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The Order Of The Gold Light

Copyright, December 2004 System and manual, U.S.A.

First presented in 2001 as a complementary energy to be used to boost the original Priesthood energy of
the Order of Melchizedek, The Order of the Gold Light is now energy in itself. Many Priests have risen to
the 5D energies that are now in alignment. The energies are without hierarchy or founderrelationship/lineage bearer qualification. Many are not prepared to take on this independent energy that
does not seek grandmaster/found lineage, since we are brought up to feel there needs to be a lineage of
energy to prove existence. This energy is one that does not carry lineage. All Priests are direct transfer
channels of the energy when initiated. The meditation/initiation/attunement process provides a direct line
to Melchizedek.
It has been seen that the lack of lineage is confusing and unacceptable to the lower energy sectors and
groups of the spiritual community, but the Order is not for them to choose. There are groups available to
provide lineage and show hierarchy for purposed of legitimacy, if that is necessary. Within this Order,
which has no money-energy transfer system controlling it; the energy is freely passed and given. This too
is highly controversial in the lower energy sectors. The Ascended Masters/Guides/Archangels have
indicated that free will brings those that feel a link to this Higher Energy, and will not question or quibble
over lineages or energy transfer issues, and will grow within the energy and share it with those who wish
to use it for higher purposes.
The Order of the Gold Light of Melchizedek is a Priesthood open to all that are called to higher levels of
service and Light work in our current time. The Ascended Masters Melchizedek, St. Germain have
brought the Priesthood to a higher level of ascension energy for Priests who are being called to deeper
service The Order of the Gold Light amplifies the vibration of the attunement with the help of
Melchizedek and St. Germain, and the application of the Rainbow Merkaba.
The Priesthood is an amplified, higher energy that brings those who are called to the new 5 th Dimensional
energy. This energy is an initiation to service, not an ordination. There are groups and seminaries, which
provide ordinations under Orders of Melchizedek, however this is an initiation/attunement that opens the
individual to deeper Light service. The Order of the Gold Light of Melchizedek is also an Order that is
given freely. No charge for attunement, certification, or counseling.
The development of this energy came from a necessity to prepare those who desire to assist as
Lightworkers on the highest level. With changing times coming, and earth changes approaching; The
Order of the Gold Light of Melchizedek initiation will help those Lightworkers to prepare.
Laws of city, county, state and country must be followed within the path of ordination; and the initiate
does not have the responsibility of uniting in marriage or other legal ceremonies to which ordination is
needed. If by fact, ordination is something you desire; please contact The Universal Life Church.
Information is just after the initiation/attunement process.
Your entrance and initiation into the Order comes with responsibility. From the day you are initiated by
chakra attunement, you may consider yourself chosen to follow a path of compassion, dignity, and

