English class, we will have an extremely diverse group in terms of learning style, with just over 20 students between the ages of 10 and 11. This letter was written to introduce myself, as well as let you know why and how I intend on creating 2 unique learning experience for your child, an inclusive classroom where diversity is not only welcome, but valued. Creating an inclusive classroom with a warm atmosphere has a direct positive impact on child development. My definition of an inclusive classroom is one where students are free to learn at their own pace, with accommodations ready to meet each child’s unique needs. Creating an inclusive classroom will require dedication not only from myself, but from both the students and parents as well. First, I will get to know your child personally and teach him or her the class material in a way that is meaningful to them, Secondly, I will emphasize values of faimess, empathy, acceptance and respect. Next, I will use a variety of assessment tasks so that students with different learning styles can each achieve success. Finally, students need to be comfortable not only around ‘me, but around their peers as well and so I have many fun icebreaker activities planned. ‘As much as | try, inclusion goes beyond the classroom and is impossible without all of us working together. As parents, I urge you to encourage values that respect diversity throughout your daily lives. For you students, keep in mind that everyone learns in their ‘own way, at their own pace, so remember to always be patient and respectful. Once our goal of an inclusive classroom is reached, our class will stand out both in diversity and efficiency. Our classroom routines will be sensitive to individual needs and cultural norms of students. Classroom resources will value and reflect diversity by using poems and music from a variety of cultures. Fictional texts will be used to help students identify stereotypes of cultures and social backgrounds. Your child will be learning in an atmosphere customized to his or her individual needs. 1am confident that by working together, we can achieve our goal of an inclusive classroom, thereby allowing your child to thrive and lear a way that is most meaningful to him or her. It is important that we stay in touch throughout this process. Feel free to contaet me with any questions or concems whatsoever. Looking forward to meeting you all! Sincerely, Mr. Matthew Safi

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