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House Grouping

Not single but multiple houses play role in any event of life. In KP terminology, these groups of houses
for the event is called "House Group". This is also referred as Formula by some KP astrologers. In the table below
we need to combine primary houses and supporting houses to come up with the house grouping for the event. For
example, event "Good health" has 1,11 as house group. Event "Proneness of disease" has house group 1, 6, 8, 12.

There are two uses of the House Grouping table below 1. Knowing whether the event is promised in one's chart or not
If the cuspal sub lord of primary house signifies primary and supporting houses, the event is
promised. Please read "Chapter 2: Fundamental Principles" to get better understanding.
2. When the event will happen
Events happens when the planet-lords of current dasa (dasa lord, antardasa lord, pratyantardasa
lord, sookshma lord etc.) signifies house group. For example, one has "Good health" when one
passes through dasa of the planets signifies houses 1,11. Similarly, "Proneness to disease"
happens when one passes through dasa of the planets signifies 1,6,8,12. Again, please read "Chapter
2: Fundamental Principles" to get better understanding.

1. Events relating First House.

Type of Query/ Event

Primary House

Supporting Houses

Good health


Proneness to disease


Unnatural Death

2,7,Badhaka,12 (8)


8, 12



Success in self efforts

11 (6)

Status and Respect

10, 11

Short Life


Long Life


Events relating Second House.
Type of Query
Primary House Supporting Houses
Financial Status


Obtaining Loans

11 (6)

Obtaining Jewellery


Defect in Speech, Vision 2


Insurance claims


Medical claims


Opening bank account


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