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Often this pain is plantar, beneath the metatarsal heads, and arises
from either mechanical or iatrogenic causes.
Papaer se centra en metatarsalgia central
Metatarsalgia primaria: sintomas derivados de anormalidades en la
anatomia , con sobrecarga de los metatarsianos. Sintomas en 3 rocker
con meta largo, hv . En 2 rocker con meta flectado a plantar
Metatrsalgia secundaria: trauma, inflamatorias, gota, artrosis,
neuroma morton, sd tunel tarsito, Freiberga,atrofia grasa planatar
Metatarsalgia iatrogenica: osteotomia o reseccion de cabezas, no

Khalafi et al.33 evaluated plantar pressure changes associated with

Weil osteotomy of the second metatarsal neck. They were observed an
average decrease in pressure beneath the second metatarsal from
70.6 to 45.1 kPa in neutral and 813.0 to 281.4 kPa in heel rise,
representing statistically signifi- cant decreases of 36% and 65%,
respectively. The authors concluded that the Weil osteotomy effectively
offloads the second metatarsal head at neutral and heel rise positions.

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