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Content Covered

Till Date


Area to Cover


Sales Setting

Sales Strategy

Tactical level

Introduction to course outline and semester plan, Importance of
sales and dynamics of sales management
Make the commitment, the six stages of selling (Victor Antonio)
Development and the role of selling in marketing (Characteristics
Of Modern Selling, Types of Selling, Role of Sales management,
Success Factors, Relationship Between selling and marketing)
Selling and Sales management By David Jobber 7 th Ed
Sales Strategy (IMC, Sales channels, distribution networks,
management of value chain networks and alternate sales
modalities, Territory Management)
Sales management by Richard Still, 5th Ed
Sales strategy (An overview of marketing plan, components of
marketing plan, overview of imc, IMC and its use for
enhancement of sales volume)
Selling and Sales management By David Jobber 7 th Ed
Sales strategy (Adjustments in promotional mix with reference to
advertisement and personal selling, sales promotion strategies,
brand activation campaign and alternate sales modalities
Selling and Sales management By David Jobber 7 th Ed
Response Block selling (Selling the room, being consistent, R.I.P.
overcoming objections, Response block structure, Objections and
(Victor Antonio)
Response Block selling (Objections and response)






Area to


Cold calling (Sales and Time management, Sales call reluctance,

persistence by the numbers, types of prospects, the tease and
squeeze, the poke and prod, putting it into practice, when to move
on, is cold calling effective: calculating the net-present and future
Tactical value of a prospect)
(Victor Antonio)
level Start Selling (Bridging the sales gaps, the S.T.A.R.T. System, Situation
Qs, Trouble Qs)
(Victor Antonio)
Start Selling (Amplify Qs, Reward Qs, Consistency theory, Tie-Down
(Victor Antonio)
Key account management (Advantages and dangers, criteria for
selecting key account, task and skills, modern trade and general
trade retailers and merchandising) Selling and Sales management By
David Jobber 7th Ed
Sales forecasting (Planning and methods for sales forecasting and
Measureme budgeting)
Sales force evaluation) Selling and Sales management By David
nt &
Jobber 7th Ed
Evaluation Sales forecasting (setting standards for performance, measures of
performance, achievement of sales quotas and targets) Selling and

In the world of Sales one thing that will

never change no matter what so ever the
type of product or service you are selling

Which thing is required the most to do
Sales of any type

Sales Responsibilities
Primary responsibility is to conclude
the sale successfully

Secondary Responsibility

Database and knowledge management
Handling complaints
Providing services
Identification of customer needs
Presentation and demonstration
Handling objections
Closing the sale

Six Stages of Selling

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6


Search search search
How do you prospect for a job
Prospecting is more important in


Sources of prospecting

Sources of prospecting

Existing customers
Trade directories
Yellow pages
The press and internet
Cold canvassing

If you dont prospect your business
will eventually fail.
New clients = New business =
The more you prospect the more
chances are there to get the client

Types of Prospecting

You can have the finest of clothes,

the best sales gear and script that
money can buy, but unless you have
engine, all the above doesnt matter

What is self-management?
How do you self-manage you?
How do you self-motivate you?

Self-Management in Sales
Organise your call plan
Dividing territory into sections to be
covered day by day
Deciding the best route
Make the targets manageable within
a day time
Call frequency (according to potential

2003- Tim Connors book Soft

Compared how poor salespeople and
successful salespeople managed
their selling time

He allocated the salespersons time

into six categories
1. Prospecting
2. Sales Presentation
3. Service
4. Administration
5. Travel
6. Self-Improvement

Time Managed by poor sales


10% on Prospecting
23% on Sales Presentation
15% on Service
30% on Administration
20% on Travel
2% on Self-Improvement

Time Managed by good sales


45% on Prospecting
10% on Sales Presentation
20% on Service
5% on Administration
10% on Travel
10% on Self-Improvement

Types of Prospecting
Buyer Initiated
Seller Initiated

Cold Calling

Sales Call Reluctance

Sales Call Reluctance

1. Cold calling

The possibility of not being able to be

financially independent that much

Persistence by the Numbers

How many calls

National Sales Executive Association


2% of sales are made on 1st call

3% of sales are made on 2nd call
5% of sales are made on 3rd call
10% of sales are made on 4th call
80% of sales are made on 5th call

