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Job Plan #

AM Radio

a. To be able to make a functional AM Radio.
b. To be able to know the components of an AM Radio and its
c. To be able understand how an AM Radio works.


16 Resistors
7 Transistors
13 Capacitors
1 Volume Control
1 Poly Variable Condenser
1 Ferrite Antenna Bar
1 Antenna Coil

3 IF Transformer
1 Oscillator Coil
2 Antenna Bar Stands
1 Si Diode
1 Set Screw
Soldering Iron
Solid Wire no. 20

1. Using the color coding chart provided in the kit, read the color coding
of the resistor in order to identify the correct amount of resistance.
2. After reading the values of the resistors, mount each resistor on the
PCB, start from 4.7 ohms, 18 ohms, 180 ohms, 330 ohms, 560 ohms,
680 ohms, 1K ohms, 1.5 K ohms, 4.7 K ohms, 10K ohms, 27 K ohms, 39
ohms, 150 K ohms, 560 K ohms, and 680 K ohms.
3. Using the coding for the Capacitor, read the value of each capacitor.
4. After identifying the value, mount each capacitor starting from 470 uf,
220 uf, 100 uf, 10 uf, .02 uf, .01 uf, .005 uf, and .001 uf.
5. After mounting each resistor and capacitor carefully mount the IF
transformers with their color coded area.
6. After mounting the IF transformers, insert the red oscillator.
7. Then insert the Silicon Diode.
8. Insert the volume control and tighten its bolt then use a solid wire to
connect it in the PCB.
9. Insert the PVC carefully in the PCB.
Insert the Antenna Bar in the stand then insert it in the PCB and
tighten the stand in the PCB.
After tightening, insert the coil wires in the holes above the PVC.
Insert a solid wire on the hole below the capacitor then connect it
to the speaker.
When all of the components are inserted solder each then cut
the excess terminal.
Solder the other end of the wire on the battery terminal.
After soldering screw the PCB on the casing, then test it.
If its functional, adjust each of the IF for better signal.


An AM radio works via amplitude modulation. The oscillator mixes
its own frequency in the collected signal of the antenna. The
transformers serve as a passageway on improving the signal that is
passed through the speaker. Each part of the radio serves an
important role so that the whole system would work.

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