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I am a filmmaker with a passion for social justice.

To me, cinema is the

ideal medium to express how I see the world and how I understand it. I want
to create visual statements that people like me can relate to, and challenge
stereotypes, open peoples minds and capture their imagination.
My goal as a filmmaker is to reach out to people and tell important stories
through fiction, parody or documentary to address current issues such as
social justice and cultural identity, and to present a point of view that I feel
needs to be considered, not just the mainstream ones. For example, my
upbringing in the American and French cultures and languages has
compelled me to start work on a documentary script about race relations and
class distinctions through the lenses of French and American cinema.
Through the videos and short films I have produced, I have gained
invaluable skills in cinematography, directing, editing and the collaborative
process as a whole. I recently produced a short movie with my high school
IB film class, and was involved in the major aspects of the movie
production, except for scriptwriting and acting. Centered on one character
that was going through a life-changing emotional experience, Postal was
almost a metaphor for my own experience as a person who had very little
drive until he discovered filmmaking and made it his passion and career
goal. My role in Postal, which I am including in my portfolio, evolved
from being just the director to also include editing, cinematography, and
sound design. I also hosted and organized all the shoots. I love the
collaborative process and I very much enjoy bringing all the talents together.
I am currently working as a video editor for a student news source, and I am
in charge of five videographers.
At Columbia College, I want to study filmmaking and develop technical,
artistic and critical thinking skills that will help me to be successful in my
field. I hope to strengthen my existing skills, and hopefully improve on the
areas where I have little experience, such as screenwriting. I believe that it is
critical for a filmmaker to have a unique strength when it comes to
production, but it is also important to be comfortable with other aspects of
the creative process.

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