How many sales people actually

make that 5th call

How many sales people actually

make that 5th call
48% of salespeople quit after the 1st
25% quit after the 2nd call
12% quit after the 3rd call
5% quit after 4th call
10% made that 5th call or more

Almost 80% of the salespeople gave

up after the second phone call.
Is this good or bad for you as sales

If almost 75% of your competition

drops out by the second phone call,
just by making that third call or
more, you have less competition to
contend with!
So, being persistent can pay off big

But They Dont Call Back

50% of all the key points you made
in your product pitch or presentation
will be forgotten within one week.
80-90% will probably be forgotten
within two weeks of your

Why will they forget..

1. Sales people some time are

obsessed with their own product
that they assume that the client is
also into it
2. Clients today are inundated with
product pitches and advertising
Think yourself as a client or a

Think yourself as a client or a

How many e-mails do you get per day?
Have you every checked your spam mail?
How many commercials do you get in an
As being a Sales person, You must
Prospects just dont have the mental
bandwidth to absorb everything thats being
thrown at them

Clients who are likely to buy

after a presentation will lose
their enthusiasm within one
It means your opportunity is
___??????__ (Max)

Types of Prospecting

Types of Prospecting
Buyer Initiated
Seller Initiated ?

Types of Prospecting
Types of


Low sales resistance

acceptance since the
buyer knows what he
Moderat Some sales resistance
and some sales
acceptance since you
came highly
recommended from a

What is important in Sales

Keep the funnel filled

Here I want to emphasize

Selling is an art..
You learn it by doing.
would like to ask
What did you learn first
ABC or Words
Words or Sentences
Standing or Walking
Walking or Running

In Sales its important to understand the steps

After knowing each than you can have the
ability to adapt to any situation

Seller Initiated
Call Center Script Assignment

Seller Initiated
You cant sell to someone you dont
know unless you have some facetime and allow them to get to know
you and your product.
If you can increase the number of
times you can get in front of a
prospect, your chances of selling to
them will increase exponentially.
Victor Antonio

Cold Calling
Getting the meeting
Step 1: Having an Intro
Step 2: Having an Objective
Step 3: Scripts for Getting the

Step 1: Having an Intro

So, What shall be the PRE-REQS ?


1. Written and/or memorized

introduction of yourself and the
company. (Develop and introduction

Tone must be natural

How to Sound natural from a Script

How to Sound natural from

a Script
Memorize the words
Add tone
Add voice inflection where
Adjust your verbal speed to match
the prospects

While singing a song from a Script

Do you think
People are singing the words or they
are singing the song?

Now I need every one to take a paper

and pen and construct an
Introduction for a cold call
Pick your product/company from the
class assignment


Now complete your Script

Intro, benefits and request

Step 1: Having an Intro

Every Introduction starts with a
polite greeting
AOA, My name is ________ with ABC
If you know the persons name
AOA, persons name, My name is
________ with ABC company.

AOA: Good afternoon: Good morning etc

Step 1: Having an Intro

Were a sales training company
helping sales people increase their
closing rates by 20%
company, our offerings can help
reduce operating cost by 20%.

Step 1: Having an Intro

I can show you how we can help
your company boost sales. How does
next Monday sound?
Mr A, I think we should get together
so that I can demonstrate how we
can help save you money. How does
next Monday sound?

Looking into the steps make a

Step 2: Having an
Able to measure
E.g., 50 calls a day

Step 2: Having an
First part
Define who youre calling on
What youd like to get from the call
What are you going to ask for?
What is it that youre trying to accomplish
with this call?

Is getting sales your objective or desire


What can be your


Step 2: Having an
Some common objectives
I just want to gather information
I want to build rapport over the phone and start a
I want to get to know their management team
I want to understand how the organization works
I want to learn more about how the buying process
the big one, I want to introduce them to our
company and what we offer
These objectives are fine, but the wont help you move
closer to making a sale
These objectives are very vague and dont require the

1. Advancement objectives
2. Continuation objectives

Continuation objectives
Gather information from the client
Understand how the buying process works
Build a relationship

These are vague objectives that will do

nothing to move or advance the sale.
What you need to do is define upfront your
advancement objectives that will move you
one step closer to closing the deal.

