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Reiser + Umemoto ATLAS OF NOVEL TECTONICS rhitecrarl Press, New Yor ‘The Judo of Cold Combustion Sanford Koviter “The story of guncotton has for years payed the role of founding Mhfor Reser» Umemoto. Central tothe istry of propulsion ‘ted tony to madera balistis but to ocketry and exo vate, poeatton was the produto famous acide. After “ling his tempt to dissolve a wad of cotton in a mixture erate and sulfuric acids, Cerman chemist named Christian {edi Seinbein placed the sodden hump of threads to dry om Fishot stove and went homie for supper With no further need of ‘Nouragement, the ret mysteries of chemisty and matter st Ghovt ted ther work oor Sehonbrin never saw hislaboratny ‘ain but the world had guncotton, We night 2a that guncotton wa the type oinwention that math: eerie own necessity. inanguratng the world of vrial propulsion, SSS tome, emote warfare, and soon Buti keeping wth the ser Uinemots poston ix best nt to bury novelty oo deephy rahe murky mysticism of invention” butt tis affirmatively set roduc oft spontaneous or delberate—migraton. The gation tam ecferting to ere isthe migration of what current ‘ilosophical parlance eal the diagram. Butwhat exact after al ee dpram? The diagram ian invisible matrix, set of insta tlons, tat underkes and most importantly, oganizes—the tone thn of estaresin any material consiroct. The diagram the Servi of potential that es atone active and stored within an ‘joo an vironment or in ever apgregat or scion of thee). tndeuermines which feautes (affects) are expressed and which ate tee iin shor the motor of matt the ods that conta swt ites iser + Uneroto operates tess ike architects and much morelike Rost} engincers, profound identification wit the invention of

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