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Spring 2016 Newsletter

F Stands for Family and we are the Family of Zone F

Kinsmen Club of Aylmer
Kinsmen Club of Delhi
Kinsmen Club of Dorchester & Area
Kinsmen Club of Greater London
Kinette Club of London
Kinsmen Club of Port Dover
Kinette Club of Simcoe
Kinsmen Club of Simcoe
Kinette Club of Elgin - St. Thomas
Kinsmen Club of St. Thomas
Kinette Club of Tillsonburg
Kinsmen Club of Tillsonburg

A message from your Deputy Governors

Hello Fellow Kin,
Its hard to believe that in less than 3 months we will be winding down another Kin
Year. It has been a great year for Matt and I and we hope you have enjoyed our time
with you all. One of our goals was to encourage and implement more club interaction
and fun with fellowship in the Zone. We have witnessed many great examples of this
and applaud you all, give yourselves a big pat on the back for your involvement and
helping your Zone keep the Kin Family strong.
While recognizing everyones good intentions and working toward common goals,
there can be conflict within a club. Another role for your Deputy Governors is
recognizing when clubs may be struggling and just about every club goes through
some difficulties at one time or another. There are resources in Kin to help you. Your
Deputy Governors, the District and District Conflict Resolution Team, or invite your
District Membership Director to visit your club to perform the Club Identity Exercise
or Club Rejuvenation Program amongst other activities to help motivate, rejuvenate,
and strengthen your club. More information on these exercises can be found on the
Membership page of the District website Your club should
never feel they are alone to deal with difficulties. As a Club Member, talk to your
President, Executive or someone you trust to request assistance, dont wait until its
too late. Retention of Members is equally important as recruitment of new Members.
Many clubs have now implemented the Code of Conduct, signed by all Club
Members, as a tool for addressing and defining problems.
At this time of year, another important event for the clubs is your club elections.
Please remember that any warm body in the position is NOT better than nothing.
Take the time to think about who is going to fill each spot or where you as a Member
would like to grow. Things to consider:

Natural skills and talents of the individual members

Signs of commitment, participation and dedication within the club
Opportunities for personal development that will benefit members
Mentors who are available to support members unsure of taking this next step
Succession planning for the club from one year to the next

Club elections must be done by May 15 (deadline set by National), be sure to let us
know your new club contact information right away so we can pass it on to the DGelects.
The District message this year is Back to the Future Team (BTTF) and in that theme,
well be back to visit clubs and projects for the remainder of the Kin year to help with
your future success. If you have any questions, concerns, or need help with projects,
please contact us. The club Presidents are our primary contacts, but any member of
any club in the Zone can contact us at any time!
Have a productive and successful remainder of the year and well be seeing you
Yours in Kin,

DGs Terry and Matt

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Zone Conference

February 28, 2016

The Zone F Conference was very well attended with almost 60 members! Matt and I
couldnt have been happier with the participation and support. It was a full day of
education, fun and fellowship and we were very thankful to the Kinette Club of ElginSt. Thomas for the hard work and fantastic job of hosting a most creative, fun and
well planned conference. Visiting all the clubs to present personal invites to the
conference was well received and a great idea!
There were some amazing awards honoured, a big Congratulations to all
Eric Glover Memorial Fellowship Award to Darryl Van Moorsel, Kinsmen Club of Dorchester and
Kinette Jr. Bulletin Award to Carol Van Rooy, Kinette Club of Elgin - St. Thomas
Rookie of the Year:
Kinsmen: Brad Martin, Kinsmen Club of Tillsonburg
Kinette: Bonita Stevens -Vere, Kinette Club of London
Kin of the Year:
Kinsmen: Walter Wisotzki Kinsmen Club of Dorchester
Kinette: Karen Coutts Kinette Club of Elgin St. Thomas
Kinette Joke Off: Carol Van Rooy, Kinette Club of Elgin - St. Thomas
Kinsmen Joke Off: Russ Howe, Kinsmen Club of Greater London
Kinette Speak Off: Karen Coutts, Kinette Club of Elgin - St. Thomas
Zone Conference Host Club 2017 awarded to the London Kinettes
Deputy Governor for the Kinsmen is Dave Crowley, Kinsmen Club of Greater London
Deputy Governor for the Kinettes is Bea Crowley, Kinette Club of London

This years Zone Conference minutes are available on the Zone F page of the District
website. You can also find our contact information there:

