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Country: Russia

Committee: UNHRC
Delegate: Justin A. Thomas
School: High Tech High
Syria is in a state of chaos due to a civil war that has affected over 13 million Syrian Citizens.
These people need humanitarian aid, including food, water, clothing, medical assistance and
hygiene items. Since the start of the war in 2011 over 320,000 people have been killed and
12,000 children. 6.5 Million are internally displaced and 4.5 have fled to other countries as
The Russian Federation has committed humanitarian aid towards relief efforts for internally
displaced but we are not in a position to provide for refugees outside of the country. When a
country is in turmoil as Syria is in now we, as a international people need to take it into our own
hands to secure the safety of these people who are looking to us for help. The EU needs to wake
up and realize the situation that is going on around it, people need help and its just as much their
responsibility as anyone elses to take in people in need. The four surrounding countries have
taken in about twenty times the amount of Syrian refugees than the EU even while being a
fraction of the size. The countries that have the most refugees arent in the financial position to
support the refugees they have for a long period of time. Undeniably the EU is by far the most
viable place to support the refugees who have fled the country.

Convince the EU to be reasonable in the way it takes in refugees and open its doors wider to help
support its neighbors in the global issue.
Provide suitable Refugee camps in Financially Stable countries that can support them.

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