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Query 1

The electoral college was created for a few purposes. The first being to make a midway
for people voting for the president and the actual choosing of one. The other purpose was to give
some leeway to the smaller states so they could make more of a difference. They feared someone
like for example President Nixon would be able to manipulate public opinion and come to power.
I believe that the electoral college is out of date. It shouldnt stay put because we are
supposed to be a democratic way of living. All of the states are supposed to be running
themselves with supervision rom the federal government. Every persons vote should be the
same no matter what state they are from. Just because a smaller state has less people doesnt
mean they are any less of a vote.
Query 2
The political parties started with the differences from the Hamilton and Jefferson family.
The political parties today are born from the Alien-Sedation Acts signed by John Adams. The
people who were backing John Adams were the Republicans. The party who opposed the Alien
Sedation Act were the Democrats. The names of the parties werent settled until the 1800s.
The political parties perform exciting tasks for the government. They get people to come
together to get control of the government and create policies that are favorable to their likings or
the groups that supports them. They also organize and persuade voters to elect their candidates to
Query 3

The rolls of campaign financing advertising etc. is a lot of work and a lot o people come
together to do it. The use of polls is critical to campaigning. Polls are mirror images of public
opinion. This matters to politicians because citizens political actions are urged by their opinions.
One has to have tight grip on control of the political advertisement to let the candidate influence
debates towards themselves.
Modern elections are filled with campaign finance fees. The last presidential debate cost
2.6 billion. This has become an issue because people are saying only the rich can get into office.
Todays elections can be financed through individual donations. Also, PACS and parties can
donate to help a candidate run for office.

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