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Executive Order No.

Philippine Code of Marketing
of Breast milk Substitutes
The aim of the code is to
contribute to the provision of
safe and adequate nutrition for
infants by the protection and
promotion of breastfeeding and
by ensuring the proper use of
breast milk substitutes and
breast milk supplements when
these are necessary.

Republic Act No. 7600 The

Rooming - In and
Breastfeeding Act of 1992
The Senate adopts rooming in as a
national policy to encourage,
protect and support practice of
breastfeeding. It shall create an
environment where basic physical,
emotional and psychological
needs of mothers and infants are
fulfilled through the practice of
rooming In and breastfeeding.

Benefits of Breastfeeding as to

B- Best food for baby

R- Reduces incidence of allergies
E- Easily digested
A- Always available
S- Sterile, safe
T- Temperature is right
F- Free from bacteria
E- Essential vitamins and minerals
E- Economical
D- Development of the brain
I- Immunity against infection
N- Natural food (God-given)
G- Good for the mother and the

Other benefits of breastfeeding:

A natural contraceptive since exclusive
breastfeeding mothers from 0-6 months may
have delayed pregnancy
helps stop bleeding after delivery
breast milk contains immunologic factors
which protect baby from illnesses
antimicrobial agents:
a.Lactoferrin substances that disrupt
bacteria and fungi growth
b.Lyzozyme substances that destroy cells
of certain bacteria
c.Bifidus growth factor substances
promoting growth of beneficial bacteria
d.Epidermal growth factor those that
promote mucusal epithelium growth
2. Anti-inflammatory agents substances
that prevent inflammation

When will I know that my

babys hungry?

The cradle hold

The football

The Reclining hold

The Cross-over hold

Cracked or bleeding nipple

Inverted nipples

Prepared by:
Diane Pacleb
Amira Fatmah Quilapio

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