Meet Your Deputy Governors for 2016-17

Bea and Dave Crowley

Hello Zone F,
We are excited to be your new Deputy Governors for Zone F 2016-17 Kin Year. Dave and I
live just outside of St. Marys on a 50 acre farm that we purchased 38 years ago. We have
raised 5 children on this farm as well as our 5 granddaughters who love to visit and spend
time with us. We also operate our own Electrical Business for 20 years. Dave is a Master
Contractor and Master Electrician.
Dave is a Member of the Kinsmen Club of Greater London and Im a Member of the London
Kinette Club. Weve been Members in Kin for 8 years and have both been President for our
clubs two years running. Dave has been on the Zone Team for 3 consecutive years as Cystic
Fibrosis/Service Director and I have been Secretary on a Zone Team. Between the two of us
we have won District and Zone Awards.
We look forward to serving you all in the upcoming Kin year and getting to know everyone.
This is the part that Dave loves, talking to people.
Yours in Kin
Deputy Governors Elect, Dave & Bea Crowley



February 2016 Statement





Awards Levy



DG Conv Levy



District allotment





DG Expenses



Team Mileage



Education Nights



Presidents Round Table







Zone Conference


Zone Dues 2015/16



CF Donation



Bank Fees







Total Income


Total Expenses


Bank Account Balance as of Feb. 1, 2016


Invoices for Zone dues have gone out and they are based on the National Roster
numbers as of February 28th. As per the Zone House Rules Resolutions voted at
conference, the new deadline for payment of Zone Dues is April 30th each year.
Please refer to the House Rules for further details that were provided to all the clubs.
The dues are calculated and levied for:

$5 per member to cover zone administration/travel/education

$1 per member for awards
A flat rate levy to cover the cost of the incoming DGs to attend Spring
Convention (not to exceed $200 per person)


Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs
Email your events to Elise Stark at:




Host Club


April 21
April 30,
May 68/16

ReDress Sale
Princess Ball

Arthur Voaden
Cafeteria 3-8
pm Daily

80s TV
Big Bike Ride
for Heart
and Stroke
Friday 13 th

Fort Erie

Kinette Club
Fort Erie

Tammy Bugg
Carrie Smith
519 983 2232
Dan Strugar

Boston Pizza.
860 Talbot St.,
St. Thomas
Port Dover

St. Thomas


Port Dover

Kyle Kitchen
519 583 3043

Dining with
the Past -70
Victoria Day



Mary Bartram

St. Thomas

Cam Walters

Kinettes and

Carol Cooper
519 461 1073



St. Thomas


St. Thomas

Paul Trittler

May 1213/ 16
May 13,
May 1723/ 16


Centre, 2
Third Ave., St
Great Strides Greenway
Walk for

June / 16 Relay for Life Aylmer
June 24July 1/16

Canada Day

Centre, 2
Third Ave., St

July 1/16

Canada Day
Food and
Beer Garden

Pinafore Park,
93 Elm St., St.

Cam Walters

July 1/16

Canada Day

Harris Park

July 1/16

Soap Box

July 1/16

Rubber Duck

Port Dover
(corner of
Chapman and
Main )

Kinsmen &
Port Dover

519 461 1073

Kyle Kitchen
519 583 3043
Terry Day

The Tillsonburg Kinsmen Club are organizing a Zone F

Fun Day watch for further details.

Introducing Your Vice Governor Candidates and Proposed

Teams for 2016/17
How will you vote at the upcoming Spring Convention?

Building on the Basics

Debbie Ruffley Vice Governor Candidate
Debbie Ruffley
Wendy Rolfe
Katie McKean
Dustyn Pumfrey
Terry Baldwin
Jon Kuckyt
Elaine Johnston

Proposed Vice Governor

Proposed Treasurer/Co-Ordinator
Proposed Secretary
Proposed Membership
Proposed Cystic Fibrosis/Service
Proposed Cystic Fibrosis/Service Director
Proposed Awards/Risk Management

Id like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.

My name is Debbie Ruffley, Im a member of the Kinette Club of Fort Erie and Im
hoping to be elected to the position of Vice Governor for District 1. I wont go into a
lengthy Kin resume but suffice it to say that being a member for over 20 years I have
held a variety of positions at the club, zone and district level. Ive won a few awards
and even had a name change. Ive always said though that its not about what Ive
already done in Kin but rather what I hope to accomplish.
When I announced my candidacy back in December the overwhelming question I
received was who my proposed running mate was? Although my answer surprised
some; for those who know me, the answer was not surprising at all.
I have no running mate, and that is intentional. I am running as the first single
leadership Governor by design. I say by design as we have already had single
leadership Governors here in District 1. Both of those situations were due to
unforeseen circumstances that left the Governor to take the helm of the District on
their own. In both of those circumstances the individuals were not only successful in
handling the role on their own but did so with confidence and grace.
I believe the time is right for District 1 to move forward with the idea of single
leadership. As we see the trend of Kin clubs continue to grow we realize that gender

