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Terkadang kita sebagai manusia selalu merasakan hal yang berbeda-beda.

Kadang kita merasa sedih, gembira, putus asa atau yang lain. Banyak cara
untuk mengungkapkan hal tersebut. Salah satunya adalah dengan
menggunakan kata-kata atau kalimat. Hmm kalimat atau kata seperti apa
yang dapat kita utarakan atau kita ucapkan untuk mengungkapkan hal
tersebut ? Berikut ini adalah contoh-contohnya
Contoh Kalimat untuk Mengungkapkan Kesedihan dan Kapan Kita
1. Down in the dumps (Implies someone is depressed or feeling gloomy)
2. To get the blues / to have the blues (Implies sadness, a mood of
3. Down in the mouth (When someone is down in the mouth, they look
unhappy, discouraged or depressed)
4. Your hear sinks (If your heart sinks, you feel very unhappy and
5. A sad state of affairs (Means a bad situation that you find upsetting)
Ekspresi Kesedihan :
1. I just don't know what to do
2. Please leave me alone
3. Come on! It can't be as bad as all that
4. I can see why you're so sad . . but . .
5. I am so sorry to hear about your loss
6. Im sorry to hear that
7. Im so gloomy
8. Im so sad
Respon kesedihan:

Ekspresi Saat Sedang Berduka (Condolences) :
1. I am so sorry to hear about your loss.
2. I was heartbroken by this sad news.
3. I will never forget when he/she
4. You were such a dedicated Im sorry, but I am at a loss for words. (If you
cant think of anything else to say or write.)
5. If you need anything, please ask
6. When you are feeling up to it, lets have coffee together.
7. Im here for you if you need anything.
8. Thanks for taking the time to let me know about
9. Please accept my/our sincere condolences.
10. I would like to express my sincere condolences on the death of Im sorry I
could not convey my condolences in person.
Ekspresi untuk Memberikan Motivasi Bagi Orang yang Sedang Bersedih :
1.Good luck!
2.Good luck on your test!
3.You can do it!
4.Do your best!
5.Do the best you can!
6.Work hard!
7.Keep up the good work!
8.Youre coming along well

9.Keep up the good work

10.Thats a good work
11.Thats real improvement
12.Youre on the right lines
13.Keep going
14.Come on, you can do it
15.Give it your best shot

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