Advancement Objective
First locate the right person who can
make a decision.
Next, to get a face to face meeting with
that person.
Once in meeting, now either close the
sale or advance the sale further by
submitting type of pricing proposal
along with an agreed upon time to
Final, follow up with a call or better still,
a face to face meeting to close the deal.

Now, The question is

Why is it important to have an


You can also make a cold call,,,,,


Its about getting the yes or No

If it is No.
Is it Good or bad

Step 3: Scripts for Getting the

QUICK FLIP (Turning the no into yes)

Brush-Off Number 1
Im not interested.

Brush-Off Number 1
Im not interested.
When most salespeople hear this
response, the automatic reaction is to
say, Okay and hang up the phone.
Instead of doing that, try this quick flip:
A lot of people have that initial reaction
when I first call before theyve have a
chance to see how this could benefit
them, which is why we should get
together. How does (date/time) sound?

Brush-Off Number 2
Im too busy right now

Brush-Off Number 2
Im too busy right now
I dont have time! Heres how youre going to
flip that excuse into a reason for having a
Mr. Prospect, I can appreciate how busy you
are right now. The only reason I was calling
was to set up a time for us to meet when
youre not so busy. Would (date/time) be good
for you?
Notice that all youre doing is using their
reason for not wanting to meet with you as the
very reason they should.

Brush-Off Number 3

Just fax me the info. Or

Just send me the info and Ill
review it and keep it on file.

Brush-Off Number 3
Just fax me the info. Or simply,
Just send me the info and Ill review it and keep it
on file.
People who do sales for the first time are nave
enough to believe that they really wanted info so
they could review it.
So, they would stuff
brochures into an envelope, take it to the post
office to mail, and then wait a week before I
followed up. The results? usually heard are as
- I never received it. Could you send it again? I havent looked at the information. Call me in
another week or so. Or my all time favorite,
- Who are you again?

Brush-Off Number 3
Mr. Jones, you know as well as I do
that by the time it gets faxed (or
arrives), itll be forgotten. Let me
stop by and spend just a few minutes
showing you (benefit).
How does
(date and time) sound?

Brush-Off Number 4
I don't have the budget for anything
right now.

Brush-Off Number 4
I don't have the budget for anything
right now.
I understand. Many of my clients
tell me the same thing. I just want to
show you how we can (heres where
you reiterate the benefit that you
offer) down the road.
How does
(date/time) sound?

Brush-Off Number 5
We're currently using someone else and we're happy.

Brush-Off Number 5
We're currently using someone else
and we're happy.
Great. In talking to other companies similar
to yours, we found that our products are a
good complement to what youre using. Now,
Im convinced we should get together. How
does (date/time) sound?
Thats good to hear. Other companies who
use that product told us the same thing. But
they also told us that having an option in case
of an emergency is always a good thing, which
is why we should get together. How does
(date/time) sound?

Brush-Off Number 6
I need to think about it.

Brush-Off Number 6
I need to think about it.
That sounds like a good idea to me.
In the meantime, lets go ahead and
schedule a meeting. Would you like to
meet on (date) or (date)?
The best way to think about
something is having all the facts in
front of you, which is why we should
meet. When would be better for you,
(date) or (date)?

Brush-Off Number 7
We've had a bad experience working with outside companies like

Brush-Off Number 7
We've had a bad experience working
with outside companies like yours.
Thats unfortunate and I want to
assure that it never happens again,
which is why I definitely think we
should get together.
How does
(date/time) sound?

Heres a sales influence tip on

getting the client to say yes to your
request. Studies have shown that
when you ask someone for a
commitment, (in this case to meet
with you), the farther the date is
into the future, the more likely the
person is to say yes.

Some times a prospect wants to know

a little more before agreeing to meet
with you
Now what to do
You have to decide, how much
information to give now?

Here you have to understand that you have

____________, whatsoever it is
Most of the time specially in case of B2B,
remember, on phone you are not to sell
If you do try to sell over the phone, all bets
are against you actually succeeding in the
The challenge is
Give them enough information to TEASE them
SQUEEZE them into a commitment to meet.

