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Long Jump Landing

Long Jump Technique

The Long Jump Landing
Long Jump Landing Preparation

Preparation for a good landing position starts

at take-off with the body moving forward and up, this is called displacement. The
displacement occurs on the take off, when the long jumper moves the body past the
take off leg.
In-Air Preparation
During the long jump, the jumper will try to overcome the forward rotation of the body
with the technical style in the air: the most common styles are the stride technique,
hang technique and hitch-kick technique for the long jump.
Peak Height of The Long Jump
During the peak height of the jump, the upper body should be tall with a flat back.
The long jumper must focus on staying tall during the jump the peak height of the jump.
At the peak of flight the jumper will start the landing preparation. The long jumper
should bring both arms up, the upper body will be tall with the arms fully extended over
the head at the peak of the jump. The knees are brought up as the jumper
descends. Then, after the knee are brought up, the legs extend out, this moves the
center of mass away from the body.
Next, the long jumper extends the arms out as the feet are extend forward. The action
of the hands moving forward and feet coming up will help slow down forward rotation,
resulting in more time in the air and longer jumps.

The jumper will try and maintain a tall posture with minimal forward lean before
impacting the sand.
Long Jump Landing Impact and Finish
When the long jumper hits the sand, the legs are flexed allowing the hips to move
forward, the hips will slide into the impact area created by the feet. The hips moving
forward optimize the jumping distance because the hips do not add to the marks from
the feet in the sand. Some advanced jumpers turn to the side (opposite the take off leg)
on impact to lessen the stress on the lower body.

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