based leadership is becoming more of a traditional choice rather than an

administrative necessity. As an association as a whole, we have already consolidated
governance into a more streamlined, fiscally responsible, non-gender based
leadership by moving to a single National President. As well, we are one of only 3
districts that currently still have dual leadership formats. Im not saying we have to
change to single leadership, but I am saying maybe it is time to investigate change.
I believe change is necessary for continued growth. That is why when I finalize my
team and introduce them to the District you will not find the same faces who have
shuffled from position to position for years. Yes there will be a couple of familiar
faces to assist with the mentoring of the executive as a whole but the majority of the
team will be virtual new comers to a district executive. Im a firm believer in the
concept that we must mentor our next generation of leaders. Having enjoyed some
success with a mentoring program I instituted at the zone level I believe we need to
expand that and once again engage those who have the potential but need the
opportunity to show what they have to offer; to discover their own untapped
After I decided last summer to embark on this journey I began to formulate what my
ideal team would look like. I proceeded to hand pick potential team mates based not
only on what they had done for the District but for the potential of what they could
do for the District. Having been a Deputy Governor for the previous two years and as
the current District Secretary I have witnessed firsthand these individuals work
ethic, commitment and passion for Kin.
At Fall Leadership Conference I approached these potential team members and
discussed my vision and expectations. I asked them not to answer me immediately
but rather to think about whether the time was right for them. I look forward to
introducing them to the District as we continue on this journey.
And finally our team theme Building on the Basics, its simple really, its time that
we focused again on what the founding principles of our association were; service,
personal development, family values and national pride. Its time to remember
Founder Hal started this association out of a longing for comradery. Fellowship was
and still needs to be a key component of our association. Its time to re-engage our
membership, to offer them that positive engagement. So that in doing so the general
membership may look past the four walls of their clubs and decide to venture out to
become part of the bigger picture. Let us make Kin the place that everyone wants
to be.
As we move towards our 100th anniversary and into our 2nd century of Serving our
Communitys Greatest Need, I look forward to being a part of it. Therefore I look
forward to opening a dialogue with you on why I should be your next Vice Governor.
I will be out and about, so please introduce yourself; I would love to get to know you
and your perspective on our association. Alternatively feel free to contact me at my
email if you have any questions that you would like answered.

Thank you for your time in allowing me to introduce myself.

Yours in Kin
Debbie Ruffley
Vice Governor Candidate

To help grow our District, we hope you will support Debbie Ruffley and
Building on the Basics Team!!

KIB: Kin In Black




We're them. We're they. We are, the Kin In Black!

We are:
Shane Walsh & Tanya Bettridge (proposed Vice Governors)
Brad Bedford (proposed District Membership Director)
Odette Houle & Tracy Spalding (proposed CF/Service Directors)
Tina Glanville (proposed District Secretary)
Don Cousins (proposed Coordinator & Awards)
Russ Jackman (proposed Webmaster)
You are:
A potential Kin In Black Agent! With your support, you too can wear the shades and adopt our
mission to move District 1 forward by Kinnecting, Investing and Building strong, successful Clubs and
The KIB Mission:
Kinnect. Invest. Build. Together, every KIB Agent in District 1 will Kinnect with, Invest in, and help
Build strong, successful Clubs, leaders and communities.
KIB Execution Strategy:
We will achieve the mission by focusing on the development, training and support of the Deputy
Governors and rolling up our black suit sleeves to directly work with, and support, Clubs. The KIB
team is well-equipped, highly trained and incredibly motivated to work with Clubs to:

Identify the kind of Club they are now

Identify the kind of Club they aspire to be
If there is a gap between the two, develop together a plan to close it
If there is no gap, explore ways of celebrating & sharing that achievement
How, exactly, will we do that? The key to the how will be our District Council. Our DG Agents, together
with our Executive Agents, will explore effective and innovative ways to get results. Together, our team
will combine the needs of the District, feedback from members such as you, along with the tried-and-true
resources/approaches that currently exist. Then were going to go out and work with you and your Club to
get results. Positive results = positive return on your investment.

District 1 shouldn't be just another expense for your Club. It needs to be an investment your Club makes
with its dues, and that provides a great return. That means investing in you.

Kin Sales

Based out of national headquarters again

Only source that is officially licenced to sell plaques with Kin crest

Source of non-dues revenue for national

If theres something you want that isnt on the website, call Carmen at HQ,
they can likely get it for you


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