The Tease and Squeeze

After making the Intro (pitch)

instead of the prospects No for
the meeting (QUICKFLIP),
prospect asks
Tell me a little more about it now
Give me some background on your
Give me an example
Walk me through the process
How do you do that?
Tell me how you can help us?

What was your objective

Than dont be excited

The key here is to give enough

information to satisfy the question or
statement without going into great
detail and stay focused on the main
sales objective, securing a face-toface meeting

Well, tell me more about how

your product can help us

Well, tell me more about how

your product can help us
There are several ways we can help
performance. One of the first things
we teach salespeople is how to shorten
their sales cycle by learning how to set
up the follow-up appointment before
they leave. This strategy alone will
shorten their sales cycle by 25%.

Resist the temptation

Prospect: That sounds good. Give
me another example.

Resist the temptation

Prospect: That sounds good. Give
me another example.
Mr. Prospect, Id be more than
happy to give you more than just
another example. When would be a
good time for us to get together,
(date) or (date)?

Well, how much is this going to

cost me?

Well, how much is this going to

cost me?
Remember, No matter what price you
give, itll be the wrong one
You havent had a chance to establish
the value of what youre offering.
Do you think telling the price will end up
in having a meeting time.

Well, how much is this going to

cost me?
We offer a wide range of products
and prices and Im sure we can find
something thats in your particular
range, which is why we should get
How does (date/time)

The Tease and Squeeze

Tease them with a piece of information
Squeeze them for a meeting or

You are motivated to make a cold call

for selling your skills and HR
manager asked you
Well, what is your experience?
Suggest a tease and squeeze line

Belligerent Person
Who simply refuses
anything you say




We dont have any use for that!

We already have our own product!
That wont work for us!
Theres nothing you have that we
Our team is doing just fine without it!

The Poke and Prod

Well, we dont have any use for

that (product/service)
Youre going to respond like so: Mr.
Prospect, let me ask you a quick question.
How do you handle (state the problem you
solve) this today?
If you have a really headstrong prospect on
the line, he may say:
We dont. We let people figure it out for
Thats your cue to say: Then we should
definitely get together because weve
worked with other companies who had a
similar outlook. How about (date/time)?

Getting a prospect to agree to an

appointment requires some time, effort,
and practice on your part. After a while,
youll be able to have these types of
Poke and Prod responses rolling off your
tongue naturally.
The more quickly and easily you respond
to questions, the more authority you will
retain in the conversation and the more
professional you will seem.

You can continue from the previous assignment
Title page: Cold calling, registration etc
1st page: product, target market, features, benefits,
2nd page: data base of prospects
3rd page: script (Intro)
4th page: 5 QUICKFLIP
5th page: 5 tease and squeeze
6th page: 5 Poke and Prod
7th onwards: develop a complete script similar to the
one you have collected from call center

On a paper draw a line down the middle. In the lefthand column, List five brush-off a prospect might
say to you over the phone. Then, on the right-hand
side, write out your quick flip for each corresponding
On a paper draw a line down the middle. In the lefthand column, list five information enquiries a
prospect may ask. Then, on the right-hand side,
write out your Tease and Squeeze for each
corresponding enquiry.
On a paper draw a line down the middle. In the lefthand column, List five statements a belligerent
prospect may say. Then, on the right-hand side,
write out your Poke and Prod for each
corresponding prospects statements.

In 1939, an insurance salesman (Frank

Bettger) wrote the first best seller on
selling How I raised myself from
failure to success in selling
Better kept track of all phone calls,
appointments, and sales he would
make in a twelve-month period
Of 1849 phone calls
828 got appointment
Of these 65 closed to sales

Call-to-Appointment Ratio
Appointment-to-Close Ratio

Bettger revealed that

70% of the sales were made on the first meeting
23% of the sales were made on the second
07% of the sales were made on the third meeting

Without prospecting, all other efforts (learning

the product, giving great presentation, having
charisma, etc., ) dont matter
Without applying for a job or start your own
business, all other efforts (CGPAs, degree,
learning, coming to university will ________.

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