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Maggie Lauterer has chosen Rev. Theresa Cho os candidate for Vice-Moderator Eungyong — itis not only my Korean name, but also the root of my sense of call. The name defines me {5 a second-generation Korean American woman, ‘a mother, a wife, and a pastor. Names are important. Even in the Bible, we see examples of how names define a person or a poignant moment in their life, ike God changing Jacob’s name from “one who grabs the heel” to Israel, “the one who struggles with God.” Growing up, | had a love/hate relationship with my Korean name. For one, itis difficult to pronounce and secondly, it literally means “Silver Bells.” Nothing like the name “Theresa Silver Bells Cho” to give one an identity complex. | once asked my father why he chose that name for me. He explained that the Chinese character for “Eun” means “silver” or “crystal dear” and “gyong” means “the sound of a bell.” He said that when | was bor, his hope for me was that | would grow up fo use my voice, ringing truth as dear as the sound of a bell. As | live out God’s call in my life and continue to discern God’s call, | sive to use my voice to do just that. Depending on who you talk to, truth can mean different things. As Christians, we are always making every effort to live out God’s iruth. One of the many things | appreciate about the Presbyterian Church U.S.A,, is is intentionality to hear the Rev. InHo Kim, Rev. Theresa Cho, lan (5), Isabella (2) different voices of God's people, which is not an easy task, but a faithful one. | know this first hand, growing up in Reno, Nevada, daughter of a Southem Baptist pastor. My life experiences have led me down an interesting faith journey that is by no means finished. Before attending McCormick Theological Seminary, Haught children with autism. During my seminary years, | had wonderful opportunities to intem at ho urban congregations in the south side of Chicago and the heart of Seoul, Korea. These experiences, gave me a passion for small, urban congregations «as well as global peacemaking issues. | have served ‘on planning teams at Montreat Youth Conferences, Presbyterian Youth Triennium, Peacemaking Conferences, and National Asian Presbyterian Youth Council — as well as Korean American Clergywomen, which supports and advocates for the ordination of Korean American women. Recently, | have served as chairperson of Healthy Congregations in San Francisco Presbytery, which focused on New Church Developments, racial- ethnic congregations, and congregations in transition. | also volunteer as a chaplain at UCSF Medical Center in the pediatric and neonatal intensive care units. While juggling the responsibilities of wife and mother of hwo young children in a two pastor household, | have been fortunate and blessed to be working as an associate pastor at St. John’s Presbyterian Church in San Francisco. This congregation has given me the support, encouragement, and ability to be active and involved in creative ways not only as a working mother, but in the greater Presbyterian Church as well &

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