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Busca dos noticias que te llamen la atencin sobre la FP, pueden ser las mismas que
destacaste en la Te propongo un reto Realiza un trabajo en ingls sobre estas dos
noticias, bsicamente se trata de hacer un resumen y dar tu opinin.
Despite their efforts, Spain fails to make the grade in vocational training, learning
mode here has not achieved the prestige and the degree of employability has in other
European countries such as Germany or Switzerland.
The economic crisis has led, yes, because the number of students enrolled almost
doubled during these years of recession. The 462,492 who were in 2007/2008 have
become 793,034 in 2014/2015. Six in 10 of those registered is above the theoretical age
would correspond to these studies.
Today most students are unemployed looking for a solution to the terrible problem
faced by many people in Spain. Some years ago, during the boom, most of the students
left vocational training to start a job, in this way they could earn a salary and they could
buy their whims. This is the reason why these students return to school to increase the
likelihood of finding a job.
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports has awarded the second prize to the
project 'Eco-Marxa' IES La Marxadella of Torrent in the Awards for Quality and Innovation in
Guidance and Vocational Training in 2014, in the category of Quality and Innovation
Vocational education System.
The project involved the design and manufacture of a low-power vehicle coal fiber,
with the participation, since 2007, students and teachers automotive department of the
school. A project that has been carried out in order to study alternative energy sources and
their application in vehicles.
Vocational training develop skills theoretical and practise, and made ready their
pupils in that things that demand the companies.
The degrees of Vocational training make easy and stimulate the International
mobility of students and workers so preparate them for the requirement of the information
and knowledge society.
This news is a example for see the hight preparation that pupils of Vocational
Training are getting, in this way they incorporated into the labour world.

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