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For my field of biology, I have chosen evolution. Evolution is the study of

humans and other organisms adapting to their environment over millions of years. I
have researched many universities, colleges, and careers. The topic I am the
interested the most in would be studying mankinds place in nature and how we
became mankind. So, the kind of job I would be looking for would be an evolutionary
anthropologist. They study how humans evolved from primates and became man
from an evolutionary perspective. Of course, a degree is required to work this job.
In order to get a degree working as an evolutionary anthropologist I would
need to attend one of the schools I have listed. Those schools are University of
Exeter, Yale, Harvard, Cornell University, and Brown University. All of these schools
offer courses in evolution and a variation of degrees. The courses are ecology,
evolutionary biology, animal behavior, taxonomy, and more. Any of these schools
are a good choice for me to go to. I am interested in evolution mainly because I
want to study how organisms have changed over millions of years and to see the
adaptations they have made to survive in their environment. This is why I have
chosen evolution.

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