respect. Your life is now very different, since you are lineage to those who are followers of the Divine
Source of All Things.
Initiation is not ordination. It is quite different. To be initiated is to be linked by Divine power and
allowed to carry this power to others.
The initiation process is one of direct intent. It is simple and only requires acceptance. You may state your
intent to the energy of Melchizedek. Through the help of quite meditation and asking Melchizedek to
enter His enlightened energy into each chakra, the transformation will take place. The individual who acts
as initiator, be it at a distance or directly beside the initiate; intents with you and completes the process.
The words of the initiation are there to show we take serious intent to follow Spirit/Divine Source from
this day forward. They are extremely simple and powerful in their effect.
Please contact your initiating Priest for your certificate of initiation/attunement.
Consider this day one that will change your life. You are now a Priest of The Order of the Gold Light of
Melchizedek, in lineage of many, many others serving differently yet the same capacity.
Welcome to the Order. We welcome you with love, Light and Peace this day and forever more.
A word about Lineages:
It is brought to my attention that there has been a very strong need to know the lineage of this Order.
Some have said, the founder is the grandmaster so to speak. In the Order of the Gold Light of
Melchizedek, you are the direct channel of energy from Melchizedek, not I or anyone one else. You will
connect directly to Melchizedek and His power and energy will be your guide and process. We, as
teachers and initiators act as vessels. The only hierarchy is one: Divine Source and Melchizedek. Then the
Priest. As you initiate others, they connect to Melchizedek and forward that energy directly. There is no
middle-man. You are direct source.
If there is a issue or discomfort in this lineage, I must recommend and advise that there is a possibility that
you are not prepared to take on the energy and possibility should find other sources for your initiation into
the Order. I have been made clear that this energy is for all, yet have been told there will be a few who are
not prepared to take on the higher energies of this initiation and carry the energy independently. Do
remember: It is not paperwork, lineages or money paid to a teacher that prove or show strength the reality
of the energyit is the person who holds it. Lineages do no legitimize a systemthis includes all forms
of healingold and new. The energy is the proof of legitimacy.
In the future, it will not be the paperwork that holds water or shows strength of ones healing ability. It
will be the energy itself, and the days are coming soon. This, I have been told; is the effect of the 5D
energies, the Ascension Process that will change all healing modalities how we look and use them.
If you are willing, prepare for the future. It knocks on our doors now. Thank you for your patience,
understanding and enlightenment in this matter.
There is a simple preparation for the attunement, which takes 3 days to connect with the Melchizedek
initiation energy. Allow yourself time in meditation, quiet time; prayer time, to gently connect through
intention to Melchizedek. Allow this time to be very simple but very special. It is a deeply personal
connection, no two people receive the same way. It is like being plugged into Love, and many say it is the
most calming and beautiful part of the attunement.

This preparation is not complex. It is extremely simple. Quiet your mind, breath gently and deeply then
gently ask respectfully for Melchizedek to please connect your Higher Self to His energy. The energy of
connection is extremely gentle and nurturing. The energy is as if taking a breath and feeling a sense of
beautyas when you see the ocean or a beautiful landscape. Melchizedek wishes for us all to connect to
the beauty of our lives, the loving interchange of energy that comes from our Higher Power/God/Spirit;
and be filled with Light. This connection provides us with the preparation for the attunements we will be
It renews the spirit, and allows us to feel the love of God/Spirit/Higher Power on a very personal level.
We are then ready to be attuned to The Order of the Gold Light.
On day 4 (four), you are ready to receive your attunements.
The attunement process is made up of two parts: The Chakra Empowerment, and the Rainbow Merkaba
attunement. It is important to read over the process of attunement/empowerment before receiving the
initiation, either by direct method or by distance attunement. It is advised to learn the process and feel
comfortable in both receivership and sending. These processes/attunements are to be passed one of two
ways, by intent or by the use of Chi Ball. They are simple processes, and assist in the generating of
cleaning energy of the 7 chakras and upper chakras for preparation for the Rainbow Merkaba attunement.
To receive the attunement, set aside at least 20 minutes of quiet time (undisturbed) and prepare your area
simplya white candle and your favorite incense. Please sit in a chair with your back straight, feet on the
floor; hands quietly in your lap and palms facing up.
If you are receiving by intent, please take at least 3 cleansing breaths and then quiet your mind and heart;
and ask your Guides, Melchizedek and St. Germain to please be present in your journey in The Gold
Light attunement process. Once the connection is made, intent the Chakra Empowerment to begin. The
Violet Flame Light of St. Germain will begin to make its way from your feet to your crown chakra. It will
move like a gentle wind/tornado-type movement through each chakra, cleansing it and preparing you for
the next step. At this point, you will feel a deep Golden Light begin to take over where there is Violet
Flame Light. This Golden Light will begin to move to your crown chakra, and there will be a sweeping
energy rising up to your upper chakras. You then state:
I now accept this cleansing and empowering energy of the Violet Flame Light, along with the Order of
the Gold Light of Melchizedek.
The Gold Light will now move directly to your Heart Chakra and radiate through your entire system from
Heart Chakra to Crown and Upper Chakras, then from Heart Chakra to your feet and lower chakras. The
Gold Light will then flow out your head, hands and feet and flow into your aura.
It is after this process that you will visualize a Gold colored Merkaba. As it draws close, the colors change
to a brilliant violet and then as it comes within reach, a rainbow essence. See it as an open structure,
massive in size; as it moves towards you. When it becomes about 3 feet from you, state: I now receive
the Rainbow Merkaba Empowerment Attunement.
Step into the Merkaba itself. The energy of the Rainbow Merkaba will surround you and enter into you
from your feet/lower chakras and flow upward towards your crown chakra and then into your upper
chakras. You are surrounded by the Rainbow Merkaba at this point, and take a few minutes to allow the
energy to fill you completely.

