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Chief guest, Direcorate, Principle, Deputy Principles, Heads of

Department,parents, teachers and nangas and mallas.

I take great pride, in welcoming you all to the 21st Annual Awards Day.
Tonight we are here to celebrate greatness.
To my humbling teachers: last year,each of you, planted seeds. Over the
course of this last year, you have seen them grow, and tonight you shall see
them blosom. I do believe that I am speaking for every student here, when i
say that we are all humbled beyond words for the guiding hand you have
given us.
Intelligence and ambition are a deadly combination in a world so richly
adapting to itself. It has rightfully been said that "Intelligence without
Ambition is a bird without wings." It thrills me no bounds, to realise that all of
you,n'est pas de rasion, deliberately set out to learn over the course of the
last year- although, for the great many of you, it has been probably for more
than an year. You have invested in yourselves, and thats where it all starts.
You have developed a hunger for learning and for perfecting. You have grown
a muscle for concentration. All of this in the midst while engaging in a lively
student community; you truely are the world changers. Hackeneyed as it may
be, you all have put sweat and tears,and blood in the glory of the award you
will recieve today. Congratulations to all of you! You have brought pride on
yourselves, your family, but most importantly on your alma mater!
So to all of the award Winners, this is your night. Savour it. But when the
night is done, and dawn comes crawling out, return to your towers and wear
your wings.
Take Flight.
Thank you!

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