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The topic of my bulletin board is to be positive and to be inclusive of all, since we

are all just rays from the same sun.

The grade level is for life skills which is kindergarten through 5 th grade
This bulletin board is very simple, but is not completely done. I will continue to
add to this throughout the next coming months until it will be completely full of
student works and pictures of the life skills kids having fun and being positive.
The point of this was not only to show the positivity of our classroom, but to show
other kids around the school that we are different, but we are all still students at

I used two different borders, red bulletin board paper, and yellow bulletin board

As part of the kids emotional development, we try to instill positivity into almost
every activity. We are not allowed to use words that are mean, but are only
supposed to use words to build each other up. In lives that may have a lot of

negativity in it, it is nice to remind the kids that they are still capable of being

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