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By Lindsey G. and
Anthony F.

1. Do not kill
2. Equality for all
3. No discrimination
4. Try to keep peace
5. Freedom of religion

We relate to the philosopher Locke because we believe that the government
should protect peoples rights and try their best to make them have their

1. Life
2. Equality
3. Property

1. Murder is punishable by life in prison
2. There is no death penalty
3. You can get your home taken away
4. Put into an asylum if crazy

Social Structures
Part of our ideology is to promote equality.
Social classes will exist: bottom, middle, and upper class.
1. Upper Class will be weakened if money becomes very unbalanced
2. Middle class will be encouraged to remain successful and to excel.
3. Bottom class will be temporary for individuals. Government will help
them until they move up to the middle class.

1. City Hall
2. Hospitals
3. Banks
4. Schools
5. Police Stations
6. Fire Departments

Distribution of Resources
Resources will be distributed in a standard fashion as other countries.
Food and goods will be sold in stores, regular free market like the U.S.
Money is dependent on job significance, price floors will be set in order to
maintain equilibrium to some degree.


Anthem & Flag

Fallopia, a wonderful Society
Keeps me well and keeps me free,
Our motto; life, equality, and property
No need to feel less than your neighbor
There are no losers, only winners
Our motto; life, equality, and property
Oh how we love to live here

The answer is just so clear

Earn what you deserve,
Deserve what you earn.
Government wont take,
Only you keep
Our motto; life, equality, and property,
In fallopia, All are truly free.

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