You will feel a soft swirling motion as the Merkaba turns gently 7 times to cover you in the Rainbow
Empowerment Attunement energy. When it stops, it will then back away from you and then quietly
disappear into the ethers, leaving you empowered with the attunements of the Rainbow Merkaba and Gold
Light. The two energies will then merge together to form a permanent energy of Gold/Rainbow Light.
As the two energies merge, state: I AM now initiated and attuned with and into The Order of The Gold
Light of Melchizedek, as a Priest forever from this day forward.
Remain quiet for a few moments to adjust to the energy, and then take time to thank Melchizedek and St.
Germain and your Guides for their assistance in your attunement.
Your attunement is now finished. Welcome into the Order!
You may boost/re-attune in the same manner whenever needed. The energy is always available to assist in
any attunement/healing process, and will increase the energy of your work. You may draw upon the
energy of the Rainbow Merkaba in any situation by simply asking Melchizedek and St. Germain to bring
the Rainbow Merkaba. The energy will come exactly as it did with your attunement. If you need chakra
cleansing, the initiation process is excellent to support you in this effort.
I have found the Rainbow Merkaba energy to be an excellent place to pray and meditate/send healing
energy. Simply intent the symbol to come to you and step within the structure. At that point, sit quietly
and send energy, as you will.
Always remember to give gratitude and Light to the Guides, Melchizedek and St. Germain; for they are
your helpers in your spiritual journey; and they welcome your requests and deeply love a grateful heart.
This attunement can be send by intent and also by the use of Chi Ball. Either way, the process of
initiation/attunement is deeply effective and powerful.
Direct Initiation Process
The Initiation Process is two parts: The Violet Flame Cleansing/ the Infilling of Gold Light and the
Rainbow Merkaba Empowerment Attunement. It is important to read and understand the process before
initiating a new Priest. The Initiate needs a copy of the manual to read over the process of initiation and to
make themselves comfortable with the visualization of the Merkaba, therefore the Initiate must be
instructed to the process of the Merkaba Empowerment before initiation takes place. As you move
through the attunement process and begin the Merkaba Empowerment, guide the initiate through simply
with quiet voice and unified visualization.
To direct attune any new initiate to the Order is simple. Seat the initiate in a straight back chair with feet
on floor. Hands will be on lap, in open position.
Priest will stand behind initiate, placing hands upon Crown Chakra during the first half of ceremony. Take
3 cleansing breaths and begin to call in your healing Guides, Melchizedek, St. Germain and the
Archangels to assist you in your attunement process. Speak the following words:
I now attune ________ with the cleansing and empowering energy of the Violet Flame Light.
Take a deep breath, see your breath as the energy of the Violet Flame Light and breathe gently upon the
Crown Chakra to begin moving the energy down the Chakras. Visualize energy flowing through to the
lower chakras in feet and then moving back up to the Crown.

