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Android build
- Download original android source code ( Marshmallow 6.0.0_r1 ) from http://s
- Untar opensource packages of LGH502F_M_android.tar.gz into downloaded androi
d source directory
a) tar -xvzf LGH502F_M_android.tar.gz
- And, merge the source into the android source code
- Run following scripts to build android
a) source build/
b) lunch aosp_hammerhead-userdebug
c) make -j4
- When you compile the android source code, you have to add google original pr
ebuilt source(toolchain) into the android directory.
- After build, you can find output at out/target/product/hammerhead
2. Kernel Build
- Uncompress using following command at the android directory
tar xvzf LGH502F_M_kernel.tar.gz
- When you compile the kernel source code, you have to add google original pre
built source(toolchain) into the android directory.
- Run following scripts to build kernel
a) cd kernel
b) export ARCH=arm
c) export TARGET_PRODUCT=my90ds_global_com
d) export CROSS_COMPILE=../prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8/bin/
arm-eabie) make my90ds_global_com_defconfig
f) make zImage -j4
* "-j4" : The number, 4, is the number of multiple jobs to be invoked si
- After build, you can find the build image(zImage) at arch/arm/boot/
3. In case of Browser.apk source code of "android\vendor\latge\apps\prebuilts\In
ternet\UI4_2\LGInternet" path,
you can find the open source code of LGBrowser.apk at http://opensource.lge.c
om site.
Please refer to the README.txt file of "android\vendor\lge\apps\prebuilts\Int
ernet\UI4_2\LGInternet" path

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