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Blake Nunn
English 12
5 May 2016
Assignment 15 Memorable Character
In the novel Pride and Prejudice the author, Jane Austen, focuses on the
dynamic characterization of Elizabeth Bennet.
As an outcast in society, Elizabeth serves as a key device for Austens
satirical piece. Despite the endless pleas from her pretentious and materialistic
parents, Elizabeth remains adamant about her views and strong rejection of the
society around her. Although she is vain and holds prejudice against many of the
people in her life, Elizabeth remains a lovable character and serves as a
juxtaposition with the shallow society around her. Her quick wit and endlessly
honest virtue allow Elizabeth to overcome the obstacles that she and her, true love,
Darcy, face throughout the novel. Unlike the people around her who believe in love
simply for financial gain and social climb, Elizabeth remains hopeful that love
exists in its purest and happiest form. She is able to overcome her negative first
impressions of Darcy and swallow her pride by allowing herself to find happiness
within him. For me, the fluidity of her character and ability to overcome the

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strength of pride and vanity, was inspirational. Elizabeth Bennet embodies all that
a strong woman should be, and her lack of care for what others think reveals the
true strength and resilience of her character.
I endlessly appreciate Elizabeths intense ability to change and evolve her
opinions of others, and to overcome intense prejudice and first impressions.
Although I disapprove of her vanity, I admire her ability to discard it for things that
she deems more important. Elizabeth Bennet maintains a true understanding of life
on a level much deeper than those around her.
Due to the fact that the ending of the novel is the thing that emphasizes both
Elizabeths and Darcys character changes and evolution, it seems to me the perfect
fit. However, if I were to suggest an alternate ending to the piece, it would regard
the more minor characters, Elizabeths younger sister Lydia, and her husband
George Wickham. Although I understand how their self-involved, reckless
characters create juxtaposition, an ending in which they did not make the mistake
of running off together would be overall much happier.
The novel ends on a sour note between Lydia, Wickham, and the other
Bennet sisters. If it had ended without Lydias selfish decision to run off and marry
Wickham, the overall tone would have been much more peaceful and the ending
would feel more complete.

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