I now attune_______ with the energy and Light of the Order of the Gold Light of Melchizedek.
Take another deep breath and connect with Melchizedek to pour the energy and Light of the Gold Light
into the initiate. Breathe gently over the crown chakra and down through the entire system, then back up;
filling the initiate with Gold Light. When the Gold Light emits from the Heart Chakra and hands,
visualize the presence of the Gold Merkaba as it comes before you and the initiate to continue the
attunement process.
The Rainbow Merkaba Empowerment Attunement
Begin to guide the initiate in the visualization process, seeing the Gold Merkaba before you
As it draws close, the colors change to a brilliant violet and then as it comes within reach, a rainbow
essence. See it as an open structure, massive in size; as it moves towards you. When it becomes about 3
feet from you, state: I now receive the Rainbow Merkaba Empowerment Attunement.
Step into the Merkaba itself.
The energy of the Rainbow Merkaba will surround you and enter into you from your feet/lower chakras
and flow upward towards your crown chakra and then into your upper chakras. You are surrounded by the
Rainbow Merkaba at this point, and take a few minutes to allow the energy to fill you completely.
You will feel a soft swirling motion as the Merkaba turns gently 7 times to cover you in the Rainbow
Empowerment Attunement energy. When it stops, it will then back away from you and then quietly
disappear into the ethers, leaving you empowered with the attunements of the Rainbow Merkaba and Gold
Light. The two energies will then merge together to form a permanent energy of Gold/Rainbow Light. As
the two energies merge, state: I AM now initiated and attuned with and into The Order of The Gold
Light of Melchizedek, as a Priest forever from this day forward.
Remain quiet for a few moments to adjust to the energy, and then take time to thank Melchizedek and St.
Germain and your Guides for their assistance in your attunement. Your attunement is now finished.
Welcome into the Order!
The new Priest should be comfortable with the attunement process, and in the fact that they can boost and
re-attune themselves in the same manner whenever needed.
The energy is always available to assist in any attunement/healing process, and will increase the energy of
your work. You may draw upon the energy of the Rainbow Merkaba in any situation by simply asking
Melchizedek and St. Germain to bring the Rainbow Merkaba. The energy will come exactly as it did with
your attunement. If you need chakra cleansing, the initiation process is excellent to support you in this
The Rainbow Merkaba energy is an excellent place to pray and meditate/send healing energy. Simply
intent the symbol to come to you and step within the structure. At that point, sit quietly and send energy,
as you will.
Always remember to give gratitude and Light to the Guides, Melchizedek and St. Germain; for they are
your helpers in your spiritual journey; and they welcome your requests and deeply love a grateful heart.
This process may be done on a group level as well as individual. The power remains the same, and
afterwards have the group send healing energy to each other and then out to All as a way of grounding the
energy. Group process is one of the most powerful ways to use this energy.

This can be an addition to any Reiki class, to initiate your new Practitioners/Masters to the Order and
provide them with a source of ordination through the Universal Life Church. Many states are requiring
ordination of holistic healing practitioners. Do remember this does not mean you are void of liability. In
fact, it means more responsibility to your service as an ethical practitioner and Priest.
If you are not ordained as a minister, and feel called to the service of humankind as a ordained servant of
the I AM/Source; you may seek ordination freely through one of my favorite sources, The Universal Life
Church. There you will be accepted with Love and Light and at no charge be ordained into the ministry.
They can be reached at:
A short message for those who feel a need to charge for the attunements: If you are calling on a Priest of
the Order of The Gold Light to attain attunements for your healing practiceto profit, expand your
business; please seek your attunement from one of the many seminaries offering attunements with fees
To those who find this system at sites where a fee is paid for the attunements, you are welcome to receive
your attunements at no charge, including this manual and certification. We are aware of those who wish to
profit from this and many other freely given systems, and must make you aware that this system does not
weaken or lessen due to the fact that it is freely given. In fact, it is strengthened by the power of sharing.
If you wish to attain freely this system, you may contact the founder, Rev. Gail Lehmann at: for attunements, e-manual and certification sent by e-mail only (we do not do
snail mail on any part of the manual or certification). Please do not contact her with complaints about
those who charge. She will not participate in this relay of information with those who wish to emit fear
into the healing community in this manner.

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